Obama Gave UK Nuke Secrets to Russia as Barter for Treaty
By AnjaP
@Rollo1 (16679)
Boston, Massachusetts
February 4, 2011 7:13pm CST
The Telegraph has revealed that our President has sold one of our allies down the river in treaty negotiations with Russia.
"Information about every Trident missile the US supplies to Britain will be given to Russia as part of an arms control deal signed by President Barack Obama next week."
Giving Russia sensitive information on Britain's nuclear arsenal was key to getting Russia agreement on Obama's START treaty.
"Details of the behind-the-scenes talks are contained in more than 1,400 US embassy cables published to date by the Telegraph, including almost 800 sent from the London Embassy..."
1. Will the mainstream media in the US even report on this?
2. Is the betrayal of one of our allies part of how Obama is improving the image of America throughout the world?
No wonder he sent the bust of Winston Churchill back. Maybe even Obama had the good sense to have felt ashamed betraying our long-time allies in front of Churchill.
If he's betrayed the UK this way, what sensitive information about the US do you suppose he's given up in pursuit of the one-sided and ruinous START treaty?
Can we impeach him now?
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7 responses
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
5 Feb 11
I haven't heard much on this. I'm interested to know what our UK friends think of it all.
As far as I know, at least around here, most UK posters seem to be very pro Obama. (Ins and outs of policies aren't discussed at such great length, obviously, but they seem to like the "man.")
For me, "diplomacy" is just another empty word. If you have to do something for someone, thus screwing someone else over, simply so you can gain favorable ground, then it's not worth anything.
Like I've said in response to all the Obama supporters shouting about "foreigners like us now!" - if what people outside of the US needed to like us was a president thinking more like them than like most Americans, HATE US!
If that's what someone needs in order to like the USA, they can suck it.
But that's all moot.
Can we impeach?
Obama will never be impeached. He has more power than any one person should. There's far too many folks on his side with too large a platform. No one can put the brakes on the spin. And I'll go on record right here saying that Obama will win again in 2012 and I won't be the least bit shocked about it.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
5 Feb 11
"I haven't heard much on this". There's the answer to one of my questions, will the media report? The answer is no. I searched the web. There is only the report in The Telegraph and one in the Daily Mail - not even all the UK media is covering it. Since it's from Wikileaks, you'd think they'd love it, all the anarchists do. The problem is that they love Obama more, no matter what he does, no matter where he goes, even if he returns the bust of Winston Churchill and gives up their nuclear secrets.
This START treaty screws us as much as we've now screwed the Brits. The only winner in this treaty is Russia. They have nothing to lose and everything to gain. The Strategic Reduction part reduces the Arms to the amounts the Russians already (they claim) have. We're the only ones who have to Reduce. They don't have to do anything, we disarm and give them the UK nuclear secrets. Why wouldn't they sign such a thing?
I fear that Obama will be re-elected, too. He isn't done destroying us yet - he needs another four years. The truth is the only thing that can hurt him and he's got the entire media paying defense for him.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
5 Feb 11
This is all part of his vision. Unfortunately, it is a vision he got from his friends, the former 60s radicals, the marxist professors he admired so much in college, and his marxist father he is still trying to please. It's a vision that is destructive to America, but everyone is still so in love with the man, that they can't see the logical results of his vision. And the beat goes on...
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
5 Feb 11
I still keep in contact with family and friends in the UK and Germany and when Obama first became president they were for the most part really enthusiastic about Obama. Now they have changed their minds and Obama has now managed to make himself the butt of jokes and the United States the laughing stock of the entire world. No longer is the USA one of the most powerful and respected countries in the world. This incident is typical of Obama's betrayal of our country and how we appear in the eyes of our allies.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
5 Feb 11
I hope they do impeach him, but there are too many Obama worshippers who believe that if a part black man or woman is in authority he or she can do no wrong. If that is not racism what is? Of course there is the matter of his birth certificate and that he ordered all this records sealed that might help get him charged. That really upsets me that this example of discrimination goes on.
I really hate he allowed Russia to get this information about Britain's nuclear arsenal. So what happens when Russia goes back to be our enemy? It happened at the end of World War II? What makes you think it will not happen now.
