family relationship

United States
February 7, 2011 12:38pm CST
I just wanted to know if I am wrong. I believe I have a pretty normal family life with my parents, sisters, and brothers. I am grown and we all have kids. My daughter graducated from high school last week. Me, my son, my daughters father, and his daughter attended and it was lovely. My parents and sisters and brothers live out of state. They all live in one state except for one. My sister is graducating from law school in may. My father a 2nd aunt and others plan on attending. I am so angry. No one has attended anything Me and my kids have. No first grade, High school, I even graducated from college. No one came when I gave birth to my two kids. My parent were there for my sibblings. I am angry but also sad. I guess they just don't like me enough. I am not going to anyones events again because I don't think it is right. I want to go to my sis graduating but I am not because she never came to something for me and my kids. Am I wrong.?
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13 responses
• Romania
7 Feb 11
Dear vwilliams55, First of all, nothing you do is wrong, when you feel good and loving about doing it. Love and happiness are feelings that should act as a barometer for your actions. If you don't feel them, or worse, you feel bad or guilty or resentful, than that's not the best way for you. Try to find in your heart what you really want and don't let the thoughts of anger or jealousy dominate you in your decision. You will see, as i did every time, that a decision taken with your heart open will open the hearts of others too. Your good feelings will make them change their attitude about them. I wish you good luck and many happy reunions with your loved ones!
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• United States
7 Feb 11
You said that your parents and siblings all live in the same state except for one of your siblings and yourself. Could this be the reason that they are going to events for your other family members and not going to any for you and your children? Perhaps the travel to a different state is too much for them either financially or physically or both? It does not seem fair, but it might only be that they cannot travel (or cannot afford to travel) the distance it would take to go to these events. On the other hand, I would think that at least the birth of your children would be enough of a motivation due to the importance of the event to arrange such travel, even if it would be a financial hardship.
• United States
7 Feb 11
Thank you for responding. I went out of my way to go to their events. When I graduated from college they did not come. Now my sis is graduating and they are traveling to go to hers. I know they can go where they want. It still hurts.
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• United States
7 Feb 11
I am very sorry that this is happening, and it definitely is a hurtful situation, especially when they are traveling to watch your sister graduate and did not do the same for you. If they could not travel for whatever reason, then it might still be hurtful, but it would be more understandable at least. Have you tried talking to them about their actions? Have you told them that it hurts your feeling when they show up for the events of everyone else and do not show up to yours? Have you told them that you go out of your way to travel to their events and that you feel it is only fair that they do the same for you? I do not know what their reasoning is, but maybe talking to them would help. It might not resolve the situation, but it might at least give you some insight on what is going on in their minds.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
8 Feb 11
Oh how terribly upsetting! I would HAVE to talk to them about that - the fact that they did not come to your college graduation but have made plans and will attend your sister's. I do not feel that is right, and there really isn't any reason or excuse good enough. I do not understand a parent's inability to come and support their child at any graduation ceremony, high school or college, or grad school, at a marriage if they ask you to be there, and at the birth of a child if they ask you to be there. I am a parent, I cannot IMAGINE missing one of those things, especially if my child WANTED ME TO BE PRESENT. I do want to caution you - based on their behavior thus far, I think I would probably put my energy elsewhere. I would stop attending their things out of obligation to family and only go if it was going to benefit me and my family. If it was a huge hassle for me and my family, I would not go, or if I had something else planned that was more fun. YOu can't spend all your time just doing stuff because you think you should. That is such a sad waste of your life... and even more so when it seems they don't find spending their time on you to be a valuable use of their time
@Cherish14 (2693)
• Philippines
7 Feb 11
hi there. i don't think it is good to also do the same thing to them because if something happens they will just throw it back to you. just do what you have to do, do what you think is right and remember it is always nice to have a clean and clear conscience about it. i know i sound like i know a lot, i am 24, but i have felt the same way as you are now. every Christmas we have gift giving, my brothers would get nice new branded shoes, same as my other two sister, dresses stuffs etc. guess what i get? i got hair clips. lol i know its funny but i still appreciate it. i feel bad sometimes especially that i was physically and emotionally abused when i was small up to when i got in to 1st year in college. my other siblings get to have their cellphones when they want one, they have replaced it a lot of times already but for me, honestly, they haven't bought any. all my stuffs are from my own hard work. but still, i know we can sometimes be weak, like now as i am typing this, i get emotional here, but everything is going to be okay. it is not always the material things. my mom wasnt there too when i graduated from grade school, i did not have any of my parents in Highschool, just my teacher who stood as my godparent :( it is sad but it is okay. i understand i have a big family, the attention cant be divided equally. it is okay. we can get through this, it can make us stronger in a good way and no matter what, we still love our family very much. we love them very very much and so i try to open my mind always as wide as i can :) hope you are okay, dont be angry anymore :) oh and congratulations to you and your daughter :) Happy MyLotting :)
• United States
7 Feb 11
Thank you very much. You are young, but very mature for your age and You have learned alot. I do love my family and I do cry when I then of how my kids don't have them to attend their functions. I admit although I am sad and angry. I will try to work on the anger. It won't be easy but I have to try. Thanks again. She will be going away to college.
