Gas is ridiculously HIGH
By LaLa Leo
@mrscallands22 (2851)
United States
February 28, 2011 1:51am CST
I was riding today and decided to stop and get some gas... when I noticed that there is no place locally where gas is under $3. Then I see on the news that they are raising the gas prices $0.33 which is high to people like me who drive cars that run on the highest grade of gas (93). $10 doesn't even get me 4 gallons. I just wonder how they expect people to survive. Especially the people whose homes operate on gas or those who commute to a nearby city to go to work/school and just general travel for the summer when people are ready to vacation. There should be someway that we as American citizens can protest or petition this. After all, we didn't have any control over the oil spill or how they acquire our natural resources, we just have to end up paying for it. What are we to do???
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12 responses
@rosegardens (3032)
• United States
28 Feb 11
The US has gas in reserve, so I do not know why Obama doesn't use it. Clinton did, and it actually helped us. There is enough gas in reserve to keep us going for many years.
I can't believe how fast it has risen. 5 days ago, it was $3.2something, and just yesterday it was $3.37! The only way to protest is stop buying the gas, but who can do that? Maybe if we strike a day a month, where that one day we do not buy gas or use their C-stores for coffees and whatever, then maybe they might get the message. Just one day a month may put a hurt on the gas company.
Another way to strike back is carpool whenever possible. The less vehicles there are on the road, the less gas the greedy oil companies sell.
Walk and/or ride a bike whenever you can. Not only will it save on gas, but it is great exercise.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
28 Feb 11
Yeah, all those "options" are what they are expecting us to do, because they know we will. We have no choice. A one day that is going to help! They know we will fuel up the day before cause life continues on for us, and then we will fuel up the day after, cause life goes on for us. They aren't worried about that as is doesn't bother them in the least. They will just raise the price for the next day when we fuel up.
Yes we have reserves, but they don't want to use them cause they don't want us to know about them as that would show we can be self sufficient in the gas demand and not dependent on foreign oil. Good lord, can't have that!
And since everyone will do the things you mention, because we have no choice...just like 2 years ago when it went to $5 a gallon...the "powers that be" know this, so why bother doing anything about it?
And "the less vehicles on the road, the less gas the greedy oil companies sell"...granted that is a minor "come back", but what everyone forgets or doesn't even realize...gas is the back bone of this country. ALL Products are shipped/transported within this county by 18 wheelers or train and other trucks needing fuel to move. If they don't get gas, they don't transport. If they don't transport...the shelves at the stores are bare. If the shelves at the stores are bare......
Most think, Oh, we can live without buying appliances and things like that...but you can't live without food. If the truckers don't bring it to us...we don't eat.
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@rosegardens (3032)
• United States
2 Mar 11
Coffee, if just the individuals car pool, it can make an impact on the oil companies. How many people go the same direction every day, about the same time of day? Of course the trains, planes and delivery trucks cannot do this, but WE can! If you can find someone close enough to you that works in the same place as you, or carpool for school. Several people already do that in my city, because they send their kids out to the further suburban schools so they can get a better education. As many as 3-5 people carpool their kids, that means anywhere between 2-4 cars is not on the road for that one carpool. Instead of going shopping yourself, ask a neighbor to come along and have them drive next time. We can do this much. Sure, it's inconvenient, and Americans are very prideful about doing such a thing, but it can be done for many of us. Sure, some cannot but that's alright--there are many who can.
mrs, I can surely understand that. I know not everyone has the option to get around without a car because shops and such are so far from their home. I am blessed to have a small grocers just blocks from me that I can walk to if I want, also there are 3 party stores within a 2 block radius of my home I shop at in between going to the big chain stores that are further away. In the warmer weather, I often walk to the discount stores and dollar store that are about 1/2 mile from my house.
It is such a pity in our day and age, working poor are still too poor to put gas in their car and food on their table and pay the utilities and rent/house payment. If not for my housemates, I would be in the same boat and I feel for those who cannot make it.
