My Views on "Filipinos having No Origin" we are actually A "MIX RACE"

February 22, 2011 9:12pm CST
Hello Lotters, I suddenly remember a discussion made by a fellow mylotter about Filipinos having NO ORIGIN which she based it on a fake online chain letter based on a racist remark of a radio host in the US that Filipinos having no origin race and all of a sudden putting racist remarks on us with no apparent reason at all. Well, Here's my take on that. We don't have one because we are a MIX RACE from the Start. most of our biological ancestors were from CHINA, JAPAN, INDONESIA, MALAYSIA and other Asian Countries because before there was a being straight that bridges between other Nations and the Philippines, which is now under water after thousands of years. So, meaning, ASIAN People from other countries shouldn't be giving us racist remarks because Philippines is also country of Migration similar to United States (except that there's Indians and other Latin Americas there already). *Unless there was another ancestor (originated here) that we never heard of before the migration of Asians to the Philippines* Philippines should be considered as a Unficiation Symbol for ALL ASIANS and should not be LOOKED down to because we all have the looks and bloodlines of other asian people. the similarities of a vietnamese,indonesian,chinese,malaysian,Japanese,Koreans and others not mentioned are ALL in the Philippines.. therefore, we are not the "mexico" of asia, as others claim. I mean, is there any country in the World that has completely Different Dialecs from one tribe to the other in each province?therefore, i think were unique for some reason.
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14 responses
• Philippines
24 Feb 11
My dear knight, I am happy that at least there is someone who address this issue. I had been disappointed in our fellow countrymen when they deny their origins in favor of another nationality in whatever reasons they convince themselves. In my opinion, the Filipino is one nomad people. We are almost everywhere in world and even in another country, we bump into each other and we feel that we are at home despite the background. The only issue that I am concerned about is the confusion of some Filipino youth with dual citizenship. Almost coinciding with their puberty, these youth are lost in their cultural identity as Filipinos. They become lost on who they are and the culture they are supposed to know. Another thing that makes me sad is when our countrymen looked down on themselves when they are insulted by people of other cultures. I would not go on with our issues of national and cultural identity - that is an issue that is too broad and to a certain extent, too complicated. But this recurring concern should be addressed, at least to the younger generation so that they will held their head high when they interact with other nations. As a parting note, I really wonder what is the deal with these Asians who call us names. I never thought that other Asians would act as high and mighty as Europeans. Such scenario is a shame. We might a small melting pot compared to America, yet we tolerate each other (though sometimes this situation does not happen) in our country. Let it not be said that we threw the first stone on our Asian neighbors.
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• Philippines
27 Feb 11
Hello Jeanney, That's true, when ever we see a Filipino, it reminds us of home and feels comfortable with people knowing they came from the same country. Unfortunately, there are some that take advantage of our own OFW's. Yeah, racist filipino against a filipino, which made me make discuss this issue, because we are a mix race and doesn't have to fight each other. Unfortunately, some of our People tend to have racist and criticism against others. There was this video Michael V about a Dancing Bumbai, it gives a very bad impression about the people.Have a nice day.
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@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
23 Feb 11
hello LK, So what...that's my answer.(for the sake of other's satisfaction...granting without acceptance) Who can tell about the origins (original/natives or whatever) America is also of mixed races and so with other countries in the globe. Now,we can say that,in every race in this world...there is a FILIPNO BLOOD in it. Name a country,and we are sure that,there's a FILIPINO who lives in that country,married all the races in this world.
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• Philippines
27 Feb 11
Hello Sis Jaiho, THAT'S WHAT'S BEEN BOTHERING ME FROM THE START..if they think we don't have these so called origins, then how come they didn't question much or made criticism on the United States. Why? That's because they are powerful nation and most countries treat them with respect and not the same with us. Well, I guess we are a caring people and only aggressive when we feel like being looked down upon.Have a Great day
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@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
23 Feb 11
Oh ignore them, LK. If they look at "mixed race" as something like an abomination, then let them go on with that thought. Some people just don't see it that nobody in this world is of superior race. We all die and turn to dust and in that regard, insects that eat our carcasses don't even bother knowing our family tree. What we Filipinos should do is uphold our identity and stop copying from other countries. Because that is the reason why some people get the impression that we came from nowhere.
