Greed is a vice.
By dpk262006
@dpk262006 (58673)
Delhi, India
18 responses
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
10 Feb 11
Hi Deepak!
I feel that when we are born we are all absolutely good and it is our upbringing , the sense of values we have got, GOd's grace in showing us the right path,our willingness to accept this grace of God, that go a long way in moulding our character. Circumstances play an important part in man's life but strength of character that has been built from childhood plays an important part in resisting circumstances.So, in conclusion I would say that weakness in character can contribute to having 'greed' of any sort , be it for money, for power, for food or whatever.THis element of greed may be present in everyone, though for different things. It can get out of hand, thus contributing to one's own instability and lack of peace and this is due to lack of character.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
10 Feb 11
I would also lke to add that a person's attachment to certain things may also contribute to this greed.This attachment can be to family also. I have seen a film where a good man becomes a corrupt official and goes to jail because his wife is a real greedy woman who keeps pestering him for all sorts of things and is a very discontent person.He succumbs to pressure from homefront.This is what I said when I wrote that his weakness in character may be a cause for it.Had he been a strong individual, he would have put a stop to it all and drawn the line.THis can happen to the wife too if a partner is bad.
Similarly, in other business partnerships too this can happen.
Apart from partners being the cause, a person may himself get greedy [had written the explanation too]as I had written in my first respnse.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
10 Feb 11
Hi Kala!
You mean to say that upbringing has a major role to play in moulding our character and inculcating virtues and vices in us. People with weak character and less will-power are likely to become victims of greed. And you appear correct in estimating that the pressing family needs or pressure by family members could force a person to turn greedy. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful response. Full marks to you.

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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
10 Feb 11
Thank you Deepak.THta is exac tly what I had meant --thta people who have less will power that would enable them to keep their needs under control succumb to this greed.Take a simple example--even a person who is earning very well may have limitations. THere may not be an endless source of income unless you are in an industrialist's family. If a family wants to go on overseas holiday every now and then or makes undue demands on the breadwinners, you would definitely call it undue desires isn't it? THis is also greed of a sort.

@allknowing (142130)
• India
10 Feb 11
I blame it on society and its values. I need not elaborate on what society expects from anyone to be recognised and it is this that drives one towards acquiring more no matter what it is.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
11 Feb 11
You are right allknowing that influence of society in larger prespective influence our greed and temptations. However, we all are part of society and society consists of us.
@allknowing (142130)
• India
11 Feb 11
You will find a minority only that will not be influenced by society and are liberated from all norms. Yes. We are society but there are categories and one such category is that which sets norms. Would you honestly say that you will extend the same hospitality to someone who is always in want, always depends on others but not greedy?
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
10 Feb 11
Hi deepak, Greed is there in most people.I guess the difference between need and greed is thin.One can never be sure when you cross the line.Take for example :- We need a house to live, but we also want another house to rent out and earn a steady income, then we want to have sites or houses in our children's name etc etc...there is no end to it.As long as we dont harm and earn money through illegal means or by hurting some one else I guess it is alright.When people lose their conscience and go to any length to amass wealth like most our politicians are doing, we can see that it is the height of shameless Greed !
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
10 Feb 11
Hullo KIran! Earning within our capacity without hurting others, saving up for our own security and for our children cannot be termed greed. EVen if we plan to assetize for the sake of children it is not greed because , it is our duty to do so.CHidlren do not ask to be born and having poroduced them duty is also cast upon us to ensure their comfort if we can.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
11 Feb 11
Hi Kiran!
Dear Kala has already very well commented on your thoughts.
You are right that when needs cross the limits, it become 'greed'. I understand you mean to say that for the sake of one's security and for the sake of security of his/her family one gets greedy?
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
11 Feb 11
It has been sufficiently proved that greed begins at home when people want to amass wealth not only for their children but for generations to come .People dont become greedy just for themselves, but for their family and extended family...Kala, I have clearly stated that need and greed are different and when a person does things within his fair means he is justified in doing so...Having children and bringing them up is as nature made it and we have to give them a good background and education , so that they learn to stand on their feet and make their own life. Afetrall whatever we parents have is theirs... thanks a lot kala, all the best 

@agrim94 (3805)
• India
10 Feb 11
Hi dpk,
Though in all religious books and moral books greed has been termed very bad, for me i dont like person who are satisfied because all the development is done by those who were not satisfied. A person can be greedy for money or love or fame or anything so long he or she direct his greed in right direction, then greed is very good thing. Thomas elva addision who invented so many things which benefits human race so much, had he been satisfied guy and not greedy then he would have stopped after his first invention.

