Fighting Because of Money

Marikina, Philippines
February 22, 2011 8:59am CST
If both of you were fighting about the money, is this the sign that your boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband does not love you at all? Or is it normal in a relationship? I do understand both lovers that were fighting to each other because of jealousy or they caught their partner cheating, but if they were fighting about the money, I do not know if its normal or its just your partner was focusing too much on money?
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18 responses
@raj7shot (838)
• India
20 Mar 11
Never i will fight for money...
@edb225112 (124)
• United States
23 Feb 11
Fighting over money suggests this couple is not really partners in a relationship. Couples who have not talked about what money means to each partner and have come to some agreement will have so many other differences fighting will become a way of life. Money is also a sign of power. Fighting over it is really fighting over who has the power in the relationship. Again, not a partnership. If one of you needs to be more powerful and control everything, there is no partnership.
@Marmot (590)
• United States
23 Feb 11
Money actually can ruin a lot of things. But I don't think fighting because of money has directly affect with the relationship between lovers. Sometimes people fight because money just because they have different ideas, and it is no harm to the relationship if both of them can understand each other.
@Ichiru101 (284)
• United States
23 Feb 11
It is just normal in a relationship. When in desperate time, sometimes people over stress up and start having fights. It doesn't mean that person doesn't you, it just means you two have to talk more with each other to come up with a plan.
@fjclolazy (859)
• China
23 Feb 11
Hi,my friend, Fighting about money doesn't mean that your lover doesn't love u more.It's nomal in daily life.There would be something wrong with money or any other things.Take it easy,be considerate for each other more. Good luck!
• Philippines
23 Feb 11
So far money has not yet been an issue in our relationship. But for many married couple, money is one the reasons why conflicts at home strikes. It is either the husband does not give money to his wife, or the husband spends the money somewhere or to someone else. I can understand why. The wife budgets everything, wouldn't your head ache when you are trying expand a really tight budget? I cannot say that this act denotes loss of love because people reach a point when they argue on something. But in some cases that may be true... Case to case basis I think.
• United States
22 Feb 11
Done that before, and it was useless. It's not worth it to fight over money. Money isn't what makes your relationship. Life is so short. Why waste it arguing over money?
@dodo19 (47268)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
22 Feb 11
Like you, I do understand fighting because of jealousy, and such. However, I do think that it is somewhat normal for couples to fight about money. It happens that my husband and I disagree and/or fight about money. Sometimes we also fight partly because of stress. However, it really doesn't mean that we don't love each other anymore. It's just one way that we deal with the situation. Granted, it's not the best way to deal with it, but it happens.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
22 Feb 11
No, not really but I should say it is sign they don't really love each other that much because they love money more. You know what, if you really love one person, money can never be an issue. I am talking through experience here. I have been married for almost 26 years and never in any single instance that I and my husband quarreled over money. This is not because we have much money but because we have much love for each so that we respect each other and money can never be a reason for rift. The Bible can never be wrong so as it says in 1Timothy 6:10 "For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." This love for money has caused disputes and even separation in most couples so we have to be careful lest we become the next to suffer broken relationship just because we love money more than our spouse.
@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
22 Feb 11
There was time that my parents fought over money for a while. I think it could be harmful to the relationship if the couple tends to fight over the money all the time. Fortunately, we don't have this issue, my husband is the only who works for this household, he takes care of all the bills and stuff, he gives me money for grocery and stuff on time.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
22 Feb 11
There are just some things you will find to argue about in any relationship. Money is one of those things. it doesn't mean you don't have the same love for the person you always did. You just can't agree on how the money is managed between you.
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
22 Feb 11
I think if the fight is ugly there is love but money is more important, it conserns more who is fighting than the well being
@QeeGood (1213)
• Sweden
22 Feb 11
Money issues can be solved between people in a relationship, IF both are willing to work on it two ways. Fighting about money is very common in many realtionships. I think it has to do with the individual needs of having some money pleasing ones own desires. However when there are only limitied finances to make a whole family to survive on, it can easily be hard arguments.Once and for all make up a budget for the regular monthly expenses and let everyone have a realistic sum of money for individual costs. I believe in negotiation between partners If there is real genuine love in a relationship.
@crystal11 (157)
• Malaysia
23 Feb 11
Love and money are two separate issues. Lets be honest, a relationship cannot run on love. Money is important in providing the basic necessities of life. Take a husband and wife for instance. The wife used to work but stopped to take care of her children. Husband's income is not stable. Wife has to rely on husband and husband makes lectures to wife if she asks him for money, even if its for the kids expenses. Yeah, yeah, i know its the husbands duty to provide. But if the husband has money problems, should the wife just suffer silently. One fine day things will explode! Nobody wins, especially if they are in their late forties. It has nothing to do with love. That's just my opinion :(
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
22 Feb 11
money seems to be the cause of a number of breakups these days but it doesnt have to be like that. but people view money differently and some dont know how to deal with it. especially the lack of it!
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
22 Feb 11
Money is one of the top list in marital fights. Money can make or break a marriage or relationship. Too little or too much of money can both create a lot of unnecessary misunderstandings. I can say it is normal to see couples fight because of money. There is nothing to be unduly worried about if it happen to you. We have all gone through that path.
@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
22 Feb 11
HI, It is depend on your situation... some partners fight over money cuz one of them are over spending, or some couldn't try hard enough to bring the money in and do only the spending. Sometimes, I fight with my husband cuz of money too... cuz it is something to do with spending and complaining... lolz... but we dont do that much. It is normal in relationship. but if one of them is cheating then it is totally different
• Philippines
22 Feb 11
Hello INtrovertshy, THey just can't help it. there are times when money becomes an issue because both of you need to have savings or something that needed to buy or pay a bill but with out money it can be an issue too. but if they really loved each other, they can just sit down and talked. probably find a way to solve things the decent way.