@raj7shot (838)
• India
7 Feb 11
Its not good.If they are not coming means u will not go.Then what is the difference between you and them. Keep going to their function.find what is the problem and try to rectify it. Never loose your confidence.One day they will understand you.
• United States
7 Feb 11
Thank you. I still went to most of their events and I still want to go. That is the difference if I continue to go.
@raj7shot (838)
• India
7 Feb 11
Good and thanks for your response on my comment.
• India
8 Feb 11
ya you dont expect others you do what you have to do
• Indonesia
8 Feb 11
hi dear.. you are absolutely not wrong, maybe there are some missunderstanding between you and your entire family, i can't guess what it is, but maybe you can solve this by talking each other face to face with all of your family just tell me what are you feel and see how they response you.. remember communication is the best way to solve most everything relationship problem hope everythings gonna be OK! happy mlyotting!!
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
8 Feb 11
Think back and keep track of specific occasions or dates so when they try to claim it isn't true, you have proof that they either blew you off or didn't attend, or both. People often will try to cover their butt just because they don't want you to make them feel bad. If they really have avoided you in the past, make them feel bad lol. They probably deserve it for not being open and honest with you from the start. I know they are your family but it doesn't mean family has the right to be disrespectful. Stand firm, don't cry, YOU did nothing wrong.
• United States
8 Feb 11
Thank you for seeing my point. I am kind of afraid of talking to them about this because they are going to say thats not true, bu communication is the best way. Maybe I can find out why. Plus I think I will cry before I can ask. I will see what happens. Thanks
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• United States
8 Feb 11
My parents don't travel really. The only time mom came was when I had my children and it wasn't normally till weeks or months after they were born. The last one my husband and I traveled with him so she could meet him when he was 2 months old. She's not sickly or anything, she's probably in better health than most people. She doesn't really call me unless I call first. I know she calls one of my sisters but the rest of us she really doesnt' make the effort or so it seems. I call my children regularly. I try to get to all my childrens milestones and the grandkids now but my parents don't make the events. Granted they are in another state far away and It was I that moved but still... Be there for special things like that. It means the world. I totally understand where you are coming from.
• United States
8 Feb 11
Yes you do understand. I don't mind the family going to each others events and I like going, but its just not right. Even when my kid are grown I plan to go to everything I can. Certain things only happen once.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
8 Feb 11
This is one of those things that gets to most people, even a saint. Nothing bothers someone more than unequal attention, and this is a perfect example. I hear all the time people who get upset their parents pay more attention to their sister or brother's kids, or their in-laws spend more time with other grandkids, etc. Perhaps it has to do with the cost of traveling? Have you always extended an open invitation to your extended family, or specifically invited them? I do think it's kind of lousy that they did not come when you gave birth to your kids - if you wanted them there of course. I also feel it's a little odd that they were not interested in attending your daughter's graduation but alas, some extended family just doesn't do stuff like that. Quite honestly, my extended family who lives out of state did not come here for anything special, but I didn't ask them to, I know the cost of flying lol. Now I would be SUPER irritated if everybody lived in the same area, say 20 min apart, and they were forever and always attending THEIR stuff and blowing you off. I would most certainly say something about it in the hopes of confronting and embarrassing them - or at least getting a reason WHY. By the way, if you'd like to attend your sister's graduation, call her up, explain how you feel. Maybe she'll have a good reason for never attending your functions and the two of you can talk it out and clear the air.
@jennyze (7027)
• Indonesia
8 Feb 11
Something like this happens. I understand your feeling when you are expecting them to come on an important event but they did not. I think now you do not have to go to all of the events they have, unless they are really important event like marriage, new baby celebration, etc. I am almost never invited by my cousins to any important events they hold.
• Philippines
8 Feb 11
if you feel like your an alien to them DONT GO but if you see yourself art of the family then DO GO, and then ask them why they are like that not attending to much attention of your important events in life? maybe you'll know hwy and that all grudges are answered
• Philippines
8 Feb 11
You are angry and sad because they were never present on all your important occasions and envious of your siblings.A normal reaction but have you tried talking to them or invited them on you daughter's graduation day?Sometimes it just take an open communication for both ends.They are still your family and nothing can change that.Don't hold grudges, it will only make your life miserable. Show up on your sis' graduation day, show them that you are happy to see them and soon everything will turn out right. :)
• India
8 Feb 11
ya you dont get do what you have to do.they itself will start realize their mistake.
• India
8 Feb 11
hey i think what u did is dont expect others to do you just do what you have to do
• Philippines
25 Nov 11
It's not good to do the same thing!!! They may have reasons why they were not able to attend to any functions or events that you had, not because they have favoritism nor they don't love you!!!Why not reverse the situation, try to reach them... i mean why not you try to do the some actions so as to show them how important they are to you,in that way they may also do the same!!! Open you're mind, don't entertain the negative thoughts about your family, A family will always be a family no matter what!!!