Bukisa is cheating on Adsense ads?

@jamed28 (1903)
February 24, 2011 9:43pm CST
Do you think Bukisa is cheating on Adsense ads? Well I think so. For those who don't know about Bukisa, well Bukisa is a site where you can earn money by writing and publishing your site. Before you can earn from this site through index, or through unique visitors. For every 1000 visitors your articles have then you can earn around $3.32. But then the site claims that there are some members who are cheating and submitting their articles in prohibited sites like PTC sites and traffic exchange sites, so they recently change their member's earning scheme into shared affiliate scheme, where they are sharing 60% of the Adsense ads earnings to the author or the writer of the article. (By the way there are two options to choose from. Chitika and Adsense). So as a member of such site I'd choose Adsense rather than Chitika since some says Adsense is much better. But it seems very hard to earn from this scheme, I already had 1000 visitors and I only earned around $0.10. So what I did was investigate and check the source codes of my articles' pages. I was shocked to see that out of the three Adsense ads that are placed in my articles' pages only two of those ads are registered to my Adsense Publisher ID. So meaning, I am only earning from two ads and not three. Bukisa never said something about this so I tried contacting them. But then there are no replies, so what I did was I wrote an article about this and tried to published it on Bukisa just to get the attention of the site. Well I was not successful to gt their approval and published my article, but yet I get their attention and they send me an email saying this is just a small mistakes and I should have reported it to them instead of writing an article about it. Well I did send them a report as I said. At the same time if this is a unintentional mistake, then how come those articles that I wrote that are gathering more visitors have this issue and those articles that can hardly get a visitors have all three Adsense ads named after my Adsense Publisher ID. For those who don't understand how Adsense Ads works might not understand what I am talking about here. And for those who did understand how Adsense ads and Bukisa works, do you think this is cheating or just an honest mistake?
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1 response
• United States
25 Feb 11
This obivously no mistake if what you are to be claiming is true they are, I guess trying to rake in as much money as possible. It would be interesting to see if anyone else notices something like this with an article they have written. Do you know how the site is earning money or what they do to make a profit, because maybe they aren't making much so they decide to make an attempt to fill that gap?