Does the weather affect you?

@LeighB (698)
February 10, 2011 9:45am CST
Now a days a lot of people suffer from S.A.D (Seasonal affected disorder). Do you find that the weather affects your mood or do you think it is all just mind over matter? For the past 11 years I had been living in a tropical climate with sun and blue skies 95% of the time. Everyday I found I had energy and looked forward to the day ahead. Since returning to a seasonal climate I now feel letharic and dispondant on days when it is overcast, grey and raining. What affects your mood swings?
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18 responses
@LadyDD (515)
• Romania
12 Feb 11
I'm one who suffers from Seasonal Affected Disorder and I'm not at all happy for that. Weather condition affects my health a lot, especially extremes. They make me useless. I read it's something connected to chemistry and the negative/positive ions in atmosphere. When there is an imbalance of the ions, these affects the chemistry of the cells. That's why some (and recently quite many) people who are more sensible feel all kinds of discomfort. Sensibility to weather is connected to other health problems the person has.
@LadyDD (515)
• Romania
13 Feb 11
I remembered I heard about some devices that can balance the ions in the atmosphere, but I searched no more for this information because they must be very expensive. So we must try to live with it.
@LeighB (698)
• Thailand
13 Feb 11
Yeah, it seems as if grinning and bearing it is the only way to go but trying to have a smile on your face and be in a cheerful mood isn't that easy. I have started a course of vitimins and if I had the cash I would follow my doctors advice - "Live in a hot country during the winter months" - how i wish that was possible. Good luck and may we be able to balance things for a possitive life in the not to distant future.
@LeighB (698)
• Thailand
13 Feb 11
Sorry to read that you seem to be suffering in the same way as me. People who don't have this inballance don't really understand what we go through nor how useless we actually feel. I think that is the whole downside with this, the feeling of uselessness and there seeming to be no answer or remedy for it. My doctor advised me that in the winter months I should look at living abroad but I can't afford to take 3-4 months out of work and fund that type of holiday. Also, I am sure my job wouldn't still be there if I did!
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• United States
11 Feb 11
I am thinking right now that it must. We have had two major snow storms. That means that the aid does not come relieve me so that I can get out. I have been very depressed, almost debilitatingly depressed. I think some of it may be the weather and the fact that when the weather is yuck and I cannot run it has a negative effect on me too.
• United States
13 Feb 11
This is true. However it is almost spring like now and most of it has melted away. Actually planning to take my son out for a walk in a little while! much better~!
@LeighB (698)
• Thailand
13 Feb 11
The sight of freshly fallen snow, the brightness as the clear skies reflect of the whiteness, the crisp, soft feeling under foot can be a pleasure to beheld by many. But, it causes such a disruption to our every day life, stays around for too long and is a nightmare when it turns to slush and ice, no wonder in the end we get depressed with it all!
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@maean_19 (4655)
• Philippines
10 Feb 11
The changing of weather can affect me in a way that I may be triggered with allergy attack. I hate hot weather and I seem to have rashes when a sudden change of weather from cold to hot weather. Yesterday, the weather has a hot temperature and I feel itchy.
@LeighB (698)
• Thailand
10 Feb 11
Hi Maean, Yeah, it is amazing how the weather can spark off allergies and cause rashes and skin complaints. For me I adore the hot weather and the hotter it is the more energy I seem to have. As the heat is not good for you and the cool not good for me, maybe, we should change locations, hehehe.
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@maean_19 (4655)
• Philippines
11 Feb 11
Hi there! Your idea is great. Why not?
14 Feb 11
I think I get SAD. These short winter days with little light just make me want to hibernate until Spring. Thank goodness the days are already getting a bit longer and the sun is shining even though it is still cold. The bushes are budding, the birds are singing ... everything seems happy today.
