Proof that God Doesn't Exist
By Christoph56
@Christoph56 (1504)
February 7, 2011 2:15pm CST
We've found that the universe didn't need a creator to come into being... we know that with so many billions upon billions of planets in our galaxy alone, there must be a planet that's perfect for life. We know that with simple compounds, amino acids of life can come from the most simple things. We know that there has been life on other planets, too. We know the bible was written by people, and that it came from loads of different stories, just tied together into one, just like any piece of fiction. We also know that the bible has all sorts of problems, from the same stories having errors from one to another, to errors in the coming of life onto earth, to hallucinations from people, to invoking the directions of slavery and blood letting and animal sacrifice. We know that evolution works to make us as complex as we are today, and as complex as any life is. We know that we live and we die, with nothing showing that we go on from that, other then a blind faith, pushed through the teachings of other people.
There are all these obvious signs that we don't need a God for life to be the way it is out here, so what would it take to convince you that God does not exist?
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17 responses
• United States
8 Feb 11
Blind faith...these are your reasons to support your theory that God doesn't exist?
Raise your right do you know that's your right hand? How do you prove that's actually your right hand, because that's what you were taught? Perhaps what you've been taught is all wrong? Can you prove beyond any doubt it's your right hand? Please provide that proof.
Simple compounds and amino acids that life can come from the most simple things...have you achieved that? Blue and red make purple too, does that qualify as an new color or is it still purple? Ketchup and horseradish make a cocktail sauce, that in and of itself supports the theory that God doesn't exist?
And just where did these simple compounds and amino acids come from originally? Who, what, where..created these?
The bible was written by people...another fact that supports your theory? So all of the Biographies written about people are all false and fictional? Funny, I've seen politicians, actors, sports players, about biographies that they support! And since you have this wunderbrain, you can research it for yourself. Do you know what a biography is? According to the Webster Dictionary, which I'm sure you will agree, is the leading authority on states; biography:a person's life story written by another. So, when the author is compiling information for their biography...where do they get their information from? If someone approaches you about writing a biography on you, so because someone else writes your story, it's fictional? The bible was written by people, inspired by God...and that means that God doesn't exist?
There are natural laws, true? Who wrote these natural laws and who governs them? Why does science keep changing but the bible has remained consistent? How can the bible make predictions that man and science can not? Nor even have the foresight to even anticipate?
You opened this topic, and I'm quite prepared to annihilate your theories...are you ready?
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@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
8 Feb 11
There are some statements that are just too ridiculous to remain unchallenged. How in the world can you justify that the fossil record supports the biblical account of creation rather than providing support for the process of evolution?
• United States
8 Feb 11
Evolution...and you know that the "scientific" fossil record supports the bible more than evolution?
I've been studying this for quite sometime, are you ready?
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• United States
8 Feb 11
Einstein...would you agree was one of the greatest scientific minds of all time? Do you realize he believed in God and defended his existence?
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
7 Feb 11
It would take a lot more than the ramblings of a mere child who knows nothing of Physics or science or evolution. One who knows little to nothing of the Torah or ancient beliefs. One who simply spouts the little that he has read here and there which is of no substance at all.
Write a Post that has some substance and maybe an answer will be forth coming.
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
7 Feb 11
I've done loads of studies in physics, science, evolution, I've read through many pieces of the bible, the new testament, the book of Mormon, the Qur'an, and many different buddhist and hindu texts.
I'm just asking, what would it take to prove to you that God does not exist? what would you need to be shown, to change your belief?
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
7 Feb 11
Would you have rather I said that I've done a plethora of studies?
