Cropping dogs' ears
By inu1711
@inu1711 (5285)
February 27, 2011 11:46am CST
The other day I was coming home from the office and I passed near the schoolyard from the neighborhood. We usually go there in the evenings for a play session with another dogs. This time there was a new puppy in the schoolyard, so I said to myself to rush home and bring Binne for a play session with a possible new friend.
I did so but when we arrived in the schoolyard, the puppy's owner told me he can't play because his ears have been cropped and the wounds haven't healed. I took a good look at the puppy's ears and yes, he had some ugly wounds on both his ears and I think he must have suffered a lot.
I took Binne and we left the schoolyard, leaving the poor puppy to enjoy his playing alone time. At least this was all we can do for him.
I used to like the look of dogs with cropped ears, but I never thought about how do they make them look that way. I never thought how much they have to suffer to get that look.
Now I know I wouldn't do such a thing to my dog. The way that puppy's ears looked frightened me.
I wish something could be done to stop people from doing this.
I know there are laws who forbid this operation but against all laws, people still crop their dogs ears. Why?
Would you do such thing to your puppy?

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15 responses
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
27 Feb 11
I don't know, but like you, I saw how it looked good until I realized how the poor dog got that way..
They also crop the tail which I think is also bad..I know the Doberman is one that has both ears and tail cropped and as they are suppose to be bred as a guard dog, I guess owners did this so their long tail and ears are hard to grab by another dog or something...But I personally think it is wrong and inhumane... 

@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
27 Feb 11
I used to say that dogs with cropped ears look better than the dogs that didn't suffer this operation. But now I'm not sure I'll appreciate the result of such a painful operation any more.
I don't know about tail docking. For the breeds that used to have their tail docked, puppies suffer more painful procedures now. They must carry their tail in a specific position and you wouldn't believe what sick minds can do for that.
For instance, speaking about Airedales, the tail must not be curled on dog's back (like the way Binne wears her tail). When she was a puppy, her breeder kept asking me to bandage Binne's tail to make her straighten up. But I couldn't do this to her. Worse, I heard that some breeders cut the puppies' tendons from their tails, then keep them bandaged to straighten them. With tail docking, I'm sure that puppies suffered less, especially that the operation was done when the puppy was 2 or 3 days old.

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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
27 Feb 11
I found out they originally did this for health reasons, reasons that are not correct. Then it became a more cosmetic reason, which is stupid. Here is what I found:
I'd never do this to a dog...

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@laniekins (4579)
• Philippines
2 Mar 11
No I wouldn't do that to my dog just to style him/her. That is violence against dog, people should stop doing this just to achieve a certain dog look.
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@laniekins (4579)
• Philippines
3 Mar 11
I don't think there is such law in the Philippines, it should started with them selves, it's self discipline, owners should imagine how the dogs feel during the process, it might not that painful by the help of anesthesia but it leave an impression to the dog that something in his body is change.
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
3 Mar 11
It would be so great if all dog owners had self discipline.
There would be no dog fights and we wouldn't hear about dogs trained to atack people.
This would happen only in a perfect world, but, unfortunately, our world is not perfect. People who mistreat animals are everywhere around the globe, even in the countries when the law punishes animal cruelty.

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@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
2 Mar 11
I agree with you, people should stop doing this, but how? How to make them respect the law? Because, you know, in many European countries there are laws which say it is forbidden to crop dogs' ears and to dock dogs' tails.
Is there a law like this in your country?
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@Galena (9110)
27 Feb 11
it's illegal in the UK, thank goodness, and has been for at least most of my life.
and tail docking is being phased out. it's not legal for cosmetic reasons anymore. and in my opinion, unless a tail is damaged, then all reasons are cosmetic.
how anyone can look at a beautiful, perfect, puppy, and think "well I like the look of that puppy, but I'll like their look more if I mutilate their perfect soft, velvety little ears"
sick sick sick.
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
27 Feb 11
Hello Galena,
Ear cropping is forbidden in my country, too. But who respect the law? Maybe the owner didn't know the law (as it is a quite new law) but I'm sure the vet who did the operation knew it.
How can some dog owners think like that? Because they don't see puppies as friends and souls, they see them as money. The closest to the breed standard they look, the more money those dogs bring to their breeders. This is what guides such persons.
With the tail docking I'm afraid puppies suffer more now, when it is forbidden to cut a 3 days old puppy's tail. Read the comment I wrote above, to Carmelanirel's response, to see why.

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@akp100 (13640)
• India
28 Feb 11
Ohh.. Thats too sad that some people are doing such things.. Well We having two dogs at our home but we can't even imagine to do such things to them. We love them so much. Such bad things must be stop.

