Junk Food Makes you feel like JUNK.
By Payout
@payout (3794)
United States
February 9, 2011 5:55pm CST

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16 responses
@GardenGerty (162464)
• United States
10 Feb 11
Many of those things are not that bad, if you only have a taste. Pop corn is very healthy if you do not fill it with too much salt and butter. There are healthy cookies as well. I do not have cookies at my house though, because I will eat almost all of them myself.
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@payout (3794)
• United States
10 Feb 11
Hey GardenGerty,
Haha you had me laughing with the cookie part that you done have any in your home because you will eat them all I think most people will haha. However I have cookies and they have been there for over a week now. I eat one or two a day I be fine haha.
Yeah your right some food isnt all that bad but you have to remember too much of anything is bad for you. Popcorn yeah has corn but too much of it will make it too much salt or butter.
To me thats what making people feel like junk because once you get started you cant stop. sometimes
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@GardenGerty (162464)
• United States
10 Feb 11
That is correct. I visited a family member for a few days and we mostly ate foods that had too much salt and fat and I felt really bad for about a week afterward.
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@payout (3794)
• United States
10 Feb 11
Well yeah at thetime you have no choice since you dont want to make them feel bad. Sometimes people get mad and upset when you tell them they need toworry about there health.. I feel bad when I eat something bad after awhile. I have many regrets sometimes I try to stay fit. and burn most of it off. :)
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@NoWayRo (1061)
• Romania
10 Feb 11
Chips make me feel like junk too, especially in combination with soda. This evening I'm quite proud of myself, I did not open the bottle of soda, just took it out of my room and put it in the refrigerator. I ate some blueberries instead, really a health conscious choice, and, ahem, a big piece of cake. Oh, well, we can't be perfect, can we?
Guilt, by the way, plays a big part in making me feel like junk. Once I stop beating myself up for eating chips, I feel a lot better. 

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@payout (3794)
• United States
10 Feb 11
Hey NoWayRO,
Haha... Blueberries with Cake sounds good haha.. to me haha. Soda is very bad I dont think I really drink soda at all I drink only water maybe some juice now and then but thats rare on my part. Cake is rare Chips are rare. Just when I eat just a little too much UGH I feel SICK.
You are right we are not perfect haha and Hey some of us cant help our selves haha. Great Choice on giving up on the soda haha. :) keep the good work up haha
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@sweet_pea (3322)
• Philippines
11 Feb 11
My brother just got home for a vacation and we fetch him at the airport yesterday. Then we dropped by at Duty-Free and all of these salesperson kept shoving us with their bags of chocolates. You really couldn't choose well. We ended up purchasing 4 bags of assorted chocolates and a couple of chips. Then I figure out, my brother also purchased several boxes of Belgian chocolates when they went to Norway. He said they were on sale at 1 euro each. Just by looking at all the chocolates we have I felt that I'd get sick.
Back in college I usually eat ice cream, chocolates and junk foods after an exam. It becomes my way of rewarding myself. But after I have eaten so much junk, I feel that I haven't actually eaten anything. It has a nice feeling in your palate, but quite empty on your stomach. That's what I feel.
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@payout (3794)
• United States
11 Feb 11
Hey sweet pea,
I notice that as well it always seems Like junk food never makes you full in the end if anything it makes you more thirsty and hungry and then you already put on so much calories. In the end you just gain weight and sometimes it hurts just having so much junk in your stoamch then you get get sick like I get and just feel like your about to puke the whole day. Junk food just isn't good for you haha maybe once in awhile after all that nope
@sweet_pea (3322)
• Philippines
11 Feb 11
Hi Payout! I really don't mind gaining weight because I really have a hard time with it. I can eat anything and still not gain weight. 

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@payout (3794)
• United States
10 Feb 11
Hey Staria,
Yeah Junk food is a once in awhile thing I notice when I eat too much of it I feel sick very sick. I think thats good that after you had your child you slow it down as your child gets older you will bring less junk food in the house and which means healthy child growing up. :)
Smart move :) Junk Food is very unhealthy just like too much of anything is too haha