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
7 Feb 11
Well, there are about 3 different main hypothetical directions on what existed prior to the big bang. The string theory goes towards it being 2 membranes of energy that collided to cause matter to form from energy, which would be going on an infinite number of times (I recomend reading Paul Davies or Brain Greene on String theory, if you'd like to learn more.) There's another showing that the universe expands and contracts, and that it goes on constantly (Jennifer Bergman wrote a good book on it) and theres another showing that the outwards push of matter would be caused by an influx of matter from another dimension, therefore, black holes would be the cause of big bangs. (Nikodem Poplawski did some recent papers on this direction. Very interesting)
There are many many other hypothesizes to how it happened, but not quite a theory, yet. Thankfully, the LHC in Geneva is pushing towards getting more evidence towards how it could have happened, but it is the most difficult piece we've ever found in the universe to really get an absolute theory for. However, every piece of science needs hypothesis to testing to theory, and we're already moving closer.

@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
8 Feb 11
The problem with supernatural beliefs is that they are flexible. Despite what the change of time and general knowledge throws at them, they can always be changed to adapt.
So, before I read the remainder of the thread, I'll assume the predominant rebuttal is "Goddunit...all of it," followed by plain denial as a close second.
As far as proof for gods go, you really can't disprove them, and you can't prove them either. Not by any physical, objective means, anyway. There may actually be a god who directed the goings on of the universe, or perhaps one born into existence from the human imagination. None of us really know one way or the other. All that we can truthfully say about gods is that we have no objective evidence of them.
I can't be convinced that gods don't exist - and I'm an atheist.
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
8 Feb 11
As an atheist too, I've always held the concept of God as a very low probability. There is no way I can say, for sure, that there is no God, but with all of the evidence stacked up against it, I keep the probability down to about 1%. I can't completely deny it, but the chances seem extremely low.

@bird123 (10658)
• United States
9 Feb 11
I can not argue about the religious stories. Clearly religion does not understand it all. There is much more to the story of creation than simple evolution. A statistical scientist figured out that with all the variables needed for the universe to end up where it is today that there wasn't time for random chance to make all the variables needed. Another scientist recognized this and figured out that if the universe worked like a giant computer that it was possible. Question remains. Who wrote the program. Like all things with this world simple answers never tell the entire story. With each scientific discover brings new ideas and avenues of discovery. The entire story of creation is unfolding. As for God, God does exist. It is hard to prove a spiritual Being based only on the physical laws of this universe. Perhaps quantum physics will open the door to those possibilities. At the quantum level the physical laws of the universe become much different. Perhaps it's an ideal place to put the interface. In the meantime, don't discount the possibility God exists. Worry not, God is not what religion describes. Perhaps, it's time you start your own search for God. You will have your proof when you find what you search for and sometimes people who do search find what they search for.
@roshanahmad (223)
• India
7 Feb 11
People who believe in a purpose for life, who believes in greater good believes in god. And when you have faith in god you'll find his presence.
Well, life may be formed from simple things like amino acids. But from where did amino acid came from? From where did the basic things came? Humans still don't know a lot of things :(
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@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
7 Feb 11
Nope, there have been loads of studies showing that organic amino acids can be formed from very basic compounds that come to be on the earth. Things like electricity, oxygen, ammonia, methane, nitrogen, water... using these together, in huge amounts of different ways, has made organic amino acids from non-organic basic elements.
I believe we have a purpose for life, do better for man! Make this a better world for the generations beyond us, keep exploring everything, and find more in science. You don't need any kind of faith to want those kinds of things, no fantasy required, just effort.
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
7 Feb 11
We know that matter came from energy. We know that it was formed through what we call the big bang. Why the Big Bang came around, we're still not sure of, but there is no need for any kind of God in it, just like how there is no need for any kind of God through how the Sun got here, or how life evolved, or any of the other pieces that I've been talking about.
If you just say "God did it", then you're shutting down science, and progress.
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
7 Feb 11
ok, since you're not willing to look for yourself, I'll point out more.
Look up the Miller-Urey experiments, it's showing from the 1950s that organic compounds can be made from non-organic materials. More complex studies along the same lines have been done by Joan Oro in 1961, and Jeffrey Bada in the more recent times, have found that these compounds can be made in so many different ways, through natural processes that happen on earth. Now, it's a regular part of studies in university biology and chemistry.