@agrim94 (3805)
• India
10 Feb 11
Hmm even if he keeps it secret because he want right price so what is wrong in it. After all he is going to save millions of lives why not pay him enough. We can pay millions and millions to our sports and movie stars who dont give u a damm or make a difference to lofe of a common man but when it come to scinetists we are very miser.

@getbiswa2000 (5544)
• India
10 Feb 11
Greed arises from the concept - we need 'things' to be happy. Most of us have had this concept in some point in our lives. You will hardly ever find someone who has not been greedy about something in his entire life. It is acceptable for young people but is totally unacceptable for old people who are supposed to be or at least claim to be wiser. Greed is a distant cousin of lust. However, only saints can totally give up greed. I am going to show one example.
I knew someone who wanted to get 'established' by which he meant, to get married. Now you need a good job to get married. You need a hike in salary to get married. After you get married you want to buy a few things for your wife and if your wife is demanding she'll make sure that she gets everything she wants. Now even if you don't want expensive clothes for yourself, you still need money just to buy them for your wife. You are doing all this just because your wife 'looks beautiful when she smiles'. To make the matter worse your wife gives birth to children. Your family grows even bigger so you need even bigger hike in your salary. You want to have party because you are happy and you need more money for that. You want to give away gifts to your kith and kins and you need more money for that. You want to live in comfort and give your children the best education and your wife the shiniest jewelries and you need money for that too. You want more money. You become greedy. You know you are, yet you can't just change it because you're badly sunk in this quagmire from where there is no way out.
It's our own decisions that make us greedy. Greed doesn't just swallow our mind. We let it do so and with pleasure. Greed has a tickling sensation that we love dearly. We know it's bad to smoke, but we just can't give it up. Greed is sexy.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
10 Feb 11
Biswa! You don't need a good job to get married.[Marriage cannot be the only motive; even people with good jobs can choose to stay unmarried.] People with good jobs can still be bachelors; you would have heard of doctors dedicating their lives to service of society.
So, greed and lust are different vices. For that matter many vices may be distant or even close cousins.
Greed for sensual pleasures can alone be termed as 'lust'.And I feel that greed is not so attractive thta we love it dearly. People sometimes are deliberately greedy; at times they are driven to it. SOmetimes they are evn unaware of it due to self-delusion.

@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
11 Feb 11
Hi Get!
I feel Kalav has already commented (on my behalf too), yet I would say that you have narrated a sequence - how one gets tempted and how one becomes greedy. The example you have quoted clearly shows that the man is himself to blame for each of his step. He could not curb any of his desire and ended in a soup.
Greed and lust are different. I could be greedy for a bar of chocolate or say for a aquiring a tennis racket and hopefully, you will not term it as 'lust'.
I did not know that greed is sexy.

