How long does it take for you to calm your temper?

February 6, 2011 11:33am CST
I recently got into an argument. Well, not really an argument since I stopped speaking after I realized many nasty comments were about to burst out from my mouth. One thing for sure, it comes to a point when I cannot talk to a person until my nerves have calmed. Otherwise I fear that some things might be said--some true, some too emotional--that I'll regret later. The problem with that approach is that it takes me a while to calm down. The longest I have been angry at one person was months. Just stopped talking to a friend because she accused me I had a thing for her crush. Yep got that right that was in high school. Figured there was no use talking to her if she thought I would even dare to think about it. Today, I'm seething. Fuming. What type of an angry person are you? The one that blows up or the one that becomes silent. Each one has a positive and negative side.
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19 responses
• Philippines
6 Feb 11
I usually am the quiet, but often physical type. I tend to move away from arguments and on with the beating. It's hard to change old habits, I was like that since I was little. But I'm trying to change all that because getting into a fist fight won't get you anywhere. I've learned that time and again but never seem to have made anything out of it. I'm working on it though and everything seems to be working out fine.
• Philippines
7 Feb 11
You really sound like my nephew on the silent part. Except he's four years old, looks composed but bites real hard if his temper breaks. We're really talking to him about that. Thanks for sharing that can be changed.
• Philippines
7 Feb 11
And you sound like my ex for pointing that out. She used to always say that I'm like a kid. I hate hearing that that's why I'm trying to change.
@elena1969 (153)
7 Feb 11
It takes quite a lot to bring down my temper when i am angry,but i just listen to music,go out with some friends to the cinema or i exercise something in which you can let all that hate out.If i don't do anything i might say something rude to someone who has nothing to do with getting me angry.Look in your case you should stat speaking again because you don't know when you will need her help.
• Philippines
7 Feb 11
They all say that exercise is a nice way to vent excess hostility. Tae Bo? OR just plain jogging? And a very healthy alternative. Thank you for this advice.
@applefreak (3130)
• Singapore
7 Feb 11
i used to be one that blows up. that was when i was younger, and more quick tempered i guess. in recent years, i've mellowed and chosen the silent path. i started thinking about it when my previous partner pointed it out to me. he told me that words said in anger is hurtful. the anger may pass but the hurt remains, like a scar that never heals. i gave it much thought over the years and realised how true it is. i try not to say anything when i become angry because i don't want to hurt the ones i love. it's not easy but with practice, i become better.
• Philippines
7 Feb 11
I do hope that I'll mellow down too. The road to maturity sucks.
• Philippines
7 Feb 11
I'm a type of guy who is short temper hahahaha.... but I alway's remember that if i fallow my emotion I'm not a nice guy so that less temper is much better to be a good guy..
• Philippines
7 Feb 11
Yep I know what it feels to believe you're a nice person and then find out you can be also mean sometimes.
• Philippines
7 Feb 11
I easily get mad and has a quick emotional outburst. I easily loose my temper and sometimes it lasts longer. However, i realize the situation and thinking of calming down to relax my mind and to think clearly.
• Philippines
7 Feb 11
Eventually the blood rush settles down. I just hope I did not leave anybody hurt out there when I can't think clearly.
• Portugal
7 Feb 11
Am not the type of person that can stay to long angry with a person... I just dont think it is worth my time getting angry, besides we only live once so might aswell enjoy with happy smile in my face.. And when I do get angry (rare) I always say to myself "Happiness is a choice" and its true, we decide how to feel... You can have the worst problem in the entire world but you can have control of your emotions and decide if you get angry or just be happy :D. When you get angry, just say to yourself "Happiness is a choice" and try to smile and move on.. God Bless Take care
• Philippines
7 Feb 11
It really does take a lot to have control. I really salute you for your attitude. Someday maybe?
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
7 Feb 11
it would usually be at around 15 minutes or more... if i really lose my temper if o one is to talk to me where i can actuall relay my povs and relay my true feelings about the incident, it could take a bit longer because my thoughts would be overshadowed by my anger.
• Philippines
7 Feb 11
Yes our judgment can get clouded when our fight-or-flight instincts are kicking in.
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
6 Feb 11
I'm generally even tempered but when I do get angry its kind of explosive so I prefer to say my pace, and from there you'll get the silent treatment, because my temper is like a lepard hiding in the jungle once it leaps out its difficult to control I practice avoiding confrontation and keeping my mood steady dont get me wrong I do deal with issues but I prefer to discuss things in a calm manner and if the issue cant be discussed calmly I stay clear of the topic until it can be talked about without anger, as for what I do to calm myself when I get mad I leave the room or house until I'm calm.
• Philippines
7 Feb 11
I sometimes would want to just get out of the house but I end up locked up in my room instead.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
6 Feb 11
I can usually keep my temper under control. On those times when it gets the better of me, It usually does not take me long to turn things around. When i was younger, this often was not the case. Now as an adult, I see how important reactions and temper management can be.
• Philippines
7 Feb 11
I do hope there will come a time that I'll master my temper too. Right now though it sometimes take all I have.
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
6 Feb 11
When I think about it, I might have the same reaction too. Toward my friends, or my girlfriend. My blood might be boiling, and roaring the same time. But I can't explode it out or crash the furnitures anything like that. I just don't want my parents worry. So, I might have to close my eyes, and breath deeply. I just want to be silent and isolated from the outside world. That might calm myself down.
• Philippines
7 Feb 11
The fastest way for me to calm down is to stop speaking and just moving out of the sight of the person that irritates me. I just find it helpful that way, too.
