Thousands of sharks off the coast of Florida! Yikes!!

sharks in Florida - Sharks off the coast of Florida
@schulzie (4061)
United States
February 17, 2011 7:19am CST
I was watching the news this morning and saw a story about how there were thousands of sharks off the coast of Florida, right near Boca Raton and Singer Island. It sure was quite a sight to see so many sharks swimming so close to the shore. They were located about 50 yards from the shore. They are migrating presently and are drawn to the warmer waters here as this is the time of year when sharks migrate and head for warmer waters. Also, they are feeding off the bait fish near the shore. I love living here and all but I think I will be staying away from the beach for the next couple weeks just to be safe! Have a great day and happy myLotting!!!
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5 responses
• United States
15 Mar 11
Wow! That's a lot of sharks! I wonder if they are already past now? You never really know what's out in the ocean, that's why I always feel safer swimming in my swimming pool than in the ocean.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
17 Feb 11
Wow....that has to be scary. I think I would definately stay away from the beach too! We went to Hawaii once and my son was going to try surfing....well they went to a beach and right before they got there a shark had attacked someone....they moved to another beach of course!
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
17 Feb 11
yup think I would too but then if thy fifty feet off shore I think I would really have to go look tose this sight. dont have to go all the way to the beach to see/\.
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@HansonFan (1653)
• United States
30 Mar 11
Wow! I am moving to Florida soon! Something to look forward to right? LOL! But I wont be near the ocean so I am not too worried. But I think I would have to see this sight...dont have to get in the water to see it like a previous poster mentioned! :) Thats intense!
• United States
18 Feb 11
Good idea and I would not get near it until you hear that all is clear. No point in putting yourself in harms way.. Do take care and stay away for a while.