Ways to Make Our Country Become Rich

Marikina, Philippines
February 8, 2011 11:45am CST
I am waiting for my country to become rich. It seems that nothing changes. I think, we are still in a "third world country." I was thinking for almost a year that someday and somehow our country would be in the list of the "first world country". Unlike from the past, during the life of Ferdinand Marcos, our country was like Japan. When Corazon Aquino became the president, we're no longer rich and I did not know if it was because of the government type that we had or it was because of Catholic religion that always meddling to the state or it's because our president nowadays? I sometimes wonder why some of our president can't be like Ferdinad Marcos? Intelligent and knows how to change Philippines into a better country, but I am not saying that they should be corrupt. I just wish that there would be someday a president whose personality and character is like Ferdinand Marcos.
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15 responses
@EdnaReyes (2622)
• Philippines
9 Feb 11
I am a Martial law baby, I studied and finished school under Marcos Era and I can attest life as student then was far more better. Maybe because, we are ordinary Filipino family, abiding laws faithfully, we did not have any troubles with the Martial rule of Marcos. One can leave house without fear. One can have jobs after graduation. One can buy foods with the money earned. One can enjoy arts wholly and globally connected (with PICC,FOLK ARTS,CCP Where famous world known artists perform)One can own a land long been tilled (LAND REFORM PROGRAM). This peaceful life was cut off because of political interest, of in-fightings in the AFP and what did we get? Democracy with all the hard life and corruptions making Filipinos loss their dignity and pride! I wish a Marcos-like-rule for the Philippines!
• Marikina, Philippines
10 Feb 11
I agree with you. At first, when I was a kid, I like Corazon Aquino. May be, I just go along with people who were against with president Ferdinand Marcos and I did not know about politics. All that I remember is my dad was a pro Marcos while my mom was a pro Corazon Aquino. Now, I realized that Ferdinand Marcos did so many things to improve our country. I become 'objective' and understand that without the rule of Ferdinand Marcos, our country would not be progress. May be filipino people did not see the other good side of Ferdinand Marcos. I'm hoping that someday, there would be like Ferdinand Marcos again and knows want to give to the filipino people. A president that knows how to rule for the state and for the filipino people. There's no problem with me if he would become dictator because I'm a law abiding citizen and loyal to what a leader says to me.
• India
13 Feb 11
If I am right, it was you people who threw, Ferdinand Marcos out of your country, and now you say, that life would have been better if had continued.I do not know your age, but I hope you know the reasons why Ferdinand Marcos and his wife,if I am right her name was Isabel Marcos was thrown out.
@mt2000 (9)
• Kenya
9 Feb 11
i think 90% of the worlds countries are failing states which are just being maintained by an overworked population. the governments only role is to allocate our hard earned taxes to different ministries and programs while at the same time over 50% of the money is spent on administrative purposes like salaries, traveling expenses etc. we need to have virtual governments. u know a super computer with a set of programs and just need to employ guys to maintain it. then we wont have to deal with politicians who have no regard to our needs. Good leaders are hard to come by and like in Africa never live long enough to actualize their dreams so how can we become rich if we spend more than we make year in year out
• Philippines
9 Feb 11
I don't know why the Church is the one that is always used as scapegoat for the problems of the Philippines. It is very easy to blame the Church and forget her good contributions to this country. Anyways, regarding the question, there are so many factors why the Philippines stays as it is. One reason is that our nation did not actually built a good constitution. The constitution during the Malolos Republic is the best constitution that our country ever has. However, the Americans came in and destroyed the Malolos Republic, together with its constitution. After that, the constitution changed based on who is on power. First the Americans, next the elites in the Commonwealth Republic, next the Japanese, then we have the constitution drafted by Marcos to support his dictatorship. The current constitution is also not perfect. My point here is that Filipinos failed to form their sense of nationalism. We see laws and the constitution as just instruments by those who are in power to do whatever they desire. Filipinos see the government as a chaotic institution. Corruption is rampant. Because of this, people lose their respect for the government that's why it doesn't matter if people violates a law or two. Corruption is rampant and the Filipino people seems not to care. They see everything as the way it is. The Filipino people never really experienced a good government that we can aspire for.
