is religion important

@scuba1 (24)
February 18, 2011 1:40am CST
for human race if u see universelly is there a need of any particular religion . in my view the basics of all relgion is same . to serve & love the human or living beings .love pure love is the real religion from to all the ceations of god & that is true love to god. am i right plz tell me
1 response
@livecenter (1136)
• Malaysia
18 Feb 11
I have always believe that religion is one of the most important aspects in our lives...Most religion are heavenly-descended, which means it is revealed from the heavenly sources, or has connections with heavenly sources...Nevertheless, I have always believe that religions are descended for the same reason, which to organize human's life better, but the ways of implementation are different...Each of us has their own opinion and perspective of the world, and it is up to an individual to embrace what they think suit best for them...