Have you ever felt the same?

February 7, 2011 7:20pm CST
Someone who you know through cyberspace. almost every day you communicate with him. and you began to feel attached to him. feel fit and the same mind with him. when in fact you are much different with him. When some time you do not communicate with him, you feel very miserable. a very deep sense of longing. even exceed missed lover. you can cry because of him. Have you ever felt anything like it? feel tortured by this sense, to someone who you know quite a while but only in cyberspace? in fact, what is this feeling? sense of love, affection, or even hate?
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8 responses
@nakula2009 (2325)
• Indonesia
15 Feb 11
hahaha I myself want to laugh at myself after reading your story ever! I'm ever like that ... because it is a habit, if not daily chat there must be a sense of longing But it's OK, think clearly, do not be made until much less sensitive dependence.
@najibdina29 (1309)
• Indonesia
12 Feb 11
Usually when I miss someone, and he's not close to me, I tend to pretend and keep the image in the face or just accidentally met.
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
8 Feb 11
Feeling friendly yes. I wouldn't say attached. At least that's not how I feel.I guess sometimes it's easy to do in Cyberspace.
• Philippines
8 Feb 11
hello kendedes! A lot of people get enamored with people they met online and often fall helplessly and wildly attached to these people that it seems they are really in love. In reality however, such feelings would not prosper nor continue when they actually met these people personally. In cyberspace, people could assume any identify they wish to be, which are far from their real self. A person who don't know better, fall in love or get attached to these personality, whom they thought are for real. That is why, it is never wise to trust your feelings for someone especially when you just meet the person online and has no really inkling whether he is for real or not.
• Philippines
8 Feb 11
Hi, kendedes2011. Yes, I have felt the same way. I have been thinking about this certain guy for a while. We met in a social networking site probably two years ago and became friends. We talk to each other on MSN and share our feelings and experiences. I can tell that he is very nice. However, I can also tell that he has a slightly naughty side as well. When I tell him my problems, he always has time to comfort me and give me advice even though he is very busy with his studies. Because of this, I've come to like him very much. But I didn't tell him that I like him as he might stop talking to me.
@xinshunhe (132)
• China
8 Feb 11
you are so rich in your mold. For me, i don't think much of cyberspace particularly regarding to feelings and the so-to-say love online. There are some reasons: 1. Should we believe the truth of another person on the cyberspace? can we trust what he said? because we never see him and never reach him. do you know his family and his background? 2. i still believe that the right person would not spare much time on the cyberspace according to my experience in my living environment. We always have so much work to do in this busy world,even spare no time with our families. I don't have the meaning of offending the cyberspace,just we got to be care when reaching it especially for the girl.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
8 Feb 11
It is very easy to be tricked with feelings in cyberspace, this is why so many people are getting caught in danferous situations, I believe you need to be face to face to be able to pick up on vibes, that doesn't really happen on the net....
• United States
8 Feb 11
When I was younger I guess I would say that I would often get "crushes" on my online friends. Looking back on it now, I think it was a bit silly. Sometimes I didn't even know what they looked like, it was ridiculous. I think I just liked the idea of them, since at the time I didn't actually know who they were. Not that anything is wrong with online dating, but sometimes you don't truly know the person you're talking to. You only know what they want you to know about them most times. They are still real people though, so I still think it's normal to get feelings for an online friend. I just think you won't truly know if a relationship would work out until you met in person.