@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
28 Feb 11
You wouldn't do such things to your dogs because you love them for what they are: family dogs. But people who do this operation are usually more concerned about their image among other people like them. They see their dogs like accessories. They care more about what would their friends say about their dog (how beautiful she is or how fierce she looks) than about the wellness of the dog herself.
If I had the power, I force every freak that wants to crop his puppy's ears to crop his ears, too. Then we would see if anybody still do such an operation.

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@Watson2011 (28)
• China
1 Mar 11
I've never heard of that before. That sounds terrible. If the puppy's owner loves the poor little thing, how could he/she do that? When I saw my puppy's suffering, the sight would break my heart. Nothing's more important than the health of my puppy.
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
1 Mar 11
Hello Watson,
While searching the Internet for a photo with Doberman puppies wearing after-surgery bandages, I found one blog about after-surgery ear caring for Doberman puppies.
I read some comments from that blog and I found out they say this operation will also help the dog's health.
They say there is no wild canine with floppy ears. Foxes, coyotes, wolves, jackals and all wild canine have their ears erect, and nature created them this way with some good reason.
What do you think, have you thought about this possible explanation?

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@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
3 Mar 11
You know, Galena, I also compared ear cropping with circumcision. There may be many operations that we do to ourselves or to our children in the name of beauty, but we shouldn't accept futile operations. As a child, I weared some wires in my mouth for almost a year. It was damn painful but I was the one who asked my parents to go to the orthodontist to help me have my teeth aligned. But dogs never ask their owners to crop their ears, neither small children don't ask for a circumcision.
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@innocents_lost (1026)
• Canada
1 Mar 11
ear cropping can improve the health as dogs with floppy ears are more prone to ear infections but simply checking the ears regularly and cleaning them would also prevent this as all dogs with floppy ears are more prone to ear infections using this as an excuse to crop the ears is just people being to lazy to properly cleana dn care for their dog just like everyone eles does that has a dog with floppy ears (ie. lab, golden, newfi, etc)
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@innocents_lost (1026)
• Canada
1 Mar 11
ear cropping is extremely painful and can take months to heal not to mention most cropped ears end up getting tapped or glued together to get them to stand up straight as well people only do this for looks and don't think about what they are putting the dog through its no different then docking tails. ears used to be cropped and bull fighting dogs and for dog fights for prevent the dogs from having extra skin for the opposing dog to grab a hold of and as this sport has long been illegal there no need for it to be done. In some countries it is illegal and allot of kennel clubs are not allowing cropped ears to be shown
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
1 Mar 11
The puppy I saw didn't need to have hise ears glued together to make them stand up straight, because he hasn't left too much ears. There were only maybe a maximum of one inch of each ear left. He was an Amstaff or a cross breed I think.
But I know that Great Danes, Dobermans and Boxers need to wear for months those stupid devices to make their ears stand straigt (see the picture below).
It may be true that they look better with cropped ears, but I don't think that beauty can be an excuse for so much pain.
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@innocents_lost (1026)
• Canada
1 Mar 11
yea i have an am staff his ears were cropped when i got him but were done with lots of ear left personly i think they look cuter without them cropped having them cropped makes him look scary and he dosn't need to look intimidating as we have enough problems in this country as its illegal to even own and am staff thats was born after 2005 and all found born after then must be euthanized

@geonelynn (369)
• Philippines
27 Feb 11
i never approve of cropping dogs' ears! just imagine your ears being cropped, wouldn't that hurt? even for aesthetic reasons, i don't see it nice or beautiful at all!
why can't they love their dogs the way they look, the way they behave?! our dogs are not the smartest nor the most beautiful of their kind but we love them so much in spite of how they look and how they behave!
dog owners should be more considerate of their dogs. they are not just animals that guard your house or mere pets.. they're family!
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
27 Feb 11
Well, Geonelynn, it seems that some people care more about how their dog looks than how much suffering they bring to them. I think ear cropping never had a practical reason. The 'beauty' was the only reason to crop dogs' ears. Oh, well, it was also the "prevent ear tearing in the middle of a dogs' fight", too. But this wasn't done for the good of the dog either. Dogs shouldn't have been involved in dog fights at all.
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@myempress (185)
• Philippines
8 Mar 11
People find plastic surgery too painful to tolerate so they do it for their animals. The most common dog cropping is the doberman breed. They are born with floppy ears and nearly all owners of these beautiful dogs put their dogs through torture just for looks. We were not happy with what God gave us, so we invented plastic surgery. Now we are doing the same to animals. What's next cropping a giraffe's neck? A chemical peel for crocodiles? A rhinoplasty for pigs? People crop their dog's ears because they think it makes them look better. I don't think it does. I like it when dogs run and their ears flap , so cute :) and plus, if it's not done correctly it can be very painful for the dog. Poor thing :(
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
8 Mar 11
I have never imagined how painful it could be until I saw the puppy that inspired me for this discussion. He looked so sad with those big scars on his ears!
I don't think people will ever give up on changing the way their dogs look.
For instance, since the tail docking was forbidden for show dogs, puppies have now much more to suffer. Here's a picture of an Airedale puppy with his tail bandaged. Many puppies suffer like him for weeks, being forced to wear that bandage to make their tail have "the right shape".