@l0vxXmusic (179)
• United States
10 Feb 11
you know i do agree that eating to much junk food is really bad for you especially if you dont exercise and just keep eating,,. then you lose your sexi figure. but i eat junk food here and there, and i also eat quite healthy too.,. plus i exercise 2 times everyday all week,. and its a really good routine. i'm eating the foods that i love,. wihtout hving to cut out everything. i think it just depends on the person
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@payout (3794)
• United States
10 Feb 11
Hey l0vxXmusic,
You are right it all depends on the person. I think you can eat your junk food but it can have a bad effect on your body when you dont do it offend. Your body cant handle so much sugar and or Salt and fat at so much intake. So that can be very unhealthy. Being Fit is the Best way to go because if you lose your figure then hey you will be depress. Im sure anyone would. :) I think thats awesome you work out and eat healthy just be careful with the junky food intake haha
@l0vxXmusic (179)
• United States
10 Feb 11
ooHh yeah, diffidently,.
well i dont eat junk for all the time aways.. i just do on weekends, or like really important holidays, where my friends and family are trying to make to get fat. hahahahahhaha... i mean really. the valentine chocolates that a receive are like wayy. too much-
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@NEIROlovemoh (95)
• Philippines
10 Feb 11
How sad to know that....yes I love to eat junk food but I always remember that to much is not good to our digestion so be careful maybe we eat junk foods in a right time not every time.
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@payout (3794)
• United States
10 Feb 11
Hey NEIROlovemoh,
To be honest I think my body no longer wants any oily or cheesie chips. I think I get sick off that too much Fat and Im not use to eating so much Fat. When I eat just a little to much I feel like puking and, get a lot of headaches. I just have to lay down before I through up.
@thedaddym (1731)
• United States
10 Feb 11
Junk food can make people who don't normally eat it really sick because the body loves to try and sap up every bit of that fat and those extra calories. So going from not hardly eating junk food to suddenly eating it can really cause a yucky reaction to our bodes as our bodies try to deal with the extra fat and calories
@payout (3794)
• United States
10 Feb 11
Hey thedaddym,
Yeah I think thats what happen to me. I rarly eat chips or almost any type of junk food and when I did I felt very sick to my stomach and just wanted to puke. My head was killing me. So I decided to just give it up because that always seems to happen to me. All the time when I eat too much junk food I think its mostly chips. No more Junky chips for me haha. Im not getting any younger im just getting older and that will have a bad effect in my body if I keep that up
@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
10 Feb 11
I agree with this statement... eating junk food makes me feel like crap... especially if you eat too much... I eat some chips and chocolate every once in a while when I buy it home. I hate over-eating them, it makes my stomach unhappy.
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@payout (3794)
• United States
10 Feb 11
Hey Mermaidivy,
Yeah I think that does a lot fo everyone. Just over eating it makes us all feel like crap in the end you get the sick feeling and just want to lay down haha. There are people that they eat it can can eat so much and be fine because they do that normally haha.
@offlimits (596)
• Philippines
10 Feb 11
I love junk food. It's like everything I eat. Haha! But yeah junk food really is junk. I'm often told that I should at least moderate my junk food intake, but at some point I go back to eating them again. I'll have to try hard to avoid it to prevent future problems. Hehe. Good day!
@payout (3794)
• United States
10 Feb 11
Hey offlimits,
yeah Junk is really junk well it makes you feel like junk when you eat to much of it. Sometimes it can be so bad that it gets addicting and people just cant stop eating it. Then it makes you gain weight and health problems can kill you wow. To me you can eat junk food just dont over do it. haha
@starsailover (7829)
• Mexico
10 Feb 11
Hi payout: Yesterday I eatr a big burguer and I feel like trash after that. In enjoy junk food. When I'm hungry I usually think about how nice it would be to go to a fast food restaurant and eat a really big hamburguer with a lot of ketchup and tartar sauce. They're delicious I think but yes, when I'm full I don't feel really good. I actually don't know how to deal with these two feelings: it's a temptation but it's not good for me. I try to moderate this just going once every two weeks to eat these hamburguers and I only eat out in a fast food restaurant once a week.
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@payout (3794)
• United States
10 Feb 11
Hey Starsailover,
Wow I usually dont get like that with Burgers and stuff Im fine. I usually just feel full and fine in the end. I think its just sweets sometimes mostly salty and fatty stuff that kills me bad I feel like crap in the end haha. Sometimes we can help ourselves and just eat it because our minds want it but our bodies just cant handle it. Just try to do it but not so much :) I notice when your body gets use to it then when you have it at a random time you will feel sick probably thats why.
@Lucyalicia92 (670)
• United States
10 Feb 11
junk food usually makes me feel happy and comforted and when I eat healthy food I feel sick lol my mom is very healthy and likes to make herself think she "craves" things such as salad.
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@payout (3794)
• United States
10 Feb 11
Hey Lucyalicia,
haha thats funny your mom makes herself think she likes salad. I love salads and Sometimes I crave them haha. but junk I crave it too again haha. Being healthy is the best way to go because your body is going to give up on you eventually your bones and etc will just start getting old. Olod things break but if you eat healthy it will do it at a slower process. YOu will live longer
@paulgoodman67 (103)
• United States
10 Feb 11
I agree. Stick to fresh wholesome food, where possible - fruit, vegetables, fish. Of course, I have an occassional pizza but 95% of the time I cook my own food. It's fun as well as healthy! I'm glad you've seen the light, payout! hehe!
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@payout (3794)
• United States
10 Feb 11
Hello Paulgoodman,
haha.. Yeah I finally saw the light after years haha. I think im just going to stop eating Chips Completely because vit hurts the heck out of my stomach and give me head aches like crazy. No more Chips for me. Maybe a sweet here and there like once a month and a small thing. Pizza is bad sometimes but sometimes it can be very bad lol. I think its not the worst thing to eat because if you put the right topping it can be healthy. haha
@capoquek (60)
• Singapore
10 Feb 11
Junk food makes you feel good if you consume them once in a while, it is alright to consume them in controlled proportions, as long as you balance your diet well, your stomach will not feel sick when you consume the junk food ;) Also, don't forget to hit the gym and burn off the calories, and stay in shape at the same time.
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@payout (3794)
• United States
10 Feb 11
Hey Capoquek,
I think the reason why my stomach and my head starting acting up was because I mostly chips instead of food food. Plus I didnt eat much that day since I had lots of things to do. You r right next time I just have burn it off haha. I do try to stay in shape. I did walk some miles yesterday haha
@llbo1981 (1236)
• China
10 Feb 11
Junk food is very popular in my country.Many people like to eat the junk food,and they form the habit of eating junk food,although too much junk food is harmful to our health.I think it is the sameas smoking,although many people know the harmful on smoking,they still smoking
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@payout (3794)
• United States
10 Feb 11
Hey llbo1981,
What country do you live in?
I live in the UNitedStates and I think they consider this one of the fattesy countries in the world we eat so much bad stuff its insane haha we spend billions on fast food which is sad. You are right we will still do. Just like smoking. It ends up becoming a very bad habit and a hard one to break.
@payout (3794)
• United States
10 Feb 11
Hey Jessree,
Thanks, I will keep that in mind lol. Right now how I felt today I wont eat any Junk food anytime soon because that stuff hit my stomach bad and I think Im just going to relax for a little because just thinking about it makes my head hurt I think its chips in General always chips wow. No more Chips for me. lol