If you didn't have to worry about making a living what would you like to do ?

February 23, 2011 11:36pm CST
Well... In description for the started discussion I would like to tell about my opinion about this question. I would like to play guitar for more time which I get to do it now these days, I would read many books which I have added in wish list but just buying only two in month as I am not able to finish more than that... Then I will search for more interesting music and will listen that... I will spend more time in working with NGO... And lots of more thing which I have planned to do when I will have enough source of income for make me live without being worry for anything which come around as need or wish ... So now question to you - If you didn't have to worry about making a living what would you most like to do for the rest of your life? Thanks...
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25 responses
• Philippines
3 Mar 11
This is a very interesting scenario, a dreamy scenario at that. :) If I didn't have to worry about making a living, I would write music and literature for the rest of my life. Music and literature have always been at the top of my interests and they're also at the top of the non-money-making-occupations list in my country unless you're from a superstar music clan by blood or a rocket-science-genius writer. I've always loved making music, poems and stories without really pressuring myself to reach the global standards of the said fields because for me, music and literature are the expressions of my God-given freedom. I really hope that day would come when I wouldn't have to worry about making a living and just spend every waking day of my life singing and writing what I have in mind.
• India
3 Mar 11
I wish you would be in this position some day in your life where you will get all these things to do without caring to reach at international level... Thanks for your response...
@thaMARKER (2503)
• Philippines
28 Feb 11
bum all over the world. hahahaha.. i wanna relax in front of the beach, drink with friends sometimes, laugh a lot, talk to people [friends or not], roam around the city. i wanna live without me worrying what's my life goin to be the next day. i wanna spend my money with unfortunate or just whoever i come across with whenever my feet would take me. i wanna try different things i have done ever. i wanna cry in front of someone i don't know for whatever reason. i wanna check every buildings [tall nice buildings]. and a lot lot more.
• India
3 Mar 11
Thanks for your crazy response...
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
26 Feb 11
Hi sincere4frdship, I would like to spend most of the time doing what would relax me and interest me. the very first thing is to put those article writing as well as undesired stuffs which are unavoidable behind myself Then I would have considerable time indulge in watching my favorite tv series which I don't have time to enjoy at the moment. If it's affordable I would like to have a comfortable and relaxing stay in the resort at the beautiful and tranquil near the beach. Happy posting
• India
26 Feb 11
Best of luck with your plan and I am pretty sure you will have all these pleasure if you keep these things to achieve... Thanks...
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
27 Feb 11
See that is the thing...My dream is to do what I would love to have time to do if I didn’t have to worry about making a living to make a living...If you know what I mean...LOL! My dream is to open a cattery, run it and read and write a lot provided I had help of course. Taking care of cats would not feel like work to me...
• India
3 Mar 11
That's a very nice of you who has this much feelings towards cats...I also want to do many things but at last think of a dog who can accompany me in all of those work... Thanks for your response...
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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
27 Feb 11
There are two things that I would really like to have the opportunity to do if it didn't matter how we were going to have money. First of all, I love to learn and there is nothing that I'm not interested in. For that reason, I would really like to have the opportunity to be a professional student. The other thing that I would really like to be able to do is to travel the world. I would like to visit as many countries and continents as possible.
• India
1 Mar 11
Thanks for your response...
@globaldoc (858)
• Philippines
26 Feb 11
I think i would be spending time just sleeping and eating and hanging around with friends.
• India
3 Mar 11
Thanks for your response dear...
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
25 Feb 11
i would probably write more but i would love to travel some. but since i am a homebody, i would probably do more art. i would get my hubby to work on his scroll saw with wood again so i could paint it and design more. i would also read a great deal more too.
• India
26 Feb 11
Best of luck with your plan... Thanks for your response...
• Philippines
24 Feb 11
I'd like to go around the world, for starters. I want to go see Paris and Tokyo, and eat some pizza in Rome :)
• India
26 Feb 11
Thanks for your response...
• United States
24 Feb 11
There's alot I would like to do, as I hoped much of it I could try while being a stay at home mom but the money is not there to do things as I'd like. Really do anything that makes you happy. Though we've often pondered if we did win the lotto and got rich we'd work whatever job we got just for kicks. You know like that guy who was an intern at say 50 various jobs to just get experience and quit if you get bored or want to try something else.
• India
26 Feb 11
Well... I didnt get many things which you said here ...but still I am agree with your sentence about living and doing what ever makes you happy... Thanks for your response...
@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
24 Feb 11
If I didn't have my baby boy now, I would like to go travel with my family. But now, I would just spend time with the family and make sure we eat good, live good.
• India
26 Feb 11
Thanks for your responses...
• Philippines
24 Feb 11
I would volunteer more in NGO's in helping the environment, the poor children and the abused pets. I find it hard to spend time volunteering because I have a full time day job, and I don't have enough money to just go around the country to volunteer. Hopefully, when and if that time comes.. I would gladly leave my current job and pursue my dream.