@getbiswa2000 (5544)
• India
11 Feb 11
I never said greed and lust are the same. I just mentioned that they are related. If someone is lustful, he will be needing more money to feed his lust. So one who is lustful will also become greedy sooner or later. Now if you are greedy, you want to possess more and more things. Anything that you like, you will wish if it could be yours, be it a wonderful property or a pretty face.
I don't know why some people have problem in accepting the association of carnal pleasure and marriage. Even M.K.Gandhi had an open discussion about it in his autobiography. We should accept it as it is instead of trying to give it some high-flown names like social obligation etc.
@stevieboi19 (1419)
10 Feb 11
There are many things which make us greedy family can be one option we want to be able to set our family up for life, the society in which we live in can contribute to being greedy also media is another aspect which again can affect our views an make us want certain things which can turn us greedy. There's greed for the right reasons and greed for the wrong reasons so to say it's a vice isn't always right.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
10 Feb 11
I can understand influence of society on human beings but how can setting of a family is related to greed, am not clear?
Would like you to elaborate how media contribute to 'greed'.
Thanks for kick starting the post.
@stevieboi19 (1419)
10 Feb 11
Well people can be greedy in the sense they want more money than they need to help get their kids whatever they want... etc. Do you understand men now. Also media influence in many ways so many that we don't even know it at times. The media make us want or long for things which can cause us to be greedy essentially things we may want could become things we in our mind think we need but really we don't. Media influence's society also so it all ties in together.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
10 Feb 11
I think many people think if the had money to Buy things then they would be happy. If they were rich , All their problems would vanish.Or they feel that they Need to fill the space inside with money and or power to make themselves whole. But it doesn't work that way.Things won't make you happy from within. Money is useful to keep you comfortable but it won't heal the emptiness inside. It will just solve a lack of money problem, Period. So why is greed seen as a vice. It is addictive to some. They get money or power and thry want more and more and they don't care how they get it. That's when it is a sickness. To Want good things and to work hard for them is fine. But to Have everything you need and Still lie and cheat Just to get more is evil.

@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
11 Feb 11
Hi Sarah!
Very well said dear, as always.
You are so right that when greed makes one addictive, it acquire alarming proportions. I agree that greed for material things and money cannot fill the inside emptiness of a person. It is also true that lying and cheating to acquire more and more takes the worse form of greed. Thanks for dropping in and sharing your wonderful views.

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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
10 Feb 11
Hi Zandi!
How can turning greedy could help humans fulfil his/her wants? It is understandable that human desires are endless and this breeds greeds in human beings. Thanks for dropping in.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
13 Feb 11
dpk sometimes good people become greedy out of panic when they
have reached the bottom of everything and feel if they do not g rab all they can they may have to fall back to the bottom. once they realiae they are out of trouble and have jobs and so forth good people realize they have acted out of greed and feel horrible. while others are just lazy and want it all without having to work for it. greed is a vice and makes good people into bad people,.some are greedy by nature and want things that are not theirs and will steal or rob to get what they want rather than just working for it like the rest of us
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
30 Jan 12
Hi deepak, desire is something that all of us possess and in some cases it becomes hard to distinguish where desire ends and greed takes over.I have seen many times when we find it difficult to distinguish between the two. However, greed in its worst form is of course something that can cause misery and pain in the long run....I feel economic reasons and a person's mental make up are both contributory in making a person very greedy to the extent he /she loses her/his sense and sensibility... all the best, hope you had a good weekend 

@lovinangelsinstead21 (36850)
• Pamplona, Spain
10 Feb 11
Hiya dpk,
Greed is a vice it´s true. Greed finds it way into so many situations as well. What are the reasons they can be many not just one but many that can make People turn greedy. Greed for money and power has to be the worst of them all.
It´s so complex sometimes and so personal if you have had Family members who through being greedy have caused many upsets too within the Family. The latter is my own bad experience. I was´nt greedy but the others were and for me it has long since been forgotten. I prefer it that way.
I did´nt get any of the money but I am a lot richer for it.

@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
11 Feb 11
Hi lovin!
I understand tahat reasons could be personal and complex and too many for 'greed. You mean to say that sometimes a person gets so much influenced by his/her family members that s/he turns greedy for no reasons?

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@lovinangelsinstead21 (36850)
• Pamplona, Spain
2 Apr 11
Hiya dpk,,
Could be that. I was thinking say if a Man´s Wife was always wanting and wanting new things any kind of things, clothes, jewelry and so on and also always asking for her Children as well the same kind of thing the Man might well be tempted to please them too much and do things that he would not normally do just to keep them all happy. Of course this just fiction an idea that I was thinking of just.
Then you have the other where the Man or Woman starts to go up in Society and gets too much power and it goes to his head see what I mean. If it goes to his head too much he will want more and more of the same power and become more greedy.
Also the same meaning for the Wife and children they get used to so much of the good things that they don´t appreciate and just keep getting greedier all the time.
It´s a question of appreciating what we have got really and we won´t get so greedy for other things that we don´t really need anyway.