• United States
6 Feb 11
I am not such angry type person as when something actually bothers me I am able to say what I have to say and although I may walk away, I may think about it for a bit but am one to know that I have done all I could and well not trying to torture myself with the matter as it really does me no good. I do like to speak my mind right away as this way later I won't dwell on the matter so much. I am a very positive type thinking person and although I am not perfect I do look at the lighter side of things.
• Philippines
7 Feb 11
That's the way I think too. Although my temper might get the best of me sometimes, when it's over, it's really over. That's why I don't like talking while angry. Some things are better said with a cool head.
• Philippines
7 Feb 11
I don't really want to be angry. Because when I am in that state, I tend to lose myself and indulge to non-sense conversation and it is very consuming. I had this very bad fight with an ex close friend over a broom, and it lasted us 5 months to be in speaking terms again. But there was a gap in us now. I am not saying that I did not forgive with that, maybe my pride does not want me to apologize first. I calm down so easily. I usually sleep and then what I am feeling fades away. Or just walk back and forth. That's the reason when I am very irritated, I usually walked out on that person and cool my head down.
• Pakistan
6 Feb 11
hmmmm.......i'm the type of person who wen angry usually prefers the silent treatment........tho if i'v been mad 4 a while i try n let my feelings out all of a sudden,tho thats rong.I admire how u wud rather stay silent than say somthing u'l regret=)I say stay silent if ur mad at som1,but if u'v been annoyed at that person 4 awhile tell them mite help solve ur prob if u let it out.....or if u can't trust urself wen ur angry w8 till l8r n tell the other person calmly wut they did rong.......
• Philippines
7 Feb 11
Hey there! Thanks for the advice. I do tend to distance myself too much. But I do seldom ignore the problem. I just need an "alone" time to process things. I see you're new in mylot too. Just a few months ago I was a bumbling newcomer too! Welcome to the mylot community! I do have one suggestion... If you want to earn as well as enjoy conversations here in mylot, I recommend you shift from text spelling to the proper (as much as possible) way of writing instead. That way you'll get more out of the conversations (earnings as well!).
• United States
7 Feb 11
It can go either way for me. Sometimes I'll just keep to myself while "raging" on the inside, just trying not to lash out. It depends on the situation though. Sometimes my boyfriend and I get into pretty intense yelling arguments. It never turns violent or anything's pretty difficult when you're dealing with some emotionally troubled teenagers. Anyway, if someone angers me enough, I will start throwing things (not usually breakable things...I just throw stuffed animals or whatever around to make a point that they need to step away from me, haha). It can vary on how long it takes for me to calm long as I'm left alone it doesn't usually take that long and I can be "OK" again, unless the topic that made me so irritated comes up again after I thought it was resolved. I can be "mad" at someone for days, months, etc...but I wouldn't call it "mad", more like having a grudge against someone.
@celticeagle (172519)
• Boise, Idaho
7 Feb 11
It depends on the circumstances. It takes anyone awhile to calm down. I am Irish so I do get mad, very mad and it usually lasts awhile. My grandson has an anger disorder and his PSR worker has taught him what is called The Turtle. You grasp yourself, count, verbalize on what is wrong. That does help. With my daughter, who is Bi-polar, she goes for a walk. Whatever works for the individual.
@rane247 (78)
• Philippines
7 Feb 11
I think it depends on the scenario but most of the time I consider myself as a vocally person when I'm mad because I really can't just let it pass without expressing my true feelings. I know when I get mad sometimes I told not good to hear words that really makes it more complicated. I just can't control it sometimes but after I expressed all my feelings it's already my time for reflection. And after that, I apologize and talk about the problem. Like last night, my boyfriend and I got into an argument and I burst first into anger then he talk to me calmly and said let's talk about it in a calmly don't let your nerves overpower you. I was realized then that I'm really going out of the way. I thank him for that for he is such a patient person. Have a nice day!
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
7 Feb 11
For me after a one hour and even after 24hours but Jehovah God said it must before 24hours.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
7 Feb 11
As soon as I can get away from the situation and cool off, I can cool down pretty quickly. Perhaps a couple of hours or maybe even more. Still I really do have to get away from the situation and it is going to be something that I need to really be away from to cool down. I think that the longer I am near a situation that really irritates me, the more likely my temper is going to reach its breaking point. I really don't think too much about a situation that makes me angry and can calm down rather quickly if I can get away with it. If I cannot get away with it really quickly, then that is not good, not good at all. Still I think that when I get really silent, like I am contemplating whether or not I can get away with strangling the person is worse the action raging yelling and screaming until red in the face and all of that.
• Philippines
7 Feb 11
hello cuckoosnest! I am a very patient person. However, when my temper do blow up, i can fire with razor-edge words that would definitely create wounds, deep enough to bleed-dry a weak-spirited mortal. I have been said to have that skill of aiming and hitting the target with my choice of words, bulls eye. That is why, when i feel that my temper is getting the better off me, i go for a walk and walk, until my head clears up. I easily mellow down when i don't see the person who caused the flare up of my temper. I can't stand not talking when i get angry. It would seem that i will burst with the intensity of my emotions. I am better off talking and expressing it out than keeping silent. I am more deadly when silent. I get physical when i am not able to express it in words. I once punch my male cousin straight in the face for calling me names. We had a scuffle but tomboyish as i was, i was more agile than him and he was not able to retaliate. I regretted hitting him because i broke a finger and broke his nose and a tooth too. anyway, i found out that i can be just as deadly with words as with my punch, lol. Nobody in my family and friends ever dared to call me names ever again, even up to now.