Help.. Two problems.. computer + mylot

@shibham (16977)
March 1, 2011 10:36am CST
Hi everyone... I know i should select two different interests here to start this issue but as its my problem, hence i have selected this interest. No.1 problem is with my computer. My C drive's memory is 19.5GB... the folders on this drive contain 292MB.... but this drive is showing only 643MB free space. why? I mean i dont know what are there on those spaces which are not displaying. If there are some files that i dont wish to keep... how i can remove them? No.2 problem is with mylot. why this discussion is not appearing in my profile page? The link is. Can anyone help me in this regard. Thanks in advance.
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5 responses
@GoAskAlice (5818)
1 Mar 11
Well, I can only try to assist you with your second problem. I took a look at your profile and I can't seem to see it there either. That is indeed very odd. I'll get a hold of someone and have them look in to it, it sounds like an issue for our tech department.
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1 Mar 11
Your information has been forwarded and someone should be looking in to it.
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@shibham (16977)
• India
2 Mar 11
Hi Alice.. Sorry to say but it's 8 hours already over from the time that you forwarded... but still its not displaying in my profile. have a nice day.
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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
2 Mar 11
I think the discussion was deleted by mistake and then reinstalled (or brought up). The ones that GAA resurrected for me after deletion too dont show up on my profile(my started discussions) but yes, I can find them in unresolved discussions (as long as I do not make the BR there).
@rameshchow (4426)
• India
1 Mar 11
Some authoritative links i m providing here, i hope these may helpful to you: Don't worry, Computer problems are not always. We are here for you friend, you don't worry, Smile please.
@shibham (16977)
• India
2 Mar 11
Hi ramesh.. Thanks for the links but not able to understand how to proceed through these links. Again... if defragmenter does not work then i am about to take it to expert. I have a friend who will help me in this regard. have a nice day.
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@shibham (16977)
• India
4 Mar 11
I have formatted it yesterday.
• India
2 Mar 11
yeah, difragmentation will helps us....
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@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
2 Mar 11
hello dear bhai, Have you tried to defrag your C driver,and see if those spaces can be compacted or not. I am not a computer wiz anyway. With your problem number 2,there might be some problem with your mylot acct since i can open the discussion that you were trying to open. Well,until now i am not receiving any notifications from mylot in my email
@shibham (16977)
• India
4 Mar 11
Hi didi... I tried... but when it did not work, I have formatted C drive. now it's fine. I don't know. Whats the problem... lucky that only one discussion is not appearing. Take care didi.
@vandana7 (99925)
• India
1 Mar 11
Shiby - looks like your computer doesnt like you... and myLot thinks you need to be repaired.
@shibham (16977)
• India
2 Mar 11
HI vandie... Its all because you are not in my latest discussion specially lady series. Have a nice day.
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@shibham (16977)
• India
2 Mar 11
Thanks sids. I knew it. Hope vandie will also join very soon. Take care.
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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
2 Mar 11
I would join Shiby here for sure... Vandana is, I believe occupied in real world and I too miss her
@damned_dle (3942)
• Philippines
3 Mar 11
Those are probably hidden system files. What OS are you using? Did you just recently installed it?
@shibham (16977)
• India
4 Mar 11
My comp operator has said that there are some hidden files and hence he has formatted the drive and installed windos 7 instead of vista that i had. Have a nice day.