Any other studies you want me to tell you about, or are you willing to open your eyes and go and do the research for yourself, yet?

@stk40m (1118)
• Koeln, Germany
7 Feb 11
re science explains it all. Chris, you have to ask science (or scientists) some serious questions before you make certain claims.
you say that the formation of organic compounds out of the elements has been observed. Nothing to object here. But: if you conclude from there that that is what we usually consider as life then you're wrong. Organic compounds - as seen for themselves - are not alive. So you cannot say that there is proof that life formed just by accident, i.e. that we (and all other animals) are only the sum of our parts.
As has been said before, there's the question about matter. WHAT is matter ? A crucial question in regard to that topic is the question: what is mass? SCIENCE doesn't have the answer yet. So you cannot say that we know what matter is or how it came into being.
Yep, the Big Bang. Einstein btw, believed in a static universe. It has been found though that the universe expands. Really ? Well, I have not much to object here either but still there are other theories around that explain the so-called redshift in another way (ageing of light etc). And just because something came into being from nothing (= postive + negative energy with some mysterious imbalance that prevented the annihilation of all matter leaving the microscopic rest - our universe - in existence) one cannot assume that it all happened by accident.
There are SO MANY open questions that science is (at least so far) unable to answer. For example:
why is negative and postive charge so extreeeeeeeeeeemly equal (except for the sign)?
how can all forces like electromagnetism and gravity etc be described in ONE theory. The Unified field theory or the theory of everything hasn't been found yet.
So you see, there are A LOT OF open crucial questions which science lacks to answer. So it's far too early to call out: God doesn't exist.
and this comes from an atheist btw ;-) (atheist meaning: not believing in a singular entity that created the whole universe; not meaning: there's nothing beyond our physical existence, i.e. there's something that science is unable to measure, no matter which instruments they use ...)
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
7 Feb 11
You have made such a fantastic answer on all of this... it's so true, we are so far from understanding everything, there are so many massive questions out there without answers, and who knows how long it will take before we will be able to get them? Really, there's a better chance that mankind will go extinct, rather then mankind will understand everything, as sad as it may be... but every single time we've been able to answer something through science, we've suddenly become loaded with tons of other questions.
Overall, though, we've answered more questions then what we find... that is, of course, after millenia of study. I hope this keeps on going, because it is always just so amazing to hear a new piece of science discovered or better understood.
@stk40m (1118)
• Koeln, Germany
8 Feb 11
thank you Chris, didn't expect you to like my answer but it's always good to find common grounds. I'm not opposed to science per se. But there may be things that can never be proven (or simply speaking: there may be questions that cannot be answered with any means of science) and sometimes the mere attempt to prove something should never be undertaken. For example if all indications point towards a disaster or disasterous effects when experimenting with certain variables may be we should stay satisfied with what we've got in theory rather than with experiment. I mean, it wasn't necessary to build the atomic bomb to prove that nuclear energy exists, was it?
But I agree, science is a valuable tool for mankind to understand the mecanisms of nature. It's really amazing how many secrects have been lifted (without doing any harm) simply by the power of our minds. Our minds that is.
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@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
8 Feb 11
You make a strong case but it has a grave and fatal flaw. The realm of the gods is not the physical world that can be quantified and measured by science nor can the gods be found in holy scriptures of dubious and questionable authorship. There is no question that the gods originate in the minds of humanity but then so do the ideas that drive the physical concepts of more mundane science.
To prove that a god or gods do not exist you must first define what a god is. If your definition of a god is some anthropomorphic entity that serves as a father figure that can be bent to serve your needs through such artifice as prayer and ritual then your arguments have some validity.
