Nurses working without pay?

February 6, 2011 12:07pm CST
Today most of our new nurses are working without pay in the hospital nationwide... if you were the nurse, are you going to take this? I am one of those thousands nurses all over the country who were working with out pay for the experience and certification it offered. I did grab this opportunity rather than doing nothing at home. I find out that it was the greatest feeling to be able to work for the service of others. Everyday, I felt very excited going to the hospital, knowing that today I again can serve others with love and sacrifices to make them better and happy. I just don't know for how long can I feel this way, how long could I offer my service for free.
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1 response
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
6 Feb 11
Hi beautymom, I think it is great that you are willing to work for the service of others. Are you able to get a regular job in that field? It would be really nice if hospitals or other places that had that kind of setup would provide some kind of incentive for people to work as volunteers. There are many people who don't have jobs or don't have experience to be able to get good jobs and it seems if health care facilities would offer such things as room and board in exchange for the work inexperienced people could offer that more people would be willing to do it. If I had a choice, I would rather work for free if my living needs were taken care of than to work for pay and have to worry about how I was going to get by from month to month. Have a great day!
• Philippines
7 Feb 11
Thank you for your response, you have open up my thoughts about this matter further and make me realized things that i should have in mind.
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
7 Feb 11
No problem. Sometimes you just need a different perspective in order to realize that things aren't necessarily all bad. I hope things start working out for you soon!