I sure hope that those from the United Kingdom here, that those who have some political influence would tell their government and the word gets down to the people. Then there will be less Obama worshippers.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
8 Feb 11
What Obama is doing is making America weaker and make her enemies stronger. He is trying to reduce America's position in the world and as a Canadian who would love to visit America in the future more often, I have a vested interested in having America as a strong neighbor. And think what happens if there is a war, and the American military whose military men soldiers, etc are not paid enough, do not have the weaponry needed to fight back. The fall out from an atomic or hydrogen bomb dropped by its enemies will be wafted over the northern border. And that would mean a risk of deformed babies for those women who can get pregnant and an increased risk of cancer and other problems to the rest of us.
So by signing the treaty, Obama has put us all in danger. And of course, the Russian government is still hostile even if it hides its intentions.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
5 Feb 11
With Putin virutally in charge, Russia never stopped being our enemy. Putin is the former head of the KGB and a thug doesn't stop being a thug. He is just biding his time and working behind the scenes, although lately, the secret police tactics in politics has reared its ugly head again.
We have no right to compromise another nation's security, it's really as simple as that. This is a betrayal of an ally. Obama is trying to change the alliances in the world.
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
7 Feb 11
Answers to your questions.
1. No, or at least they'll bury it, if not outright spike it.
2. HE may think so, though I doubt it. This is the most clueless president in our history! I was so embarrassed when he sent Winnie's bust back, Why the hell would anyone do that? Has anyone ever printed what the Brits thought of it? Or is it simply not printable?
3. No.
4. I'd rather he were arrested, as impeachment is only for legal presidents, which, being a dual citizen, he is not, plus if he were arrested & not mere;y impeached, ALL of his laws & programs & czars would automatically become void.
If that happens, I'll throw a party!
“The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep & bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.” ~ Thomas Jefferson
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
7 Feb 11
I haven't seen one media outlet mention it. But I wonder if those who support Obama would really care if they knew. There is no chance that they would criticize him no matter what he did. At least the very far left criticizes him when they feel he isn't living up to their radical agenda. But the majority of Democrats in the middle who still blindly support him have no specific agenda other than supporting whatever he says on any given day.
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
8 Feb 11
tell me about it!
"Flush twice; it's a long way to Washington." ~ Source unknown

@snbutterfly (259)
• United States
5 Feb 11
Isn't it sad? I wish they would impeach him for it. Obama doesn't care for our allies because our allies are allies with Israel.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
5 Feb 11
I think that he desired to have history declare that he ushered in peace, love and understanding by reducing nuclear arms. He didn't seem to notice that this treaty only reduces OUR arms and not those of Russia, who is regularly supplying the less stable countries in the world with arms that they can use when they attack peaceful people.
He wanted this treaty enough to betray an ally.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
5 Feb 11
I wish we could impeach him and throw him out of office!! But look, Clinton sold the Chinese our nuclear secrets and even though he was impeached for perjury he stayed in office. It won't be easy to get rid of Obama. Clinton committed treason and Obama has several times (in my mind) in these last two years. Don't we have any elected officials with the testicular fortitude to stand up for our country and nail this guy?! I guess not.
The START treaty does nothing good for the U.S. It puts a lot of conditions on us and compromises our national security while giving the advantage to Russia, at least that's what I've read. That's treasonous right there, never mind the secrets!
I can't wait for 2012. The good news is that Herman Cain might run--nobody can be accused of racism when race is taken off the table. I truly admire Mr. Cain and think that he could actually have a chance to save this country if we let him. I actually donated to him, something I've never done for any political candidate.
Sorry, I didn't mean this to turn into a candidate endorsement. But we may have some great choices in 2012!

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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
5 Feb 11
Even today, few people realize that Clinton sold satellite technology to the Chinese or that the Clinton campaign took donations from Chinese nationalists. Somehow, these crimes by Democrats get swept under the media's rug.
I agree that the START treaty is a huge mistake and a complete selling out of our security.
I like what I know of Herman Cain. His biggest drawback is that he has never held elected office. The biggest factor in his favor is that Americans are looking for someone with private sector business experience, of which he has much and has been very successful. The race factor will be brought up if he runs, they will say that the Republicans are only running him because he is black, and suddenly it will be alright for the liberal media to bring up race in every discussion of him. Their rules only apply when they are accusing others.
I think Obama has committed impeachable offenses. The truth is, if you follow the Constitution exactly, most presidents do within hours of taking office, simply because the Executive branch powers have been extended far beyond what was meant. However,Obama outdoes them all in this area.
If Obama's aim is not to destroy America, then he's doing a terrible job. However, I think that is his goal and if so, he's doing a bang-up job of it.
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