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• Philippines
27 Feb 11
Hello Theresa, If we our an abomination, then the Americans should be considered the same since most of their decendants or grand parents were from different parts of Europe or England. Most specially most of them are from England knowing that America was once a colony of England and things started changing.have a nice day.
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@mimiang (3760)
• Philippines
23 Feb 11
We are great people because of our mixed genes. We evolved into better beings and for that , we are known to be intelligent people. We have rich culture that needs to be preserved. Frankly, some trust the Filipino doctors more than our foreign counterparts because we know how to innovate and we know how to assess and to treat even in the absence of technologies.We just have to have political will to improve as a nation. We should develop our own industry to make it at par with the developed countries. The government should invest on our scientists more.They should be given help on securing patents for their works.
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• Philippines
27 Feb 11
Hello Mimiang, Well, it's the Filipino people that should mature in terms of choosing the BEST Political WILL public servants and not for the sake of popularity alone. I think one day things will get better in our country but with the situation now, I doubt any thing can be a struck for change, though the president and the new cabinet is doing it's best to fix things up in the both legislation,judicial and executive. Have a nice day.
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@visavis (5934)
• Philippines
23 Feb 11
Actually yes agree with you unique and mix race like me, I call it "Italiano" mix of Ita and Ilocano just joking... But despite of mix race and dialect I'm proud be a Filipino... see you around
• Philippines
27 Feb 11
Hello Visavis, A very NICE joke indeed. We are a mix race and that is our considered origins here, so we don't have direct origins because we came from different Asian Races. I want to know other dialects besides tagalog, I rarely know my own pangalatok language. But of course, am just still into knowing Filipino.have a nice day.
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@fl0rencia (414)
• Philippines
23 Feb 11
This is true. I am a hundred percent Filipino. But my grandmother is half-chinese, grand father is spanish blooded and the rest are Filipinos.
@rsa101 (38208)
• Philippines
23 Feb 11
Yeah I have to agree with that. We may not have originated from one single race but of mixed race and heritage here. Until now, our race is still of mixed origins and is continuously expanding as our citizens are growing globally already.
• Philippines
27 Feb 11
Hello RSA, We don't have a single originality because we are indeed mix for some reason. History does say it of course, we are growing but unfortunately, those who worked abroad are vulnerable to abuse of any kind. Most specially those who are actually not that much skilled in knowing the place out there. Have anice day.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
23 Feb 11
I understand that many Filipinos are of mixed parentage (mestizos) and the by products of these inter marriages are seen in the beautiful features of your people. But those who fled to my state as political refugees are far different from the true children of your country. These refugees are called 'pilipin' by the locals and the mention of this name send shiver down the spines of many locals cos of their rough attitudes. Because of these lawless group of people that represent a small segment of the citizens of your country, have tarnished the good name of your country and her people. I am proud to call myself the original tribe of my state though my blood might still be tainted with chinese blood that originated from my past past generations. I think everyone has some foreign bloods running in their veins and there aren't many left who are pure breeds. We are people of 'mix race' but can still declare ourselves the true children of our birth countries.
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• Philippines
27 Feb 11
Hello Zandi, Malaysians I don't think they are mix race but a very unique Asian race too same as Indonesians and Chinese, we just happened to be part of you. Due to Colonization I believe mix or cross over race had been added for some reason. It's sad that you have to mention the bad side of the Filipino people, I think you can always have them report and deport them on. I don't think they deserve to be part of being a Filpino. This is probably a reason why Filipinos have a negative impression simply because of the others abroad. Have a nice day.
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@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
23 Feb 11
agree agree. If we go back to our country's history we are indeed a mix of every race, from malay,indonesians,chinese and other asian countries! We are like a mixture of blood of all races and that makes us unique So there is no point in putting us down.
• Philippines
27 Feb 11
Hello Jazel, Yeah, Our Origins were definitely from different Asian Countries across the nearby continents because it has a land bridge before the waters started pouring out. At least they should recognize that we came “from them” once in a while. We are just economically down but shouldn't be the bases for bullying.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
23 Feb 11
Hi LetraKnite, If you stick to the language part India would outsmart all the nations in the world. India has 27 different provinces all with their language and culture and rituals. And still it gets parts with the different tribes and tribal having their own dialect. Say I am from the province called Assam that lies on the north eastern part of India. The official language here is Assamese but there are more than 70 different tribes with difference in their physical structure. Some look like Chinese, some Aryans, some Dravidian and all. This applies to all other provinces more or less. Now as we speak Assamese our neighboring province does not know the ABC of this language as theirs is totally different. This is why I often refer India to be the eighths wonder of the world as all the provinces have elements to become a country except sovereignty.
