When you miss someone..

February 9, 2011 5:18pm CST
What is the best way to cope? A lot of stuff has come up which is stressing me out and making me quite miserable, my boyfriend was the only one who could calm me down but he has gone away for three months :s ,(which may not seem such a long time but we've talked at least once a day since we've been together) Communication with him is quite rare.... I've been keeping myself busy by making plans and I've been trying to teach myself a language :p (which is kinda frustrating) Any suggestions?
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3 responses
• Indonesia
10 Feb 11
Sometimes I got some like that. Frustration with all my activity that imposed me. But I just tried to kept smile to face all of that. And It made me better, decreased my frustation. Or you can go to take a rest on holiday with your family. Good luck! :)
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@genius277 (535)
• Indonesia
10 Feb 11
i know how you fells, its like avril's song "when you're gone", right. Sorry... Suggestions?. Just forget about him for a while, the more you thinking about him the more you will missing him.
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
10 Feb 11
One great idea for you is something you're doing right now - expressing your thoughts and feelings on myLot. I've found that so many times when I'm having a hard time, writings my thoughts on paper or typing it out makes me feel so much better when I'm done! Another idea would be to write your thoughts and feelings in the form of a note or letter to your boyfriend and save it for him or mail it to him in a letter. When you're discouraged, the worst thing to do is let it stay inside because you will become even more frustrated and discouraged. Get it out there! There are people here who will read your ideas and listen to what you have to say. People really do care what you're going through, so let your thoughts be known! I hope you won't miss your boyfriend too much to where you are depressed, but I know my husband always liked it when I wrote notes to him when I missed him. I would send letters, which he loved. I would keep notes for the next time I would see him, and it was really neat to him because he could go back and read things of how I felt back when I wrote them down. It's always good to get your emotions out instead of bottling them up inside. I wish you luck!