Need opinions from all religions

February 26, 2011 9:37pm CST
Is everything that happens in this world by the will of God? if the answer is yes, Why are people still questioning liability? If religion is true, why there are many religions, and whether religion necessary for morality? Why did God allow the existence of many religions, which differ from each other and are mutually hostile followers, even killing each other? Because there are people who claim no religion but both have a certain character, and there are claims of religion but behave poorly, does it mean to be a good person does not have to be religious?
13 responses
• India
2 Jun 12
Yes, everythin ghappens accor to thw will of God. Nothing can ever happen agaionst ghis will
• Indonesia
14 Mar 11
Sometimes people are often prejudiced regarding the events which befall Him. Failure is a bad thing which we always look for the cause and constantly makes us blame ourselves or others. Though there are lessons which can be taken and there is always a bright side for us. Man can only plan and Allah SWT clincher.
• Saint Lucia
28 Feb 11
You dont have to be religious to to be good nor good to be religious.Being religious isnt whats important.You can be as religious as can be thats doesnt guarantee you being good.
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
28 Feb 11
Unquestionable, not religion, but people who embrace religion. whether or not a person, can not be seen from the religious affiliation.
• Marikina, Philippines
28 Feb 11
I have observed this. Some religious people especially those devoted religious people are always claiming that their religion is true. Sometimes, I do not understand them and that is why, we really can't avoid debate. I have read and encountered lots of debate in other forums. They're fighting to each other just to defend their faith and the reason why they're arguing to each other is because its written in the bible so, they have to follow that is written in the bible! There are a thousands of religion all over the world, and different religions are fighting to each other because of their belief! For me, its better to be a less-religious so as to avoid conflict and wars because I have seen some people that are not religious, but they are a good person. Time would come, there would be a 'war of religion' if this would not stop.
@najibdina29 (1309)
• Indonesia
9 Mar 11
all events in this world is the will of God,we as human beings is only a puppet for the gods
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
27 Feb 11
You must understand religion is mankind's attempt to understand God. Religion and mankind are far away from true understanding. There are a million lessons to learn around religion. None of them are about God. When people claim to know it all and alway be right, they have closed their eyes to the real truth. Though it will take a very very long time, science will discover God before religion will. Science will correct for errors then be open to all possibilities. Can religion make the same claim. It's mighty hard to discover anything when you think you know it all.
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
27 Feb 11
For me not because Jehovah God is loving he don't want the people suffer it happened in this world because the ruler of this government is Satan.
@kashers (649)
• Jamaica
27 Feb 11
LET ME introduce myself before getting deeper c my avatar sign thats the sign of the light and sound religionteaches u about soul travel, soul,developing ur spiritual consciousness using spiritual excercises,getting to understand to purpose of all things created and when i say all i do mean all,positive,negative,neutralthe all,yes everything that happens in the worlds and the universes created by the creator of all is the willing of the creator this is the creators blue-print so all goes according to its willing and creation. RELIGIONS were created for the purpose of the many different state of minds,now how boring it wud b if the entire world was living under just one religious belief what u know i know what u can do i can do it just the same,so no one is advance over no one,truthfully thats how many wud rather it is,but it is not like that in the creators willing,religions were created for the many different state of minds,some r very slow,some medium pace,some fast,so religions r like graded classes,fast learners,medium pace learners,slow learners. the followers of the many different religions wud tell u that there religious is right were they want it,and nothing could make them change.
@kank268 (23)
• Indonesia
27 Feb 11
i think make sense if the religion back into question whether any will of the god of the human discontent what god has given. When they were pleased and happy, first they will feels god on their side, after long time they will forget about thanks for the god, this is very real and not hypocritical. but when god gives obstacle and misterys often human not understand what is meant obligation, because god created the provide and manage, god is the master plan. Million even billions of evidance has been disclosed, but the human belief in god still small. And why a lot of belief that god created many religions? i think it was clear, everi religions teach us to worship the god to do good, run the command and away from the ban, God taught kindness, all promises of heaven and God also created the hell. Hell is a place for all the God creation who's do the ban of religion. Religion God is one, with one direction, and Godless one, it's back to our self. Because human only be given the opportunity to choose between a future in heaven or fall to the hell, it depend on with all people choose, act and do to on this earth.
@dccell (337)
• Indonesia
27 Feb 11
Before answering your question, it`s important to tell you that i`am not a religious person. well, yes indeed this universe and all that happens are by the will of God, God has sent us His messenger and reminder for us to follow and He will reward those who deed good according to the messages but we as a human being are mostly eager in all cases to say that we are the best which lead fight and immorality acts. i hope my answer is to your question... by the way this is my first log in since last Four month, " i got my first child"
• India
27 Feb 11
Dear If a person is killing people of other religion he can't be called religious. If a person has faith in god he will not kill any other. The question u asked why god allowed several religion. I will point out a simple thing to u, if you want to go from new york to new delhi, is there only a single route exists? No there are many, like by air,by ship and even there are different routes too. So this question is fundamentally wrong. God is one and he is supreme, and there are several ways to reach him.
• Indonesia
27 Feb 11
life is destiny, everything was destined includes our birth and we can not choose where we will born. God did not create religion. Religion is made by humans to organize social life. But the difference in principles and ordinances of region sometimes make us different opinions. Actually all regions teach same things, love.