• Philippines
27 Feb 11
Hello Krajib, Oh, Yeah am sorry I forgot about India being part of ASIA, but I wonder why India didn't become part of the Middle East. Well, this isn't a competition with regards to how many provinces and dialects but because it's about my country's home. And this isn't competition though since it merely talks about my HOME and PEOPLE and it's possible origins. Have a nice day
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• Philippines
23 Feb 11
hi the saying goes you can never put a good man's important indeed one's origin...but also we must think of our destination...just always strive to leave a good legacy...coz it will be the next generations origin.....mabuhay pinoy! :) :) :)
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• Philippines
27 Feb 11
Hello Jcservant, That's very true, but not necessarily putting us down but it's just a way of criticizing us by our way of living and probably couldn't careless where we came from.well, what matters is what we do today because I think some people are just doing bad things regardless of the impact of our reputation globally.
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@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
23 Feb 11
We can't deny the fact that our culture is very similar to the mexicans, even the language has more similarity that our asian neighbors and we owe that to five hundred years of spanish colonization. I was able to come across that email about an american guy who made racist remarks about the Philippines several years ago, yes that email has been circulating the net for several years already. My first reaction was to get annoyed but as the years went by and I reflect on the contents of his email, my annoyance became pity. Pity in a sense that that poor man may have been victimized by or abandoned by his filipina girl friend because of his own making. We all know for a fact that that's not how americans see the Filipinos, there could be some but they are just a few bunch. Personally, I see nothing wrong if there are people who would call the Philippines as asia's mexico, they can just go to zamboanga and hear people talking in chabacano which is very similar to spanish as proof of that claim. Add to that the predominant religion which is christianity. But apart from the culture, we can't just ignore that the blood running in our veins is asian.
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• Philippines
27 Feb 11
Hello Ybong, The Language of Tagalog was a mix of spanish, mexican and filipino languages. We are WAY far from Mexico because the mexicans are ONE LATIN RACE while WE are a MIX RACE of different Asians. Probably due to lack of progress, we tend to be criticized and bullied for some reason. As for the story, I think it was a hoax because some one mentioned that it was added up. Have a nice day.
• United States
23 Feb 11
I agree, we are unique. I can speak and write four(4) dialects of our country fluently. So, Filipinos are really unique or "namumukod Tangi" in beauty and in brain.( hehe..joke). Yes, we are mixed. absolutely mixed. When I worked in Hong Kong and will ride on a TRAM or bus no Filipina will talk to me because they taught I am an Indonesian. On the other hand, Indonesian girls, will start talking to me and I am kind of " I am sorry, I don't understand Indonesian language, I am a Filipina. Then, it will make the other Filipina inside the tram/bus open their eyes wide, explaining to me that they didn't say hi because they taught I am Indonesian. So, it's really a mixed up. Moreover, not only Asian blood running in our veins also Spanish and American on my part. Other Races don't have the right to judge us or lower us down because of our ancestral origin.:)Proud to Be Filipino.
• Philippines
27 Feb 11
Hello Speedytypist, I really wanted to learn other Filipino Dialects other than our usual tagalog thing. Not to mention learning other Asian languages like chinese, korean or Japanese. We have some similarities with Indonesians because some of their ancestors went to our country to settle and that was thousands of years ago. But I guess some Filipinos can be racist too so that's why we are also treated that way. Well, that's Life I guess. Have a nice day.
@damned_dle (3942)
• Philippines
23 Feb 11
Well if we go way, way, way, waaaaaaay back in time.. all races came from a single race! And that race started in Africa. So people should really stop comparing where each race came from because it shouldn't really matter.
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• Philippines
27 Feb 11
Hello Damned_Idle, That's true but unfortunately, for the moment am not really into going back but rather think about the close origin that we have. If their ancestors didn't visit the Philippines, it's probably another undevelop country by now. But that's been gone a long time so that's probably we are now into just getting to know our roots again. Have a nice day.
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