Report Abuse!!!

Report Abuse - this is just a magnify glass look over a paper nice look looking but :) Great example of a search Icon or a report Icon. :) thumbs up
@payout (3794)
United States
February 2, 2011 11:24pm CST
[!] [!] [!] [!] [!] [!] [!] Wow I think this is Funny/ I cant believe I never notice this before. Mylot allows us to Report Abuse on ourselves haha. Im Sure everyone of us has seen the report button plus and minus button on each responses discussion or comment n Picture n Etc. Here is an Example [+]
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6 responses
@Suggar (3606)
• Bulgaria
3 Feb 11
Yes, we got chance to report ourselves, which is not too bad I used that option two times when i asked my discussions to be removed of some wrong section where i posted them by mistake. I think that's the one way we can connect with Alex without adding him for a friend, during he fix our problem, so that's useful option for me. Sooner or later, if i need to report myself, everything will be on it's place when admin comes online.
@payout (3794)
• United States
3 Feb 11
Hey Suggar, yeah that is a smart I dea I guess I will take it into consideration and Add the Admin as a Friend and if I need something to be removed I will ask or report it and get it remove with no problems and without getting my account suspended
@payout (3794)
• United States
5 Feb 11
OH ? thats just crazy but I guess thats understandable haha
@Suggar (3606)
• Bulgaria
3 Feb 11
I had to add the admin once, but after fixing my problem, he deleted me from his friends. I think he does that all the time, because in other way his friend list will be filled with people all the time - new and new Report is the best working way for me.
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@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
3 Feb 11
You can use the "!" button if you accidentally posted same response twice. You just have to specify why your pressing the "!" button.
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@payout (3794)
• United States
3 Feb 11
Hey Ybong007, wow really I didn't know that haha I thought it was for like oh I should of never wrote that or It was something that was noticeable at the time and Mylot just never notice it yet haha. But thanks I didnt think that was just for that lol .
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@payout (3794)
• United States
3 Feb 11
Well thanks because Now I know what to do if I post the same thing more then once haha.. Because I will be a Lost Dog if I didnt know I could of done that. But, Mylot never said anything they just took one of them off not both right ?
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@cream97 (29087)
• United States
23 Feb 11
Hi, payout. Seriously? You have got to be kidding me. I thought that this button was only made to report another member. I guess I can see how we could end up rating our own self. It does have a button where I can report myself. I will make sure that I don't hit this button by accident!
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@payout (3794)
• United States
23 Feb 11
Hey Cream, p Yeah I was told that the report button was only there not to report ourselves but to report that we accidently post a discussion, responses, comment photo, or what ever twice and so we wont get in trouble and the admin can delete it. Everyone is happy in the end haha. Smart idea for the admin to come up with that haha
@BlueGoblin (1829)
• United States
6 Feb 11
I have yet to use the report button on another member. I haven't seen any reason to do so. Most people here are very friendly. I don't think I will start reporting myself either. Why would I do that ? lol
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@payout (3794)
• United States
6 Feb 11
Hey BlueGoblin, Yeah I haven't yet either well probably one time when a picture just happen to be too much. Other then that I just stay relax and enjoy myself and rarely will I find a mylot member just go all out and break the rules in a crazy way for me or anyone to really just report them lol
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@topffer (42156)
• France
3 Feb 11
I have accidentally posted twice the same discussion, so I immediately reported the abuse. What was bad is that both discussions -- it was the same -- had responders, and indeed the second one was deleted. I also posted twice the same comment and reported it... So it is possible. However you can't rate yourself .
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@payout (3794)
• United States
3 Feb 11
Oh okay. Thats good that they have it then because I myself have post the same thing twice but I was unsure what to do but now I know what to do now haha. So I wont lose earnings and participation post number like that Thanks by the way haha. I guess this discussion was point less haha
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@topffer (42156)
• France
3 Feb 11
I had the same reaction that you have, since I realized that this feature was useful. This discussion is useful for all the members. Everybody can be in the same situation : I did not imagine that I could someday post twice the same discussion... until it happened .
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• India
3 Feb 11
@topffer thanks for the information.. I also have posted the same things twice like payout.. but there was no option to delete anything by my own.. now I got the the idea of abusing myself
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• India
3 Feb 11
Haha ofcourse we can report ourselves abuse. But that has got a different purpose actually. Whenever you commit any mistake or you think the discussion is not appropriate to what you have posted or for any reason you want to delete your response or comment you should press abuse button. That informs mylot admins that you posted it by mistake and you want them to remove. Try it with one of your response.
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@payout (3794)
• United States
3 Feb 11
Yup Dentdungrani, I just found that out yesterday haha. It comes in handy knowing that so many people make mistakes on here . It is a true smart man Idea haha. Im happy to know that I can do that with out getting suspended or anything. :)