The Task at Hand

@Onyxe121 (206)
United States
February 21, 2011 5:38pm CST
I've been posting tasks off and on for a little while and I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing the same thing I am (or has experienced it). I've noticed that some people will try anything to get credit. No matter how I try to impose rules for proof of registration there is always someone who thinks they can get by, by faking it. Like I won't check. Then when I return the results, of course I don't get a response back. Has anyone else had this problem? Or am I just being a putz and its par for the course?
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2 responses
• Canada
22 Feb 11
I have not created tasks but I have been doing tasks since myLot started the feature. I generally only do SharonBucks writing tasks, though. I'm sorry that people don't bother to follow your instructions :( Just like in the discussions some will never read the rules and they think that myLot is all about "easy money." As a task creator, I'm sure it's very frustrating for you to spend your time/money and not get the correct and expected return. I believe one problem could be that a good majority of the tasks offer very small compensation and people just don't take them seriously. Some task creators (please don't take offense because I don't mean you :) I'm not sure what kind of tasks you post and this is only a general observation) ask for a lot of steps or quite a bit of work and offer only a penny or two in return. I've seen writing tasks that request original content of something like 500 words for a payment of 50 cents. Most writers I know would never accept that. Myself, I only work on tasks where it appears that the reward that is offered is commensurate with what is being asked.
@rameshchow (4426)
• India
22 Feb 11
My lot tasks are the another way to earn in this community. I am being a member here from the past 12months, but i m interested in discussion. I also wanna see to come into tasks. But i need some experience. Your doing better. All the very best to you. But you have to provide healthy content which is used to others. Have a niceday, God bless you.