@Zer0Stats (1147)
• India
9 Feb 11
You are not alone.Countries like India,China.Malaysia,Thailand and many other Asian countries are having same problem.Corruption,Poverty,Illiteracy is everywhere and in my country..India??? It's like shame to tell the numbers that Our Government have always been lacking to handle things.Granted China is little faster than the rest other.I see only one way to make country become rich i.e.,Get higher education and serve for your country till your last breath as your national leader Ferdinad Marcos did.But I have always been amazed by the fact that people change a lot over time.They go to abroad in the name of getting higher education and never come back to their own motherland.Very Strange!!!
9 Feb 11
We all know that the Philippines is a wealthy and rich country through its abundant land, its skilled people and rich cultural heritage. We sometimes tend to be blinded because of the commercialization and continues down pour of propaganda from 1st world countries. What we need is a renewal of confidence in our self, our capabilities and our limitation. Try to harness want we have to be able to use it as a bargaining chip to be able to attain our goal of sustainable development. We should be a team player, both The government and its people. Discipline is another factor that we should achieve. The country will again stood up on its former glory. A proud nation united.
@rsa101 (38320)
• Philippines
9 Feb 11
Well by the time we were under Ferdinand Marcos we were at that level but I also saw the downfall of our country under his regime. It all started from his reigns that the corruption of this country started to grow from within. I think if you have compared our country before Marcos I might agree with you. I think our Government is so full of corrupt officials that the institution itself is not able to recover despite several changes in the leadership. I think it is also our mentality that prevents us from getting from what we want. We can take for example the simple bribing of government officials, if we citizenry would not allow this to happen it would not. But we are just too lazy to report that and sometimes we are too blind when we see one. This cycle will not stop until all of us would be vigilant not allowing this things from growing from within the system. Sometimes it is the indifference of many of us that make us poorer than others.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
9 Feb 11
Ferdinand Marcos could have been the best President the Philippines has ever had if greed did not come in the way. He was great during his early years in power but then he was at his worst in the latter. While his wit can't be questioned his integrity can be and undoubtedly at that. We don't need a corrupt President because he will just enrich himself just as Marcos and his whole clan did. We need a President who is not corrupt and at the same time has the wit and ability to lead and to suppress the corruption of those under him. We also need people who care to be productive citizens of this country and not people who always rely on the government for a better life.
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
9 Feb 11
Marcos was a good leader but he was consumed by power, so much that he wants to rule this country for as long as he could. His 20 year tenure didn't make the Philippines to be on top, in my opinion it was the other way around. The Philippines was at its best before the pre martial law period. When Marcos declared martial law, everything went down hill. Our problems today can be traced back to Marcos, our debts alone is one proof that we are still paying the price of the Marcoses and their cronies lavish lifestyle.
@glaiz_9 (366)
• Philippines
9 Feb 11
Marcos is one of the best presidents we ever had unfortunately he became corrupted because of a lot of reasons. We can't only blame it on the country's leader. Every single one of the Filipinos have to take the blame and have to change it. Though I'm sure that's no easy task.
@greenpeas (998)
• Philippines
9 Feb 11
I think the first in the "To Do" list should be "CLEAN UP THE GOVERNMENT". What is currently happening in the AFP, to weed out the thieves who poses as generals, is a good start. We should do these regularly and also set up a rigid checks and balances to deter corruptions inside and outside the government.
• Calgary, Alberta
8 Feb 11
well before Marcos, Philippines is like the riches country in South east Asia, USA experienced a Great depression that lasted for decades, for sure the time for our country to be rich again will be there someday. Our Pre-marcos 2nd term economy will come again but its going to be a huge challenge. Its us who controls our own destiny not who ever the President is but our own hardwork.
@elena1969 (153)
9 Feb 11
Don't rely on your country becoming rich,instead of that try to develop either on Internet or emigrate in another country start working there and then come back in your home country and start your own business.my country doen't have enough money and I just don't on it,because it will take another 20 years for it become rich
@bokbok (56)
• Philippines
9 Feb 11
well, history would exactly tell us why we are in this kind of situation! and i suggest to the government of this nation - stop corrupting people's money!
@mensab (4200)
• Philippines
8 Feb 11
i think we, filipinos, should avoid waiting for our leader or president to make us rich. it is not the actions of one person or institution that will make us rich. it is the collective actions and aspirations of the people to improve their lives economically. i hope that the philippines is going on the right direction now. we have learned from the past. i am not sure if you are serious about marcos. if you check our history, it was marcos who brought us to misery. it was before marcos that we were second to japan when it came to gross domestic product. it was the 20-year marcos' regime that brought us to where we are.