Coupons & Savings

By Jess
@JJ4Ever (4693)
United States
February 27, 2011 8:54pm CST
I try to save as much money as possible on regular basis, however, I have not been one to clip and save using coupons. I've heard how much my family members and friends save by using them. I only use coupons if it's convenient, but you're probably thinking that saving money is convenient too - LOL! I haven't gotten into a good habit of using them; I always have coupons with me, but more often than not I forget to use them. Sadly, I probably use gift cards more often than I use coupons. I'm determined to do better about using coupons because it's just that much more money I'll save. For starters, in my area there is a rewards program for recycling. Depending on how many pounds of recycling a household has each week, they earn points. Those points can be used to purchase coupons. None of the items available for purchase are free that I know of, but there are many opportunities for savings. For instance, a coupon for $5 off a $10 purchase might be an option. This is one method I could use for savings. I'm interested to know how you use coupons and save. I've heard several different methods, but I want to know what works for you and helps you save the most! Also, do you think saving money using coupons is more of a habit or a lifestyle? Why do you think people (like me) don't use coupons? My main excuse would probably be that I don't have time to clip coupons. When I go to my local grocery store, a coupon or two print out each time I make a purchase. That, to me, is extremely convenient. Having to search through the local paper or online for coupons and/or sales takes a lot of time, in my opinion, compared to how much money I would (or wouldn't) save. What do you think? I'm definitely open to your ideas because I want to save! I really think that I can do better than I am now. Thanks in advance for your ideas!
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4 responses
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
6 Mar 11
Personally I am a lot like you, and most of the time never take the time to consider using a Coupon. For the most part it is a lot easier to just go do your grocery shopping at the cheapest store, or one you know has all of the specials for the week on items you need, and then go from there. It can be a hassle to keep track of the coupons you really want to use, and the expiration dates and I would rather have a Gift card type savings thing for sure.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
4 Mar 11
I'm all for saving. But there is no such method for saving in India. I mean no coupons we can cut out and keep. The only ones I've seen are rare and far between and mostly for luxury items like clothes and stuff that isn't really useful. I've always wondered why anyone would need a coupon for that because it's not much and the people who would be able to afford them wouldn't bother about a little discount in a coupon. Since I read the newspaper daily, cutting out coupons from the newspaper would not be a problem for me. But remembering to take them along when I go shopping would be the problem. But once I get used to it, it wouldn't be a problem.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
6 Mar 11
Thanks for your response. It's interesting to learn more and more about the culture in India - very neat! I think that's definitely a technique I need to master, remembering to take the coupons with me. The more coupons I clip, the more organized and more of a planner I'll need to be in order to plot out my trips and purchases. Ideally, this could be great savings. I think I could make money doing so as I've had friends tell me how much the save as well as items they get for free for doing so! Thanks again for your thoughts on this topic as well as your encouragement!
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
28 Feb 11
Hello Little Lady how are you and your honey doing? Hope all is well and that your happy. As for clipping coupons, I used to do it. I used to save money doing it too. I don't much do it anymore. I suppose I have several reasons, I don't get the Sunday paper anymore. I mostly shop at Sav a Lot, they have their own brands. When I do get good coupons, I forget I have them until its past the expire date. It really is a good idea to get in the habit of using coupons, you can safe lots of money. Take care, its always nice seeing you.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
6 Mar 11
Hi, Polly! The hubby and I are doing excellent. Can you believe it'll be our two-year anniversary come this July?? Crazy! Time sure flies when you're having fun. The most amazing part is that we're still getting along after knowing each other for 7 or 8 years now...LOL! So far no kids, but we have the sweetest two lab mix puppies in the world. They're our "little girls" for now until new members of the family come along! As far as coupons go, you're a lot like me! I don't feel so bad now. (ha ha) I try not to think about how much I'll save by using them because I either don't clip them in the first place or I do so and forget to take them with me! Either way, I mess it up almost every time guaranteed! I definitely need to get motivated in this area. Thanks for your response! Always refreshing to hear from you!!
@LaDeBoheme (2004)
• United States
28 Feb 11
I have been using coupons for over 20 years, so it's become a habit with me. It doesn't take me that long to clip coupons or print them up. I don't really search for coupons, there are always coupon inserts in the Sunday paper and if I run across one while perusing a magazine that I can use, than I'll clip it. I treat coupons as money because essentially that's what they represent. You 'pay' with them and I wouldn't think of going to the store without money. I always have the appropriate coupons and never forget to use them. But like I said, I've been doing it for so long, it's become an automatic thing with me. One handy-dandy tip -- whenever I make a list for the grocery store, I also add the coupons I need with the list. As I grab each item, I put the coupon aside, so it's ready to go at checkout. I became a confirmed user when I actually saw how much I did and could save. Not pennies, but dollars!
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
6 Mar 11
Treating coupons like money is a great way to look at it! That is the kind of thinking I need. What I tried to do for starters was leave all my coupons in the car so that I'd have them when I was out shopping. However, that didn't always work the best because I would still forget them! I'd find myself running out to the car to get them when I brought my items to the checkout (sometimes) or I'd usually give up and complete the purchase without them. That doesn't work too well either! A better way of organizing them would be to do what you do. Plot out what to buy, where to buy it, what coupons I need, and how much it'll cost. I think that's where a lot of people mess up with money - when there is no planning involved. I say so because I'm guilty of the same thing! I'll walk into the grocery store and walk out having bought way more than I was planning on (and spending way more also!) If I can master the technique of planning and coupon-ing (if that's a word - LOL!) I think it will become a habit for me as it has for you. I'm really going to give this a shot. Thanks for your excellent advice!