Democrats would rather teachers be laid off than return to Wisconsin
By Taskr36
@Taskr36 (13963)
United States
February 26, 2011 10:06am CST
As a result of the democrats fleeing Wisconsin, and refusing to do their job, it appears the solution to the states budget problems may have to be layoffs. This is exactly what Walker and the republicans were trying to avoid by making public workers contribute to their health care and pensions, but rather than deal with that the democrats have fled thus stalling this bill, and forcing much more difficult decisions to be made in their absence.
With this possibility looming the fugitive 14 have said that it's just not enough for them to return. They'd rather teachers lose their jobs than return to the state and do the job they were paid to do.
What do you think of this? Are they really trying to help anyone but themselves at this point?
I think their endgame is that they just want to enter the next elections saying "Republicans laid off 1,500 teachers" and hope that people are too stupid to realize that it happened because the democrats fled the state. The unions will send out mass emails to teachers saying this knowing that teachers will trust their union and line up behind the lazy bums who refused to do their job.
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9 responses
@tantip524 (1)
• United States
26 Feb 11
Well we all know what Walker is all about with that prank phone call the other day, he does not care about the budget but only busting the unions and taking away hard working people's rights. I feel what walker is doing is going to blow up in his face badly. If you don't stand for something then you will fall for anything and I support what these 14 democrats are doing.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
27 Feb 11
What exactly did Walker say in that phone call that implied he doesn't care about the budget? What did he say in that call that implied he wanted to take away the rights of hard working people? In fact, what did he say in that phone call that was any different than what he's been saying in public for several weeks now?
"I support what these 14 democrats are doing"
So you support them abandoning their jobs, their constituents, the taxpayers of Wisconsin, and committing a crime which they would be arrested for and dragged back to work if they stayed in their state? You support their decision to allow teachers get laid off rather than vote on a bill they don't like?
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
27 Feb 11
I don't doubt that most union workers ARE hard workers. But seriously, this whole fiasco proves to me that the teachers care little for the job of actually educating the children entrusted to their care for real life. The example they've set is pitiful. What would happen to any child who played hooky from school and came in with a bogus doctor note saying they were sick when they were out doing something else?
I also hold to the opinion that the unions do little to actually better the work conditions of their members. I am speaking from experience and that of my children. They've outlived their usefulness. We have LAWS that protect the worker in America. The unions have become corrupt and are making a grab for political power. This is a political power play.

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
26 Feb 11
I think the Democrats have gone insane. Maybe they've decided that if they can hold up the legislative process like you said, and blame what transpires in their absense on the Republicans the voters will give them the majority next election. Either that or they're pushing for federal action on this matter. What is the law on this anyway? I should be that they are FIRED and even arrested for putting the state and its schools in such a quandry. But that would be to good to be true.
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
26 Feb 11
If they are going to lay off the teachers that aren't doing their jobs, then I am all for them being laid off, it that is not the case, then no, there is no reason to lay off any teachers.
I think that if people are going to be fired from a job, there better be a damn good reason for it.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
26 Feb 11
rogue, not showing up to do that job would get me fired.
They're exploiting the children by bringing them to the demonstrations; I work in a nursing home, and there are VERY STRICT GOVERNMENT rules in place against any healthcare worker exploiting a resident of a healthcare facility. I could go to JAIL, not just get fired.
What is going on with these demonstrations ought to make it clear that these teachers do not have our children's education at heart. And if that IS so, they have no business teaching.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
26 Feb 11
I agree, they should definitely lay off the teachers that aren't doing their jobs. Sadly, with the tenure system, the first to go will be those with the least seniority who are sometimes the best teachers.
Debra, there's nothing wrong with teachers protesting so long as they aren't fraudulently calling in sick. I know there were some teachers who properly requested time off in advance that are protesting. The ones lying about being sick to join protests though, should be number one on the chopping block followed by those that just aren't good teachers.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
26 Feb 11
I don't deny their right to protest by any means. Taking time off work to do so if done in a responsible manner also does not bother me. But it has been reported that doctors were actually at the protests handing out doctor's excuses for those in attendance. I also don't think students should be encouraged to attend these protests by the teachers to lend credence to their position. That is the worst of the whole situation and should make thinking people angry. They lost any tiny bit of sympathy I may have had for their position with that one.
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@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
27 Feb 11
Ok this needs to STOP being a Democrat versus Republican issue first!
Right now, there are problems across the country involving state governments and some sort of union. In Rhode Island, 1000+ teachers were let go at once to help balance the budget. NJ governor Chris Christie (a Republican no less!) has taken on the NJEA union, telling them enough! It seems that governments across the nation are waking up and realizing that some of these unions are breaking the government! CNN did a story and guess what? Having a government job means more money, better benefits and MUCH better benefits! How many folks can say they have a pension today?
The need for unions is not what it was when they were created. People should receive raises based on work performance rather than a contract. I like the Ben & Jerry's philosophy--the CEO is paid 12 times the salary of the lowest paid worker! Why does anyone need a salary of $1 mllion dollars a year, plus a 'bonus' of another $3-5 million based on company performance? Why does anyone get a 'guaranteed' raise for mediocrity?