@cream97 (29085)
• United States
27 Feb 11
Hi. inu1711. This is very sad!
People will do all kinds of mean things to animals of all kinds. I don't know why people abuse dogs like this. They are crazy, that is why! Laws should be passed so that people can't just attack and abuse dogs. They don't deserve this kind of mean treatment at all. I could never crop a dog's ears. That is so hateful.
These poor and pitiful dogs!

@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
27 Feb 11
Hello Cream,
There are laws against animal cruelty and ear cropping is forbidden by law in my country, as well as in few other European countries. But who cares about the law? The dog owner may be crazy but how about the vet who did the operation? Wasn't he supposed to work for the good of animals? But this is what they do for money...
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@Bad_Daddy55 (497)
• Canada
3 Mar 11
The ears are done at an early age. Rubbing the with baby oil and massaging them ease the pain. The more scabs on the ears the more pain..Just like any cut care is needed. Look at my 2 in the pic. In the old days cropping was for protection against wolves and other preditors of the flock..Now looks.
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
3 Mar 11
Hello Bad_Daddy,
It's good to know that there are some ways to ease puppies pain when they have their ear cropped. But why do we need to create that pain?
I can understand when this operation is done for the safety of the dog. Nowadays, the shepherds from our mountains still perform this operation to their dogs, but those dogs do need to fight bears and wolves while protecting their flocks. But for the dogs that live in town, as companions or as protection dogs, this operation is done only in the name of beauty and brings no good to the dog.
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@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
28 Feb 11
Cropping of ears on a dog I believe is illegel in Europe. I rather see puppies without cropped ears! Like with Great Danes,Doberman Pinchers and Boxers are just some of the breeds that have their ears cropped. I think it's cruel and should be banned! People do it because tehy think a dog looks better that way. It just is not necessary but unfortunely until people stop doing it,it'll continue!
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
28 Feb 11
When speaking about cropping ears, this operation is, indeed not necessary. Dogs don't fight wild animals any more (this was one of the reasons they cropped the ears for Shepherds, for example see Caucazian Shepherds), they shouldn't be involved in dog fights either (this was another reason they said they must crop puppies' ears) neither they need to look more fierce (like the case of Doberman Pinschers or Great Danes). So why do they still need to crop puppies' ears?

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@laken02 (3065)
• United States
1 Mar 11
that poor puppy that is terrible.. i have a jack russell and she has a cropped tail but it was like that when we got her as a pup we would have never done that to her i like the looks of her tail alot and all but i would have not done it if it had not already been done i would never put her in such pain... i feel sorry for that poor dog you saw ive never even heard of cropping a dogs ears.. why would you.. ?
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
1 Mar 11
Hello laken,
Why? They would say they do this for aesthetic reasons. But beauty shouldn't be an excuse for making a puppy suffer so much. I don't know about tail docking, they say it is not a painful operation, because it is done when puppies don't have all their senses developed (at the age of 2 or 3 days).
There are people who let their small babies suffer small futile surgeries, why do we wonder about people who let their dogs suffer futile operations?
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@alindobre (148)
• Romania
27 Feb 11
I guess people do all kinds of cruel things. I heard some people cut part of the dogs' tails off - It's supposed to make them better guards.
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
27 Feb 11
You know Alin, this is a common practice in our country, especially in the countryside. People believe that if they cut a dog's tail, he will become better guard dog. It's useless to say that they don't care how much the adult dog will suffer. They don't even use anesthetic for this operation and they let the dogs' tail un-bandaged until the bleeding stops by itself. They just cut it with an ax. I wish things like this will stop.
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@CaptAlbertWhisker (32748)
• Calgary, Alberta
1 Mar 11
Pitt bulls used for dog fights always undergo that process, I heard it makes them more ferocious in battles. I know its cruel and its disgusting people do that for entertainment purposes.
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
1 Mar 11
Hello CaptAlbertWhisker,
I think pitbulls used to have their ear cropped to prevent ear tearing during fights. With a small ear the chances to have a serious bleeding wound during a fight would be smaller. But, as dog fights are forbidden, why would they still crop pitbulls ears?
The same reason was used for the shepherd dogs who live in the sheepfolds on top of the mountains. They are supposed to fight the bears and the wolves (and these fights are not forbidden) and for such dogs a bleeding wound during a fight might cost him the life. But when such a dog is raised only for dog shows and breeding, why do they still need to crop the ears?
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@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
27 Feb 11
I think we can't imagine how much a puppy must suffer unless we see it.
There are a lot of sacrifices we do in the name of aesthetics but ear cropping must be one of the most bad thing people do to their dogs.
If there are laws against it and people still doesn't respect them, what could be done to stop this bad treatment?
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