How Do You Reconcile Your Relationship With Someone After a Brief Arguement?

February 11, 2011 8:14am CST
Hi everyone. Recently, I have heard many radio channels and TV commercials talking about appreciating family relationships, couple's relationships, siblings and other kinds of relationship/ bonding. No doubt, everybody will get into arguements. Who said, arguements is bad/unhealthy? Keep the arguements SHORT and simply resolving it is actually enhancing a better quality relationships. So, how do you reconcile a relationship? Do you buy gifts to her/him? Do you talk over it? See a counselor? Go off for vacation? What say you? Let's share your ideas and successful reconcilation. Thanks!
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11 responses
@m2heart (80)
• Philippines
12 Feb 11
In a relationship argumentation is always a part of ones life. Perhaps it will happen so that relationship will go stronger and makes you grow every time you will encounter this. For me this is just spices of life. To make an argument short, one should listen while the other one is talking, vise versa. Release anger by taking a deep breathe and everything follows. Never be afraid to ask "FORGIVENESS" weather it is your fault or not. For couples go to the church together for a strong foundation of your relationship.
• Malaysia
12 Feb 11
hi m2heart! First, congratulation to YOU! You have graduated from the university of LOVE and Forgiveness with flying colours! (hehehehe) Yes, well said about how couples should go to church for stronger foundation of relationship! More advice from you to hear! TQ!
• Philippines
8 Mar 11
Hello Jacklintan ^___^ Thank you so much for appreciating my views in life. hehehe. MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS*
@celticeagle (172608)
• Boise, Idaho
11 Feb 11
Hello. I think a reconcilation really depends on the situation. What was the argument about? If it is a really bad argument I think a gift(or peace offering) might be nice. If was just a silly little disagreement I would just go give him a kiss and say you are sorry. Being human and saying I am sorry occasionally is admireable and can add to the love you feel.
• Malaysia
12 Feb 11
hi celtieagle. saying sorry is easy. but not all the time, im going to say sorry. it's all depends on the situation actually. :)
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@celticeagle (172608)
• Boise, Idaho
12 Feb 11
Saying sorry if it is meant. And it shouldn't need to be said all the time. If it is it doesn't hold any significance after a while. Yes, it does depend on the circumstances.
• Philippines
12 Feb 11
hello jacklintan! when you argue with someone you love, you don't really have to make any effort to reconcile with them to get you both back to where you were before. Arguments are part of any relationship and it helps you to grow and develop as mature individuals if both of you are open to each others' ideas and point of view. When i get into an argument with my partner and realized that i was wrong, i truthfully admit my mistake to him and we go on like before, live our lives. And it's the same with him, we don't dwell much on the argument but on what we have learned through it.
• Malaysia
12 Feb 11
hello sexy deriellevc73, well...well said about this. But there are times, my hot fuse didn't want to cool down! (hehehe) Not the arguements that matters when we really argue! The part that upset me MOST, was when he didn't admit his mistakes and finding excuses to SUPPORT his doings! (GRRRRR~~~) Mostly, in the end, he will apologize the very next day. (still to late for me though)
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
12 Feb 11
i think someone has to take the first step, it could begin with a smile and soon get into the conversation about the fight saying sorry is not that difficult but both sides must do it, specially who started the fight
• Malaysia
12 Feb 11
hi katie0... Ermmmm.....normally i dont say sorry eventhough i started the fight. And that someone will be louder with his tunes when I'm considerably the loudest! (hehehehehhe) Anyway, of course, we hope theres no war in the end... Nobody got killed ASSURED! lol
• Philippines
12 Feb 11
Argument is a part of the relationship. It brings out your differences and differences make the relationship exciting.However, arguments should be resolved as soon as possible. Sometimes pride gets in the way so no one would want to take the first step for reconciliation. It is better to lose your pride than to lose someone because of pride.
• Malaysia
12 Feb 11
• Philippines
14 Feb 11
in a relationship arguments once in a while is healthy. reconciliation is simple it starts with one simple word, sorry. gifts aren't necessary but its nice to receive a gift. lol. but apologizing really is the core of it all.
• Malaysia
16 Feb 11
hi joniencabo, In this life, nobody ever gets out from arguement. Everyone has their say. Some people choose to listen to what they has to say only. thats why, burst the arguement. :)
@twinklee (894)
• India
12 Feb 11
Its Easily said than done to sustain a relationship......Relationship is what plays a major role when it comes to my business and one has go through a lot of is also about being committed to that person and finally always do what you say & say what you do.....if at all you cant resist without arguing do it & then argue that would heal the relationship over the course of time....
• Malaysia
12 Feb 11
hi twinklee, of course maintaining a good relationship requires alot of efforts and patience. Hardships is the sweetest memory. Too bad, not many people would be able to sustain the sweetest part of the relationship. I would have to say, if your heart is always there for this special someone, I'm pretty sure it will takes the coarse. :)good luck to you
@Lhenni (1242)
• Philippines
11 Feb 11
I see arguement as a factor for a relationships to know more your beloved,.. to be matured,.. to grow... I remember, we had this arguement... I want to enroll my 9 year old daughter in a voice lesson, but my husband instead wants her to be in a swimming lesson. He said, it will benefit her more. While my reason was, I just want her to improve her singing craft (though I see her not interested in singing)... I want a daughter who can sing good if not best... I'm convincing him hard to go with me but after telling me his side, he still leaves the decision with me. I really want her to be in that voice lesson but I admit, my husband has a better idea... so I go with him. She had her swimming lesson! In arguement, we should weigh things to a more positive settlement. We should be willing to accept that sometimes we're wrong & he is right and vice versa. But in case it will be a tough encounter and nothing is willing to go in anyway... they should meet half-way. It is the most discreet way to deal things not agreeable to each of you. We're not used to buying something as amicable piece. We just reconcile... no big deal. Will do the normal routine of being together with the kids. Continue the purpose of being a family. Enjoy life...
• Malaysia
11 Feb 11
hi Lhenni, Thank you for responding to my discussion. True and well said about this. :) Continue to love each other and family, ya.
• Israel
12 Feb 11
Aftar a fight with someone i care about i always break the ice by talking to him regularly as if nothing ever happend and as if there was no arguement between us. i don't like tension in the air so i prefer to leave the arguement in the past and to continue forward with a clean feeling. it's not that easy to act like this aftar an argument, but i practiced it and today i can easily make that switch. i warmly recommend it to everyone.
• Malaysia
12 Feb 11
hi hi gnmfashion, you're the sweetest soul! I adore those that will come to me eventhough I am still upset over the arguement. By he/she doing that (especially he!), I feel more at ease and anger just gone away! Thanks. Do more of this and maintain a good relationship! Cheers!!!
@jhazhy (18)
• Philippines
12 Feb 11
Part of one relationship is the argument, your relationship is not complete without it. When my husband & I got an argument, I always be one reconcile or make the first move to talk the problems and suggest some resolution. I 'll act some weird body language to make him smile or kiss him. And most of all after all I said, I alwasy said sorry to him.
• Malaysia
12 Feb 11
hi jhazhy, i think you're smart to say sorry first. it helps to ease the person's anger and subside the arguements. Intelligent choice! ;)
• United States
12 Feb 11
Yeah the great thing about arguing is that it shows you how much you love to sit quietly with that person with total appreciation and respect. I believe arguing is about ego. You start to just act out of your personal self without respect for others. I like to take their perspective. I love to just give her a hug and say how much I adore, appreciate, and love her with all my heart.
• Malaysia
12 Feb 11
awwwwww~~~ meditated1, you're such a sweet sweet soul. (HUG)