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
12 Feb 11
When a person has SAD it's because they don't get enough vitamin D and the way people get it is from the sun. I used to get depressed if we didn't get any sun for a week or so and I didn't like it. So now I take 1250 MG of vitamin D every day and after taking it for about 2 months I feel the difference. I don't get that depressed feeling or sluggish feeling anymore when we don't get enough sunny days. There is a lot about vitamin D in the news media these days and doctors are actually pushing it more now. When I went in Dec for my yearly blood work they now tested me for my vitamin D level and found mine to be extremely low so that is why I am now taking the vitamins. My doctor says everyone in this world should be taking a suppliment, even people living in warmer climate areas.
@LeighB (698)
• Thailand
13 Feb 11
It has taken some years, but at last suppliments and vitimins are now a days getting the recognition they deserve. With today's lifestyle and eating habits I personally feel we should be checked out for vitimin deficience maybe it are these that a lot of us are in need of rather than conventienal medicines and antibiotics.
@enihoris (11)
14 Feb 11
I have depression myself and a lot of it is the seasons changing. I dont really have any problem in the summer but the winter is horrible for me. I just sink down and cant seem to climb out til the sun comes out again. If I could afford it I would go to the tanning beds as docs have recommended that for people with seasonal depression. I hope that helps!!!
@LeighB (698)
• Thailand
14 Feb 11
Thanks for the advice, tanning that might be an answer. My doc has never mentioned them but then on the other hand I'm not sure doc's here are that in favour of them either. But it is well worth a try. As you say there is nothing worse than these winter blues that bring one down so far and deep into depression.
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
11 Feb 11
To some extent , yes. It is a bit depressing when the weather gets gloomy and dark. On top of that, the weather conditions effect my travel plans. I have to travel often to places within my country and also abroad to different parts of the world. The weather conditions certainly cause a lot of problems for travelling. Many a time, I have to cancel or postpone my travel plans.
@LeighB (698)
• Thailand
13 Feb 11
The weather can certainly disrupt travel plans. From snow to erupting volcanoes (where the wind blows the ash clouds) it can all cause such headaches for businesses.
@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
10 Feb 11
The weather does affect me. When it is sunny and warm/hot, I feel delighted and want to get moving to do stuff; when it is cloudy, I feel like staying at home to do housework, when itis raining, I just want to surfing on the internet, listening to the rain and smell the rain; when it snows, it's the same as raining but more peaceful. I liek the hot and sunny weather the best!
@LeighB (698)
• Thailand
13 Feb 11
I think we all agree that the sond of falling rain, the smell of fresh rain and the need for it are essential. It is just, why does it have to be so overcast and gloomy for so long. It's the grey skies before and after the rain that get us all down.
@nijolechu (1842)
• Canada
10 Feb 11
Yes, it really does affect me and sometimes I wonder if I do have Seasonal affected disorder. Sometimes I wish I could just escape and go live at a place where it is sunny and cloudy free all the time. But I wonder if I could get bored by it. I guess the only way to cure it is to do stuff that makes you happy and just forget about it until the season changes and gets better.
@LeighB (698)
• Thailand
13 Feb 11
I lived for 11 years in a hot, sunny climate and when it rained it was about a 2 hour downpour and then back to brilliant blue skies and sun again. No, I never got bored or fed up with it and found that I had a lot of energy and a completely different outlook on life. Friends have even remarked how I am different these days compared to how I used to be. My advice would be, if you get the chance to live in a sunny, cloud free place go and try it. I don't think you will be disappointed.
• United States
10 Feb 11
I am wondering if I am suffering from this as well. I know that every winter I feel overly tired no matter how many hours of sleep I get per night. I will have to research this and find out more about it. I live in a snowy state and this winter has been really bad. I hardly ever go out and am almost always locked up in the house.
@LeighB (698)
• Thailand
13 Feb 11
This condition seems to affect a lot more people than first recognised and most of us really don't have the inclination to venture outside when the weather is overcast and grey, we just feel so down and depressed it is as much as w can do to open the curtains and see the bleakness, greyness and dark day that beholds us. S.A.D. was first recognised as an illness back in 1984 and is believed to occur when there is a lack of vitiman D in the body.