@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
27 Feb 11
That is quite sad to hear, especially considering that these government-based employees are often paid through tax hikes borne by those of us lucky enough to be able to be homeowners (or tax payers). But those who work in a private company with a union sometimes don't fully understand just HOW profits are made, or how much it costs to stay in business.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
27 Feb 11
The benefits of a government job vary depending on which state or local government you are working for and what your job is. I can assure you, I've worked in several and some really stink.
"People should receive raises based on work performance rather than a contract."
I agree completely. In my current job I supervise 15 employees whom I give annual reviews. The reviews are completely meaningless though as the raises are done on a union-negotiated schedule so the worst employee I have will be getting the same raise as the best regardless of performance. Also, in government jobs, it is extremely difficult to fire someone so those crappy employees can coast by in many government jobs doing absolutely NOTHING and continue to collect raises. Just to be clear, all of my current staff are good, but at the last library I worked at there was one completely useless employee who was hours late every day and would sometimes leave for lunch and never return. He'd been there for almost 15 years and he's still there now because even with layoffs, he has "seniority" which, thanks to the union, is all that matters when layoffs come.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
27 Feb 11
I agree this has to stop being a Democrat/Republican thing.
Our economy is in the pits because of GREED. Americans have this idea that they are somehow exempt from struggle. They want to have it easy and secure. OK, I CAN relate to that. But I am one that realizes that life is not fair always, and it most certainly can be a struggle.
We have listened to our leaders tell us that as Americans we have a right to this and a right to that, but we don't realize what that costs to have those rights. We are spoiled. No where in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights is it gauranteed that everyone will have happiness, only that they are free to pursue it. Its nice if you can afford the benefits, but if you cannot and will go broke giving them, and then even MORE suffering will ensue for the employees, you are foolish and greedy to demand them.
Its time we woke up and realized the danger this country is in economically. State governments do not have the money to pay these benefits. To demand them anyway is in my estimation wrong.
The same is going on at a federal level, the Democrat party leaders have said they don't care if it adversely effects people if the government has to shut down all but essential services over the vote on the budget. They basically said, it will help us make the Republicans look bad.
Something is terribly wrong here in America.

@gladys46 (1205)
• United States
27 Feb 11
Jobs, jobs, jobs ... was the republican campaign slogan!!
Instead of screaming about the advances public employee and other unions have made to preserve health care, job security and economic justice, angry voters should be asking what or WHO has been keeping them from obtaining the same.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
27 Feb 11
Clearly the democrats are not giving them job security since their absence from the voting process will lead to layoffs.
Economic justice is a communist principle and it's the kind of crap the unions push with pay raise schedules. The worst is NOT entitled to get the same amount of money as the best. People should get what they're worth.
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@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
27 Feb 11
"Economic justice is a communist principle and it's the kind of crap the unions push with pay raise schedules." Seems to me I recall labor unions being the downfall of communism in Poland. Could it be that is the kind of crap that fat cat corporate leaders push to make people think unions are communist when unions are built under the same principles as this country like elected representatives and rights.

@walkerxian (10)
26 Feb 11
I'm hope to hold a a vote on our short-term proposal so we can make sure the government remains the open and that we'll addressing the need to cut spending!
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
26 Feb 11
They make a big deal about "bargaining rights" but others do not have these extensive bargaining rights. It should definitely be the rights of parents and communities to be able to fire someone not up to the job or who are mean spirited. (What about the colleges where they push their own philosophies and agenda, and have been since the 60's, so greatly influencing this culture? Now all this junk is in the so called 'public' schools now too! They're not public anymore. They're government schools, and such is just the sort of thing the constitution was set up to keep from happening. Yes, I'm straying a little.. but not much, as it just seems off that we lost the rights to what is taught to our kids and society! With the idea of tenure being a double whammy. Of all positions to be able to fire and have input, education and teachers is the most important! ah, maybe someone 'else' knows that.. do I sound paranoid? well I am. In reality it's a vast left wing conspiracy, and I mean vast, much more quickly destructive than the right wing of the 80's.)
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
1 Mar 11
The democrats only care about political power... they don't care about budgets and oppose anything that would threaten that power or their voting base.
The unions are a big source of support and financing for the democrats, which is part of the reason that they are so anti-business. The democrats oppose anything that can really help the people and the state to stay solvent. All they care about is their on bottom line.
The democrats are nothing more than a criminal and anti-American organization which has been largely infiltrated by socialists and full blown communists.
The unions should be abolished completely, and the democrat party should be disbanded, as they serve no good purpose.
Those democrats now in hiding should be extradited... since there is a warrant for them, perhaps a nice group of the voters can go fetch them back... if there happen to be some head thumping involved, well that would be a good lesson for them.
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
2 Mar 11
Wow where to "The unions should be abolished completely, and the democrat party should be disbanded, as they serve no good purpose." Are you sure you wouldn't be happier if you lived in China? Seems to me your beliefs are pretty socialist and don't lean towards democracy at all.
"Those democrats now in hiding should be extradited... since there is a warrant for them, perhaps a nice group of the voters can go fetch them back... if there happen to be some head thumping involved, well that would be a good lesson for them." Links please? I keep hearing people saying how they are going to be arrested, where are you people getting this? Please review the links I posted above about how the state constitution in Wisconsin works and get some clue as to what democracy means. Maybe you should attempt to go get them yourself and when you end up in prison or worse than you will realize your beliefs do not over ride others rights.
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
27 Feb 11
Don't you think they were going to lay off people anyways? Seems what they have done is guarantee that those being laid off will still get the benefits they were contractually obligated to get anyways...for the moment.

@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
27 Feb 11
Taskr36 "The whole point of that legislation was to save money by having them pay more into their pensions and healthcare." This legislation was not to negotiate, it was to take away their right to negotiate. Union leaders of two of the top unions said they are willing to accept the financial concessions on the 19th.
As far as being arrested for not showing up:
"Police can't arrest senators but Republican Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald said he hoped the lawmakers would feel compelled to return if police showed up at their doors."
"But he emphasized he has no plans to bring anybody in under force. "It (arrest) is never going to happen," Fitzgerald said."