what is your favorite night to watch tv ?

@laken02 (3065)
United States
February 28, 2011 6:19pm CST
what is your favorite night to watch tv ? mine is tuesday becasue that is when biggest loser comes on and parenthood.. what about you which night does your favorite tv shows come on ?
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6 responses
• Philippines
2 Mar 11
Sunday night is my favorite night to watch anything whether on my laptop or on my tv. I'm not sure why but I think I'm more relaxed during Sunday nights while preparing myself for another week ahead. I love the feeling that I get when I get to watch a great movie or any of my fave tv shows a night before the coming work week.
• United Kingdom
1 Mar 11
I watch tv every night but if I have to choose a night then it definitely has to be Friday nights! I stay up late on Friday nights and I love to watch a late movie, normally a horror as that gets my imagination running wild! Apart from this I do keep up with the soaps as well like Eastenders and Emmerdale, not that keen on Corination street though! I suppose I had better admit that I'm a bit of a telly addict! Tv is a big part of my world and to do without it would be nothing less than disastrous! The Internet makes it to second place! Andrew
@shibham (16977)
• India
1 Mar 11
My favorite program on tv is cricket match... apart from it i watch CID at night on every friday and saturday. take care.
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
1 Mar 11
Fridays, because I can watch until whatever time I possibly can. Sometimes it continues until Saturday morning. It's like, I deserve to be up this late because I've been working like a slave the whole week, and tomorrow, I'm the queen.
@thatgirl13 (7294)
• South Korea
1 Mar 11
actually it's been a while since i watched TV. nowadays i'm usually on the internet so i don't really watch tv. but i do watch it while having lunch and dinner. i usually watch disney channel coz i still do love cartoons =D
@aion06 (49)
• Mexico
1 Mar 11
Mine is thursday, all good mangas come out on thursday =)