• South Africa
11 Feb 11
Hi ...I sometimes feel moody when its cloudy and raining ...strangely not when its cold .....maybe I have a disorder or some deficiency....ofcourse it could all be in my mind !
@LeighB (698)
• Thailand
13 Feb 11
Cold and snowy weather normally don't have such a depressing result on people as does the grey, dark, cloudy skies. As it is a lack of vitimin D (sunlight) that is the main cause of S.A.D
@buli23 (550)
• India
11 Feb 11
I is fact that many people suffering form Seasonal affected disorder. I am also suffering from the Seasonal affected disorder. I feel many problem at the time seasonal changes or fluctuation of temperature irregularly. I generally attacked by the cough and cold and some times i suffering form the fever due to seasonal changes. I know to know is there any thinks which can prevent this type of seasonal affected disorder.
@LeighB (698)
• Thailand
13 Feb 11
My conditions are slightly different to yours - I don't seem to suffer from cogh, colds and fever. For me it is more a case of my sleep pattern is turned completely upside down (having disturbed nights and want to sleep more in the day), I start eating more comfort food and snacks, so hence, I gain more weight and tend to fill up on more sugary food than beneficial food that will be better for my body.
10 Feb 11
When its summer, im in such a better mood all the time! But when its winter i just feel really bogged down and bleurgh... So yeah, the weather really really does affect me! I lived in the middle east for 3 years, and found that the hot weather gave me a far more positive mood... But when it was too hot (45-50 celcius!) I got really lethargic then too...
@LeighB (698)
• Thailand
13 Feb 11
Yeah, everything in moderation is the best pollicy. If the weather is to extreme, one way or another, we tend to react. As you say if it is too hot it can also have an adverse effect.
11 Feb 11
yes, sometimes the weather affects my mood and can get its toll on my productivity. i just find some ways to bring my focus on other things. :)
@LeighB (698)
• Thailand
13 Feb 11
I try to keep myself busy and occupy my mind but it still doesn't help with my change in sleep and eating pattern. Also, friends tell me my perspective on life is different in the winter to the summer. With them all agreeing they prefer the summer me to the winter me.
@beamer88 (4259)
• Philippines
10 Feb 11
There seems to be some correlation between the weather and a person's mood. But for me, it's not really the weather, in the strict sense of the word, that affects me. It's actually the temperature. Like when it's hot and humid, I get a little cranky. (Well, I think a lot of us do.) But when it's cooler, even if it's raining, I've noticed that I feel uppity. Probably it's an unconscious method of fighting the lethargic feeling that coldness and dampness usually bring about.
@monty21 (119)
• India
11 Feb 11
Weather affect us a lot and it affects everybody right from children to young ones. whenever it changes, we have got cold, fever, allergies, etc. I cannot say that there is proper treatment of it. As much as you take precautions from weather changing problems, you cannot prevent yourselves from these seasonal affected disorder.
@shrijsr (574)
• Bangalore, India
10 Feb 11
Hello leigh, Welcome to Mylot! Yes, The weather does affect me a lot and it takes a great deal for me to settle myself to the changing weather every now and then. This makes me feel really sensitive and I always look like I'm not that strong and all! My mood keeps fluctuating every minute and this is something that sometimes worry me also! Its always between being grey to red. Nothing that pleasant about this swings in the mood! I even feel a lot lethargic too! I hope I could be a little more strong about this weather! Cheers! Good Luck!
@LeighB (698)
• Thailand
10 Feb 11
Hi shrijsr, The weather does affect peoples moods in different ways. It isn't always easy to live in a climate that is best for ones health. But when the weather causes ones mood to be depressive or violent then it can have severe consequentces.
• United States
10 Feb 11
I think when I was younger the weather affected me more. Now I don't think it has much of a change in my mood besides things like heavy snow where it is hard to drive to work.
@LeighB (698)
• Thailand
13 Feb 11
For me, it seems to be te other way around. When I was younger the weather never really bothered me but as I have got older I have found it is having more of an impact on my life than before.