@polaris77 (2039)
• Bacau, Romania
10 Feb 11
I think the main reason which makes many people greedy is the desire to be appreciated by society,this is where it all starts for many people,because to be appreciated means for many people to have a certain social status,which almost inevitably implies a good financial situation.The desire to have a good financial situation,once it is accomplished,usually doesn't satisfy people,who want more and more,and at that moment the vice of greediness takes control over the person's life.I think once you become possessed with the desire to have more you will never get rid of it,and eventually your own greed will destroy you.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
11 Feb 11
You mean to say that people get greedy to acquire status in the society? It is true that one is unable to control one's desires, s/he gets greedy. Thanks for sharing.
@sterra1995 (74)
• United States
12 Mar 11
Hi dpk, Alot of things make people greedy. When some people grow with nothing they come get greedy when they get older. When your the only child too. When you grow up with parents that are greedy. Money can do it to you.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
12 Mar 11
Grow with nothing means? do you mean to say - those who do not have resources of money with them?
@jujubeez25 (13)
• United States
10 Feb 11
I think that greed is born out of basic survival instincts. When I think about instinct, I think of cavemen. If a caveman was not greedy for food, reproductive acts, fights, etc., he would not have survived and had children. Today, greed is a way of becoming successful. If someone is greedy for a promotion at work, and as a result does her job very well, then greed is a good thing. If she were to take that same greed and simply steal from her boss, it would be a vice. We need to be greedy sometimes, it is our action as a result of greed that determines if it is a virtue or a vice.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
11 Feb 11
Hi ju!
Welcome to mylot family and I see it is your maiden response to any mylot post?
It is correct that greed is born out of our basic survival instincts and everyone wants to survive.
I think that if someone wants a promotion, s/he should be ambious and dedicated to his/her duties, only greed cannot get him/her a promotion.
@jujubeez25 (13)
• United States
12 Feb 11
Yes this was my maiden post, and I found the discussion quite stimulating.
My example about greed for a promotion merely serves my larger point that greed can be a virtue or a vice depending on the situation. Greed itself is something that everyone needs to use in some situations. I may be the least greedy person alive, and so I can see that at times it would benefit me to be more greedy. I think that I would be happier sometimes if I thought more about myself and my own interests. Greed can serve a number of purposes, some good, some very bad. Like all ideas, it is the application of the idea that determines the good or bad to come from it.
Love is also an idea. In most cases, love is good. But what happens when one loves another so much that they cannot leave a lover or spouse in spite of abuse?
Greed itself is neither good nor bad, just like love. It is what comes of it that is good or bad.
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
10 Feb 11
Greedy is definitely a vice. It's not good to be greedy at all. There are many instances on how one may fall for the trap of becoming greedy. For instance, greedy for money , power , status , friends , work promotion and many more. It stems from a desire to rise above the rest no matter what and nothing will stop this feeling of greediness , unless there's real control over it.
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
11 Feb 11
I think it is human nature of being 'greedy' to some extent.
I always heard this sentence " Money is Never Enough ".
However, if we read many articles by people who are successful
and wise, they advise us that 'health and quality family time
is the utmost important'. I think we should take heed on this advise,
live in a 'balanced' lifestyle. I hope we all learn to live life to
the fullest...
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
11 Feb 11
When you have experienced something good, you just like it to be forever and yours for the rest of your life. This becomes greed when you want more and more of it so it will not end.
Because of that greed you tend to do things out of the normal, just so you have it. Greed is disgusting, because it consumes a person.
@didi13 (2926)
• Romania
10 Feb 11
Greed takes many forms indeed. Greed is not a simple desire to have some things or money that could be used properly. The inordinate desire for gain, property, or to appropriate property of another. It's insatiable appetite to have certain things, perhaps the other, just to get them, without you really need them and without thinking about the effect that your greed has on others.
Allows greedy man wishes to take possession of his thoughts and actions so much so forget humanity. It is good to keep ourselves from greed, because even though we have plenty of our life does not depend on things we have.