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@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
1 Mar 11
@rosegardens I feel where you are coming from in many ways. But on my side of the world, let's be realistic. There is nothing really "close by" enough to walk to or ride a bike to. Going places (whether it be to work or running errands or even so much as picking up your kid), it requires steady, reliable transportation ensuring that you get to these places conveniently and on time. Going back to doing it the "older" way would put a damper on most of the population and their very way of life. Some people may be able to adapt that way, but not all and definitely not most.
@coffeebreak You once again made some great points. Oil tycoon companies are not the least bit concerned whether we strike. Hell, they aren't even concerned that half of the population has to make the decision once a week whether they are going to eat lunch on their lunch breaks at work or put gas in their cars to get home FROM work. I'm a realist and it seems that you are too. Protesting, boycotting and merely writing petitions are a thing of the past. We as the "people of the future" here in the 21st century are going to have to come up with new innovative ways to "battle" the government and major business companies that work with them.
Thank you both for sharing your views!!
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
28 Feb 11
In SO Calif it is now $3.89 for regular and $4.03 for diesel. and going up. WHy? Cause they can. This country's backbone is gas. Totally dependent on gas. Why? Truckers can't get the product throughout the nation without gas. If truckers can't afford gas, they can't truck. If they can't truck, the people do without. If the people do without, the country falls apart. This is why we should have been doing everything we can to produce gas in this country instead of being dependent on foreign oil. I"m all for "go green" and clean energy and all, but none of that supports the country. 18 Wheelers can't get far on electricity.
They raise the prices cause they can. Did anyone really expect BP to just "eat" their losses after the oil spill last year? THey were all nice and kind and helpful and all...but when all is said and done...did anyone really expect them not to raise prices to us to help themselves recoop their losses? They did it so quietly and "behind our backs" that most didn't even notice. The holidays were a huge deterant for raising prices as everyone was focused on the holidays. Now that that is all over, people are seeing the pump prices more clearly now but usual, prices go up this time of year cause of the holiday traveling come Spring/Easter break week. Then again come May...Memorial Day weekend being the first 3 day weekend for most and they are ready for a 3 day holiday...gas always goes up in the summer, then only comes down a little come Labor Day. BP lost their huge summer time revenues last year.. so they want to recoop that now too!
Gas is predicted to be at $5 a gallon for regular by summer. 2 years ago, it was at $4.49 (cheapest I could find in my area) a gallon all through the summer. What did people do? Stopped traveling. Some had to quit their jobs cause they were at a low rate and couldn't afford the gas to get to work. Smaller cars sales went up and bigger car sales went down. Same will go on this time. We suffer and pay the price for the government not letting us be self sufficient and a main artery of this country be dependent on other nations.
Why? They don't care. They don't have to pay the price to fill their gas tanks....WE DO! That is where our tax dollars go! If those making these decisions had to fill their own tanks....we'd not be in this situation right now. But since the gas bill doesn't come out of their paychecks... they don't bother doing anything about it. Since we pay for the gas that gets them to work...they won't bother changing anything. They know "we, the people" will take the fall and do without and all will be fine up there on the big hill. That's all they care about
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
2 Mar 11
Thanks mrscallands22. Thing is just common sense. Toss in this ain't my first rodeo and there you have the not so nice truth! Thanks for the BR!
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@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
1 Mar 11
Dang coffeebreak!! You're on a roll here. I simply could NOT agree more. You hit it on the head and for that, you receive my best response award yay!! lol
Thanks for sharing your views as they are oh so true!!!
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@kylanie (1205)
• United States
28 Feb 11
here where i live in kentucky they say that gas will be over 5 dollars a gallon for gas by summer its at 3.30 cents a gallon now I mean come on how can people pay that much for gas and still survive especially when they have to go to the store and to the dr.
