Do you always add taq after you start or respon to discussion ?

February 12, 2011 5:59pm CST
If you start a new discussion or after you respond to discussion, there always appear text box [tag this discussion] with a button skip or submit, did you always add some word to the taq ? why or why not ?
1 response
• United States
13 Feb 11
Yes I always tag whether it is mine or not. I can't begin to tell you that I have been on many discussions and even after five responses there are no tags. This is why many times we get so many duplicate discussions because if the discussions are not properly tagged and we search the tool bar they do not come up. Then we get the delete notification and wonder why. Some members for some odd reason tag their discussion with their user name, which should not be done as a unique search would never search for a discussion via a user name if we have no idea who that is. We also have many members complain that they searched and the tool bar does not work properly. It does but it can work if tags are not placed. So it is in my opinion a good idea to always tag.
• Indonesia
13 Feb 11
So the tag is used for Searching hahh??? why people put their user name on field tag ? I can't Imagine how it happened, by the way may be they don't know the function of the tag field, that's why it was.
• United States
13 Feb 11
Yeah I believe that is why they do that as well. Some also do not tag at all as they do not understand the searching reasoning also.