Is it possible to make $10 a day on myLot

United States
February 28, 2011 10:50am CST
I am just curious and maybe have some wishful thinking but. Is it possible after a certain amount of time posting on this website that someone can make approximately $10 a day on myLot? I know everybody gets paid a certain earning for each post, but I'm curious as to whether anyone has ever made that much doing all the things that are allowed on this site. Any response is appreciated!
5 responses
@hieuhanh (96)
• Vietnam
2 Mar 11
Do you know how much myLot pay for a response or a new discussion ...? I think $10 a day is very hard ! I response discussion on my mobile , when I at school ... 3 day and $0,13 =)
• United States
7 Mar 11
You respond discussions on your phone? Does that make it even harder to respond to posts? You can not even make a small amount of money working a few hours a day responding to posts. I think the trick is to do other things while earning with myLot. Just keep at it, you will be making enough soon enough. I love responding and posting on myLot.
• Vietnam
8 Mar 11
No , response on my phone is same I send a message . It's fast and very simple .
@owlwings (43914)
• Cambridge, England
28 Feb 11
Theoretically, yes. Practically, no. There is NO set earning 'per post'. You are paid according to the quality of your participation (see the FAQs for details). A number of people (but probably not a majority) make $10 at least each and every month. That implies that they are earning an average of $0.35 a day. You will usually find that they are very active here and that their posts are of good quality. Very few people make $1 a day regularly unless they are doing some of the better paid tasks. Some people have a large number of referrals (and we earn 25% of what our referrals earn), so if you have a large number of ACTIVE referrals - several hundred, perhaps - then you might be lucky! This question has been asked so many times before that I would not be surprised if it were deleted.
@owlwings (43914)
• Cambridge, England
28 Feb 11
You can try this:
@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
1 Mar 11
I think we would have to work extremely hard, possibly typing straight for 24 hours... I thought making a buck a day would be wonderful already...
• United States
28 Feb 11
Hi asianjabba, Each one of us has limitless earnings abilities here on myLot. However please factor in that myLot is not about simply chat to earn. We must make sure that when we participate that we do so with quality so that our efforts do not go to waste. You can do take part in some of the additional tasks, located in under the tasks button, and I am sure if you succeed with those it would be possible. Bring in some active referrals as well and you can earn 25% of their earned participation. However it would be best that you learn the entire site so that you can guide them appropriately also as getting members to sign up may not be as hard as them continuing to participate. Create some good quality discussion of interest, so that you have plenty to return back to each responder with quality comments. As creating a discussion alone will not earn you, unless you too participate. Utilize the myLot toolbar as you would normally use any search engine and you can at times earn random rewards. Most of all have fun, do not concentrate so much on the earnings and you will see how pleasantly surprised you get during payout. Best of luck and welcome aboard!
7 Mar 11
Is it possible? I very much doubt it if I'm quite honest with you. Even earning half of that amount would require one hell of a speedy set of fingers and a decent brain to think of a well thought-out and comprehensive response. But good luck to you all the same pal. If you have the time and the will-power, I say go for it. Times are very hard for everybody at the moment, so every little helps in the long-run.