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
1 Mar 11
I guess there won't be much traveling this summer unless you're taking the bus or a plane, not long distances anyway. I have no idea why they are deciding to keep rising the gas prices, but many people aren't going to be able to afford it. I can barely afford it now!! My car runs on premium gas!!!
Thanks for sharing!!
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
1 Mar 11
I got an e-mail the other day that made a lot of sense to me. these are the companie that made huge profits. I actually stopped gassing up at these stations unless I am desprate and then only until I can get to another station. If everyone would join in then it seems to make sense that it would have to have an effect on the prices which are ridiculous!
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
1 Mar 11
oops, link isn't working. Basically it says that everyone should stop buying gas from the greedy giants, Exxon and Mobile. It is more effective than stopping buying gas for a day which isn't feasable for many of us. We can still get our gas but don't go to those stations and they will be force to lower their prices. The problem is in spreading the word and getting everyone to follow thru. I used to buy most of my gas at Mobil because it was just around the corner from where I live. I was handy. Well,their prices are not handy at all. I will now go out of my way NOT to buy their gas.
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
1 Mar 11
That actually sounds like a GREAT idea. It sounds way more feasible than not buying a gas for one day out of every month. I think a statement can be made by not going to Exxon or BP and strictly going to local gas stations or somewhere like Sheetz. We must spread the word!!!
Thanks for sharing your views!! You should share them with others.

@jahernandezrivas (11288)
• United States
28 Feb 11
I am hurting in the wallet because of this non sense and I am sure all of us are the oil companies just don't care a bit!! It is hard for me to keep filling up the stupid car every other day just to get to work!! $10.00. here hardly gets me over a half a tank and within 2 days I need more I think the oil people or whoever is in control over this non sense of high gas prices have lost their minds!!! What is wrong with them? Don't they know it is hard for us even to eat anymore? They have gone coo coo!!! There is nothing we can do and I am sure the idiots will raise the price again by Summertime!!

@jahernandezrivas (11288)
• United States
1 Mar 11
I agree it is time for a stand!!!! This is not fair to all of us we are out here just trying to make it day to day and we don't have the money like the government does!!! They need to STOP this foolishness and their uncontrolable spending!!
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
1 Mar 11
I think that they have lost their minds, too. How do they expect people to survive??? I wish I could say that $10 got me that much in my car. $10 barely gets me over a quarter of a tank. My car is big and has a big tank. It's so unfair how oil tycoon companies can basically do what they want and we have to sit back and take it. It's time for a stand.
Thanks for commenting!!
@asianjabba (158)
• United States
1 Mar 11
The government is always to blame when it comes to things like increasing gas prices. If we have a bad relationship with the governments that control the oil power in the world, then they will rise prices on us. If they rise prices on us, it is not the government that will pay for it the most, it will be us.
Having said that, I am going to be getting a S.U.V. that will be guzzling my gas even faster than the Audi convertible I sued to have. I am just hoping they get those electric cars out sooner than later because the oil situation is really putting a big dent in everybody's wallets nowadays.

@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
1 Mar 11
Gas is almost $8.00(USD) a gallon there??? Highway robbery!!!! I wouldn't even THINK of driving lol.
Thanks for commenting!!
@ra1787 (501)
• Italy
1 Mar 11
Even when oil was low gas costed 1€/l which is more than 5$/gallon.. most of the cost is of course composed by taxes.
It has to be said that here cars are definetely smaller, less fuel-thirsty and driving distances of more than 20km to work are not common at all.
Anyway i believe that if we manage to survive with that kind of prices, you will do more than fine with your prices :)
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
1 Mar 11
I wish I could say that I would be able to survive if gas prices keep rising. That I am not sure of. However, I do agree with you when you say that most of the gas price rising has been influenced by the many taxes we have charged upon us daily. I feel that the government should either tax us out of our paychecks OR tax us on the merchandise that we buy. Not both. I see the recession getting worse with gas prices the way they are, not better.

@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
2 Mar 11
I heard that higher gas prices shows the economy is getting better..
