No two people think alike...why?

February 7, 2011 10:52pm CST
You all must have observed that there is always difference in thinking among the people.Children do not think like their parents, husband and wife differ in many aspects, so also friends do not have common views and opinions.Even if two people are of the same view their reasonong differs.Thus no two pwople think alike generally and this the way of life.When I thought about it I began to wonder why two people should not agree when God has designed and dressed the human brain in common mould. Is it due to gene,in which case why brothers and sisters do not agree with each other though they are all born to common parents or is it due to brought up or for any other reason.Can you tell me..?
14 responses
@johnpillai (2082)
• Germany
9 Feb 11
Not only the gene, but the environment is also playing a big role in forming one's character. That is obvious the environment differ for everybody. so their thinking, attitude, talent and character also differs. I will be wondering only if two people thinks same.
• India
21 Feb 11
Like you I also wonder when two people think and act alike.As you say that people are brought up in different environments I think that no two people think similarly.whatever it may it is there and we cannot help it...
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
8 Feb 11
Wouldn't it be a tad too creepy to find someone exactly like you? Another you? Each person is unique, and that is owed to genetics, I guess. But, even twins who have the same genes are not alike.
• India
12 Feb 11
According to you as no two people are alike their thinking is also not alike.Yes you are right even twins do not think alike even though they appear alike.So God has taken so much of pains to create each individual in an unique way....
@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
8 Feb 11
A lot of the times, my husband and I think the same or he say what I am thinking or I know what he is thinking. I thought it is very weird that we think the same thing.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
9 Feb 11
Simple, God gives everyone a different view to guaranty us all a larger view than any one person could have.The key is to share our views with others. Everybody wins when we do.
@dearlene (78)
• Indonesia
8 Feb 11
I think no two people can be alike, I don't know why is that so. But can you imagine if people are alike or have common thinking or alwyas want to do the same stuff. Isn't this world will like a robbot. And people will only leave in one place. I think that's not cool. God created people unique one for another and everyone have their own purpose in life, this mean everyone diffrent related of God purpose.
@sanmru (50)
• Australia
9 Feb 11
if any two people think alike then don't you feel bored of their company? what is the new in them to do friendship with them? because of various thoughts we are now technically moving forward otherwise if evryone thinks like same nothing new will come
• India
8 Feb 11
This is a fact that no where you find two people think alike. Every individual has their own characteristics and their thinking also varies from a person to person. Every individual thinks in his own way and try to get solutions in the similar manner as he deems fit.
• Philippines
8 Feb 11
It's because we have different brains. If ever there's a device that copies brains, I'd copy mine and put it in yours. Maybe that way we'll be thinking alike.
• India
8 Feb 11
Lets' start from when it all started. Different people inherit different traits from different parents. So it is highly unlikely that two persons will think in the same way. When you are young your parents give teach you many things which are thought to be more fundamental and permanent. The way you are made to think in your childhood is the way you think all your life. External stimulus play great role here. So apart from gene there are other things that a child inherits from its parents. When children go to school they get advanced lessons on how to process information. Our culture also imparts new meaning of things. Our society has some expectations which is different for different individuals. The process of thinking is nothing but interpreting all the data that are continuously being poured into our mind through our sensory organs. Each person perceives this data in different ways, because each person has sensory organs that functions in a slightly different ways than those of others. So the encoded message becomes different and as a result the thinking patterns differ.
• Philippines
8 Feb 11
Viva la difference! It would be quite a boring world where we to think exactly alike. Can you imagine a world where there is no discussion because we all think the same way? That's a thought. But i think the difference is due to the differences in our experiences. Children may be taught the same way by parents but as we go out of our homes, we have different friends, different groups, different social world which contribute to our way of different ways. Cheers, chayapathys.
@Zer0Stats (1147)
• India
8 Feb 11
We come in this world all alone and we leave it all alone as well.Everybody has their own life to live so they think in their own way.Yeah many things could be the same in some aspects when their minds starts thinking but not all things.
• Philippines
8 Feb 11
It's what they call individual differences. Each one of us has our own individuality that is distinct from each other.Life would be in monotony if everybody would think and act alike.
• United States
8 Feb 11
yeah nobody thinks exactly alike but there are definitely people that think similarly with others. Friends are usually friends because you see a commonality in their life with yours, which is due to the way they think. Scientists think in relatively the same way. I think there are small differences because everyones life is different but theres definite commonalities of thought between people. Like many people think that love is one of the greatest feelings in the world.
• Bulgaria
8 Feb 11
"Every human is unique"-these words belong to one of the most famous philosofs.And he is right.Our brains are different.Our nature is different.Our life is different and the way we live is different.Sister and brother do not agree each other because the are human.They aren't told to agree.They are just different eventhough that they are brought up by the same familly.I think that everyone is unique because of the way he/she thinks.What do you think,chayapathys?