My friend cant get eneough men into bed!
By jasper40t
@jasper40t (468)
17 responses
@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
18 Feb 11
Oh dear I do hope that the bed is sturdy, I mean how many are we talking about, and hopefully not all at once. What exactly is she looking at whilst she is seeing them.
Thanks for the laugh, however it would be much more funnier if you came back to comment back to all of us. We certainly would it enjoy yet even more. 

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@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
18 Feb 11
If you know that a bed is not necessary, then you know far more about this kind of thing than I do.
So, please elaborate for us on why this woman can't get enough men in her bed, what she is doing with them once they are there, and what she is looking at whilst she is seeing them.
Is she a photographer?

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@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
18 Feb 11
"Oh dear I do hope that the bed is sturdy" It could be one of those "platform beds" (isn't that what you call them, the ones that are basically just a platform on the floor with the mattress on top of it?), so not only would it be just as sturdy as the floor underneath it but also there wouldn't be much of a drop if someone happened to fall off the bed.

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@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
18 Feb 11
I personally happen to know that a bed is really not necessary. 

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@NoWayRo (1061)
• Romania
17 Feb 11
Is it just my impression, or everybody here comments about the "friend", when the topic was in fact about all her men?
As for myself, I don't quite have an opinion about all these men, too little information available. Are there at least four of them? Can we get a game of bridge going? How come they're not enough in bed? Maybe a bigger bed is needed? How about if we replace the bed with a pool table?
See, too many questions before I can form an opinion.
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
18 Feb 11
Jasper go here:
and put your notifiers on. Then when your discussions recieve responses you will know - and get back to us all sooner, regardless of the time zone.
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
18 Feb 11
Just keep checking your mail and you will then be informed.
I see you are no longer an anonymous green man either - or was it a white man? 

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@jasper40t (468)
18 Feb 11
Hey thanks!!, as when i last checked there were no responses, hope this works!! thanks..
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@jasper40t (468)
18 Feb 11
when everyone was busy commenting i was asleep in bed, time differences!! ha!! ive got to sleep!!, yes that pic of me was taken in 2006, im cutting just now and will put my latest pic up around 2-3 months time.... love your animated man!!!

@lionheartguru (208)
• India
18 Feb 11
Just like our tongue does not have a bone , and can move as we wish , our brain thinks just how we want it to think . Playing with words is a lot easier than coming with conclusions. Discussing about a friend , who is of sound mind and grown up enough to take wise decisions for herself, should be left alone to take her own wise decisions ! Its not that that we should ignore someone molesting a child ! You are trying to prove your point by twisting the words in your favor.
Extremely mean and unethical Japer !
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@jasper40t (468)
18 Feb 11
Thats why i should have been more descriptive to begin with.Are you saying if a child molester stayed across from you and if i was disscussing why so many children were going in and out of his house, that we shouldnt discuss it, since its only his business/life?, im really not sure.....?

@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
17 Feb 11
As several other people have stated, I would have to know more to form an "educated" opinion. I mean, what do they look like? How many men are there? What is she doing with them once they are in bed and she is "seeing" them ... is she perhaps a painter, sculptor or some other kind of artist?
Does she see them all at once or one at a time rather like an assembly line?
So many questions and so few answers.

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@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
18 Feb 11
Maybe she is worn out and had to sleep. I wonder where she sleeps if all these men are in her bed ... 

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@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
18 Feb 11

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@gnmfashion (53)
• Israel
17 Feb 11
Good for her! if that's what she enjoy of doing and don't seem to get enef then it's her choice and her life and i don't think that anyone should judje her for her desicions.
eventually, she will get tired of it and she will want to find the one man for her.
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@gnmfashion (53)
• Israel
18 Feb 11
If there are children in the house while she's doing that, well, that changes the whole picture, it means she should be much more responsible with her choice of the man she brings into her house.
We can't really know these days if a guy is "good", not even aftar a month or more from my experience, so she should think twice and be much more careful with her choice, but still, she is not doing anything wrong as long as she does it wisely.
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@jasper40t (468)
18 Feb 11
I really agree with you, but who are the men she goes with?, could one of them be a s_x criminal?, if so what about the children?, is it safe?

@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
17 Feb 11
Have you volonteered in order to help her get enough?
Hey are you sure that she is seeing "all the men"?
I mean, do you stand there and count them all? 

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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
17 Feb 11
Erm... define 'bouncer' please
No on second thoughts, you had better not 

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@DrSports528 (1)
• United States
17 Feb 11
Agreed. Let people live their own lives and just stay within your own
@srganesh (6339)
• India
17 Feb 11
Is she attractive and can dress up and make up well? So many girls are having over confidence about their charisma and so fails to get their choice of men. Ask her to have a visit to a beautician and also buy her some up to date modern dresses. And most important thing is, she should learn to be modest in a public place.
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@jasper40t (468)
18 Feb 11
Yes she is really pretty, maybe she just doesnt realise she is such a topic right now?
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
17 Feb 11
I hope your friend doesn't wear herself out with all those men!LOL! I hope she uses protection and guys do too!
I wish I had this problem!
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@jasper40t (468)
18 Feb 11
up to now i dont think she seen it as a problem?, its only because of her neibours(including me) that its becoming one...
@Sandra1952 (6047)
• Spain
20 Feb 11
Hello, Jasper. Well, as far as I'm concerned, more than one at a time is wasted. I mean, a girl only has so many orifices, and if too many are plugged at the same time, how's she going to know which one is giving the most pleasure?
I cenrtainly wouldn't want too many men in my bed - might make the sheets sticky, and my husband might object.
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@jasper40t (468)
18 Feb 11
some times the men are only in 20 mins?, she will have to start meeting them somewhere else, wish we had motels like in the u.s. then we could all do it!!!
@ever_purple (522)
• Philippines
18 Feb 11
can you explicitly explain how your friend see lots of men..
@jasper40t (468)
18 Feb 11
At least 3 men, even as much as 5 men have been seen going in with her, not going back out with her!, if you getb what i mean
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
17 Feb 11
Has she (or they) told you they are sleeping together, or do you just naturally assume that--because she is so up-close with the men--that they must be?
That human suspicion is such an invading force! I think it's why singer Britney Spears 'married' her longtime friend Jason Alexander (not the "Seinfeld"-star) for part of a day in Las Vegas because their friends 'saw them go into the same room together' and assumed 'the worst' from there! 

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