..Whatever. I don't know how people are going to make it if gas keeps going up. People aren't going to want to go on vacation or be able to for that matter. I thought I might want to this year until the rise started. I think its because the spring is coming and they know people want to get out...they see a chance for some the oil companies aren't rolling in it already.

@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
2 Mar 11
It's just sad. Why not think of the citizens first?? Those who ARE the backbone of the country. I just don't understand it. I know that people won't be traveling too far this summer if gas keeps rising. Hell, many people can't even make it back and forth to work for that matter. If they are going to do something like this, they should at least give us a fighting chance. For example, most people are paid bi-weekly on their jobs. Why not have everyone get paid every week therefore there is no struggling to make ends meet or until the next payday. One can just manage the money as it comes. I think that something has to give... but no one (the government) is listening to us (the people) anymore.
@Jennlk84 (4205)
• United States
28 Feb 11
Yes, gas prices are RIDICULOUS!! They have gone up 30 cents here just over the last 2 weeks. That is INSANE. We are seeing gas prices at $3.60 and $3.65 at this point. Just a few wees ago I was buying gas at $3.30. It's absolutely insane. I understand they're trying to get people to use less gas but what they don't understand is that people can't just stop living their lives either. Some people have to travel quite a ways to their job or other things such as picking up their kiddos, running errands, etc. I am afraid to see what gas is up to by the end of summer. I might be doing a whole heck of a lot of walking if it keeps going up. We just don't have the money in our budget to have these gas prices doubling! It's insane!
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
1 Mar 11
I couldn't agree with you more there. Lots of people are having to change their lifestyles just to make this transition. Even though all of the different "go green" options that (I will say "people" for lack of a better word) "people" suggest may work for some, it definitely won't work for all including myself. I don't know what they plan to do this time. But I have a feeling that gas is going to be like this for quite some time.
Thanks for commenting!!
@stanley777 (9401)
• Philippines
1 Mar 11
Yes, it is also like that in my country too- although if you compare the prices, yours is really higher. Before our gas here is only 25-30 pesos, but because they always increase almost every week or month, it became 50-55 pesos.
Yes, it's not really our fault but the oil companies let the consumers pay the taxes and their losses. 

@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
1 Mar 11
So unfortunate for us as loyal citizens to be constantly "robbed". Sadly, I don't know what will be the outcome of this. But I am hoping that it is positive for the people.
Thanks for sharing!!
@skylark35 (384)
• United States
9 Mar 11
It seem that it going to just keep going up here in ky we are almost $4.00 here I herd in one state were it was almost $5.00 what do you thank people is going to do most people have to go to work and back I thank it is bad news for all.
@maryjane41 (90)
• Abbeville, Mississippi
28 Feb 11
tell me about the gas prices. we use 87 and even do 10 cents off at krogers and still do not get any to go any where. here it is already up to 3.30 and suppose to get up to 5 dollars by the end of august. so nobody can do anything because of the gas prices.
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
1 Mar 11
O we can do something. It's just that everyone has to come together for a common cause which isn't soemthing we ALL have been able to do. $5 by the end of August is bogus. That's my birthday month... I guess no travelling out of time for me.
Thanks for commenting!!
@asianjabba (158)
• United States
28 Feb 11
Over here in New York City, gas is about $3.85 for premium gas and I thought that was crazy. And then I read that in Europe and Asia, the amount you have to pay per gallon is mind blowing. I remember 10 years ago, the highest I paid for gas is $1.50 but these times are changing. Soon we will be paying as much as other people in other countries. We must move to other resources before this gets out of hand.
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
1 Mar 11
The government always makes it seem like they have all of the answers. But when we are pushed into a tight situation (as citizens) it is overlooked until serious damage to the economy (and our nation) is done. It is sad how much people are paying all over the world.. having to quit their jobs just because they can't afford to even GET TO WORK. How can one survive like that? I just pray that mercy is shed on those who try and deserve it!!
Thanks for commenting!!