Your whole argument is directed in attempt to disprove the god of the Abrahamic religions and shows a lack of understanding of what the concept of the gods is. The gods are not an entity that you can establish a relationship with. The gods are not a traffic cop directing the ebb and flow of life. The gods are not law givers that tell us how to live our lives. The gods are not chemists tolling over a vat brewing the stuff of life.
The gods are a concept that embraces the human spirit and the mythology that makes us human. They are the myth of the hero and the aspirations inside of us all that say that there is something more than the pure physicality of life. Look not to physics and chemistry for proof of the concept or the essence of the gods. Look to the arts and philosophy that express the ideas, hopes and dreams of humanity. If you are seeking the gods read Joseph Campbell not the Bible, the Qur'an or the Vedas.
The proof of the gods can not be found in some external source. The hero's journey that leads to the source of the spirit of the gods is an inward one. The gods are not to be found in a book or dwelling on a mountain top. We are the gods and the spirit of the gods is a part of every one of us.
The gods do not exist, the gods are existence.
@spiderlizard22 (3444)
• United States
8 Feb 11
I wouldn't bother. Many of them don't even want to think the possibilities of there being no god. They think that any information science hasn't solved is the result of god's meddling. There is a possibility that matter and energy always existed. Matter and energy exist in different forms. Prayer by itself doesn't actually accomplish goals. You should ask them why they think a god exist or could exist? Does God have an origin? The world that we live in seems more like a world without a god then with a god. Once you understand how things work it doesn't seem complex anymore but instead seems simple. It is easier to just defy their claims like saying god made you when in reality a human comes from two cells from other humans. Many theist says something can't come from nothing but yet believe that god made things out of nothing.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
8 Feb 11
It would take PROOF and all that you have written here is the possibility that he doesn't exist which is of course a real possibility. I'll bet you'll get a ton of responses from others with just as many arguments as to the possibility that he does. The fact is that none of us has any real proof either way.
@roshanahmad (223)
• India
8 Feb 11
You know science can explain only a few things. 10000 years ago, people didn't knew about the fact there are rays like UV rays or infrared rays which we can't see with our naked eyes. Like that, there may be still a lot of things which we can't see.
I can't prove the fact the god exist using science. And you can't say that god doesn't exist even if the evolution is real.....If evolution is real then that may be how god created us! God created us step by step. It makes more sense to believe that there is a creator for the life rather than believing that this mysterious thing called 'life' occurred from a series of scientifically accurate chemical reactions which were accidental
I can't prove with words the existence of god. You need to believe in it and then feel it.
@thanks1961 (7033)
• India
8 Feb 11
I don't what others concept of God. But mine is different and which has no similarity with the concept of God and as this is a fact, you could have prove it long back. Our entire system is based on certain CONCEPTS only and it is so difficult th change or divert. So, whatever we speak about would be a stupid comment for all these blind people. I don't even understand may things, why people are so running after such things while except human beings, non are after this. I think people are so scared of something and that is the only reason.
@earnpinoy123 (11)
• Philippines
8 Feb 11
I don't know to you but I still believe in God as our creator. For me God is perfect for creating this world. Maybe we can't saw him but I know he exist somewhere in this world. Watching over us in heaven and protecting us in our daily lives.
@dadindine (230)
• Philippines
8 Feb 11
I don't have a proof of God's non-existence. What I have is a proof of His existence and that would be GOODNESS in mankind.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
7 Feb 11
We could live without a cerebral cortex too, does that prove that one isn't necessary?
You can't use scientific method to prove God, but then again, you can't use it to rule out God's existence either.
@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
8 Feb 11
I cannot disagree with what you just stated because it can prove that man can exist without having a God or thinking about God but then my only question is why do we have to prove that there is a GOD? what is wrong with having one if it brings positive things in life? What is wrong in having one or thinking of having one that brings faith and goodness in life? 

@BlueGoblin (1829)
• United States
8 Feb 11
Humans are nothing compared to God. I doubt God even cares about us or our stupid opinions.