• India
26 Feb 11
I really wish you luck for your plan and really feel very happy when see some body thinking about others too even in those condition when they are fighting for their own... Thanks for your response...
@jennbart (1330)
• Philippines
24 Feb 11
Travel and try out products for free.
• India
26 Feb 11
Thanks for your response...
• Philippines
24 Feb 11
If I didn't have to worry about anything and money is no object, I would like to spend my life travelling the world. I'm not talking about taking quick tours and being the typical tourist, but actually staying long enough in a place to learn about the culture, the way of life, the food, the people, the customs. And then as soon as I start feeling a bit bored, be well on my way to a new place to discover. Oh, and I'd like to be able to read books all day, every day.
• India
26 Feb 11
Well... We have been talking traveling many times here in this discussion but again I will say ..traveling is very nice thing and attractive to attract us towards it if we dont have to worry about making a living... And thats why you will see many person who is at some sucess level they get associated with many world wide events to make them travel all along the world with some reason... And if they can't then they just travel at their own cost... Thanks...
@koolit83 (41)
• Philippines
25 Feb 11
..if i were in that very situation sincere, i'll be doing social works. it has always been a dream for me to have my own school for street kids. here in manila there are kids who are deprived of proper education because of poverty. and i feel for these kids i see everyday out on the streets working at very young ages just to survive..if i will be winning big time in a lottery or something i will definitely do this sincere. but for now all i can do is small things like giving food for them when i encounter kids once in a while. i refuse to give them money because i am worried of the syndicates that they may be part of. if only i can sincere, i will do this..
• India
26 Feb 11
Well... I would like to give you one advice. what I do for educating children, by just put them in any government school by convincing them and if they dont get agree then I threat them for government law and I promise them to give tution at free of cost in my leasure time.. I keep them in my guidance by visiting them at daily basis and giving tution as the education quality is not very good here in government school but they can meet expectation if they have guidance... So you can start it by just trying to find two child..and I hope you will get much happiness to extend it to a big level and it wont cost you much... I welcome you for any kind of suggestion or help if I can do... Thanks...
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
24 Feb 11
If I didn't have to worry about making a living I would do much more traveling. My disabled son is soon going to begin primary school so therefore I would have to do home schooling. I would travel the world to all the countries on my travel wish list. I would be able to visit all the places that I want to. I would stay in locally owned guest houses. The ways I will travel would be plane, train, bus and ferries. When I come back home I would buy a camper van and have some journeys in my home country. At home I would get my garden landscaped and put in a summer house. It would have a tropical style to it.
• India
26 Feb 11
Well... I have been commented on the topic of travel as our wish to do in previous response. You are the first one here to admit that you didn't have to worry about making a living otherwise we all have some circumstances to keep our plan as plan only... Best of luck for achieving your wish list related to travel... Thanks...
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
24 Feb 11
For me to serve more to Jehovah God every day like perching the good news of the kingdom.
• India
26 Feb 11
Thanks for your response...
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
24 Feb 11
Nice question. If that is the case, and i have lots of money, i would like to travel my whole country first, together with my husband and if possible with our daughter. Then next, those Asian nations and then, Canada, where most of my friends are , then US , then other places in the world.
• India
24 Feb 11
If some body like traveling then one life is not much...so I think the next discussion topic could be related to it... Thanks...
• Philippines
24 Feb 11
I want to take care of the household! Well, cooking meals and buying groceries excite me. Or I might be in a shopping spree and a tour. You know, girl stuff.
• India
24 Feb 11
It's not only girl things...even I also like shopping when I get frustration from work or life... But if I go in nice mood then it change my mind into it as I dont like artificial crowdings too much... Thanks...
• Philippines
24 Feb 11
If I would not have to worry about earning money, then I will fulfill my dreams of travelling around the world. I will also help in the betterment of the lives of those people belonging to the poor sectors of society. Furthermore, I will help in the promotion of peace in the whole world. Definitely, I will pray for these.
• India
26 Feb 11
Most of the person has responded here with their plan with traveling... Thanks for your response...
• United States
24 Feb 11
If I didn't have to worry about making a living my husband and I would open up a large dog rescue where dogs in danger of being euthanized simply due to lack of space could be taken to. We'd love to have several acres where we could have plenty of room for them to play etc. It's something that we have always said we'd do if we ever win the lottery. At present we have 5 rescue dogs in our home and we love them dearly! Thanks for the question!
• India
26 Feb 11
Well... I remember my Ex and the time when I met her and our relation was in early stage. She is having very much affection towards street dogs and I also felt much feeling towards them after she has explained the pain which they get with comparision to pet dogs... She was also having plan to set hospital and home for them and always talked about all these things in those time..which I can clearly remember now... I don't know how much she will be succeded but I have always wished her luck... Thanks for your nice response...