Michele Obama has NO Right to Tell Us What We Can and Cannot Eat

United States
February 6, 2011 11:59pm CST
I don't know how I missed this one. She's been trying to tell restaurants how we feed our children? Hello? I can feed my kids what I want to. Trying to tell BUSINESS OWNERS to make their menus for kids smaller. I'm trying to gather all I can on this now and since it is the first I've heard of it I'm assuming there is more buried information. Since I can't copy and paste yet because MyLot won't let me paste the URL, please use Google to search for the reference if you haven't heard of what is going on. Do you think the first lady and the president should be telling you what you can and cannot eat at a restaurant or on your food table? I don't. Plus, after all of this take a look at the menu they had for the superbowl. Puhleeze! Hypocrite much?
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6 responses
@marguicha (225685)
• Chile
8 Feb 11
I´d love to have a link quoting exactly what your First Lady said. In my country many rastaurants have smaller menus for kids with lower prices. But, of course, that is an extra option, not an imposition. Many kids just cannot eat the amount that they are served but if it´s in their plate, they mange to mess it all up so that if really ends up being a "doggy" bag. When we went out with our girls when they were little, we ordered one dish for them asking for an empty extra dish. They could have their pick on what they wanted and we usually ended up with their leftovers. But we took them where we would all have fun, no matter what we ordered. So it was 3 menus for 2 grown ups and two children. And maybe a dessert with 4 spoons. I think it might be a good idea to ask restaurants to have that as an OPTION. That doesn´t go against any one´s liberty or freedom of choice but gives you still more choices. Anyone can take it or leave it.
• United States
8 Feb 11
Our restaurants do that as well, but they have things kids will eat on the menus. She wants to tell them what and how much to serve when it's none of her business. People don't know exactly what she said because she has been saying it behind closed doors, of course. And it does go against our liberty when the president and his wife (because that is all she is) tells people what to do whether they ask or not. It's NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS.
@marguicha (225685)
• Chile
8 Feb 11
I wouldn´t bother about what anyone says behind closed doors. That´s just hearsay and it doesn´t go against anyone´s liberty. She is just exercising her own freedom of speech at her house, I suppose. It´s different if a president tries to pass a law. I don´t know about your First Lady, but in my country First Ladies are solely decorative and are more into foundations of several kinds. It is different of course if the woman is the President as our last President was.
@angelic123 (1108)
• United States
7 Feb 11
Maybe she is just trying to help? She just wants to tackle the problem of obesity and the underlying health factors of it. But you are also right, parents should be the one to decide what would they feed their children. As long as they are healthy and not too much, eating foods you like is okay.
• United States
8 Feb 11
Seriously? These people are all about control. When they first started mouthing all about how to raise your kids during the election people should have seen it right now. Yeah, they've done such a great job with their own (NOT) It is NONE of their business. Period. They are total control freaks.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
7 Feb 11
If I go into a restaurant and pay a lot of money for a meal - that is, more than it would cost to make at home - I certainly expect to get a decent amount of it. The amount I pay, what I order and the portion sizes are between me and the restaurant. This is a business deal. The restaurant is not my parent or my doctor, they simply let me contract with them that I will pay them a certain amount of money for which they will supply me with a particular order of food. The restaurant is not my children's parent either. It's my job to decide what they can order and what they can't. Like most families, eating out is a treat for us. It isn't where we get most of our meals. They can eat sliced apples and broiled chicken at home. When they go out, they want juicy cheeseburgers, fries and ice cream. What's the point in going out if you can't have a treat? She needs to look to her own family's business and not to my family's business. It's become traditional for the first lady to have some sort of cause to champion, but it's all PR because the first lady is nobody. She's no more a part of the government than you or I. As such she has no more right to tell me what to do than I have to tell you what to do.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
7 Feb 11
When my kids were little, I took home at least half of their meal in a box and they had it for lunch the next day...Isn't that what everyone does? How else do you afford to take children out to eat today? The government does not have the right to do 90% of what they are doing. But the more they get away with, the more they do. When are we going to do something about it? I think we need some more of the 60's attitude. We need more peaceful marches, more sitins, more sitdown strikes, more work stoppages. We need to bring the government-the oil companies-the mortgage companies-the banks and whoever else is messing with us to their knees. It is our country~our money~and our constitution.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
10 Feb 11
The biggest issue I have with the food Nazis is that they really don't know what the hell they're talking about in most instances, or they're extremely misleading. I appreciate the message from someone like Michelle Obama - eating healthier, exercising, etc; it's all good. But salt being bad for you is mostly a myth, unless you already have a predisposition to salt. How do I know? Well, I'll take the Food Network's Alton Brown's word for it before some politician's or advocate's. Prove him wrong with actually evidence, then I'll listen. Also, the idea that ingredients used in "fast food"--which are present in many, many types of food--are somehow also "bad" is just ridiculous. How do I know? Well, I'm only the lead writer for Weightlossforall.com - not that that means anything, of course. It's only the third-most visited weight-loss site on the web. We've evolved with salt as so much a part of our lives that salt is one of the few "flavors" our tongues are even able to detect. The nose does most of the work. Fats and carbs (in any form) are substances our bodies both need and can handle. It's the fault of the EATER, not the food being ate. You don't get around this by 1: bashing food and 2: trying to limit what people eat. And you definitely don't hike prices on people already suffering to fill some BS agenda! I'll defer to John Stossel here, when he said the best thing the government can do is get out of the way. If "healthy" food prices could rival fast food prices, more people would eat healthy. Instead, we're being sold on the LIE of organics to pay outrageous prices, and corn is going up causing everything to go up. So if the government does more, which it wants to do more, they're actually going to drive more people to fast food restaurants!! What they ate at the Super Bowl says it all - it's NOT the food! And science on food isn't like global warming, ffs! There's only the truth, no spin allowed. Eat in moderation, especially the junk, you'll be fine. Exercise and lead an active lifestyle to help you lead a healthy life. WTF beyond this can government do... well, besides getting out of the way and having a negative effect on the marketplace.
@jujunme (2501)
• United States
7 Feb 11
That is outrageous to say the least.no one should have the right to tell us what or how much we should feed our children or ourselves for that matter.not even the President or his wife. What's next?the Obamas coming into our homes and throwing out any food they might think is unhealthy? I believe the first lady is overstapping her bounds and letting the fact that she's the presidents wife go to her head where she is now dictating what and how much food our children should eat.Unbelievable!