About myLot

Virgin Islands (U.S.)
March 1, 2011 11:25am CST
I would like to know how much do you win if you incrase your "score" that number next to your name(the number of comments eg: Humberto91(19) ). If you incrase up from (20) to (30) this must be like 10 coments I'm not sure. How much do you win for 10 "lvls"?
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5 responses
@owlwings (43914)
• Cambridge, England
1 Mar 11
You don't win anything. The number is known as your 'User Rating' and it represents (very roughly) how much you have participated. Not all discussions, responses and comments you make add to your 'User Rating' but, depending on the quality, all of them are counted where earnings are concerned. Go to the FAQs and read the relevant sections about User Ratings, MyLot Reputation and Earnings. Then you will not need to ask questions like this.
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
1 Mar 11
I confirm that we do not 'win' anything here. It is not a competition That number is not related at all to your earnings and does not increase with every activity here. It only increases: - after your first response on a discussion started by others. - after your first comment on a discussion started by others. - when a discussion started by you receives 2 responses. It decreases when your posts are deleted due to violations. ALL of your activity, if it is within the Guidelines will earn for you even though that number will often remain the same. After you have read the link in the response above you will (should) realise that myLot is NOT a paid-to-post site and that there is no fixed rate for anything here.
@rosekiss (30380)
• Eugene, Oregon
1 Mar 11
You don't win anything, period. It is like diane said that the number next to your user name will fluctuate up and down depending on whether you participate and do your part. If a discussion gets deleted, and you responded to ones that have been deleted, then you lose earnings as well, as your rating will lower each time that happens. I know you are new here, but if you would take the time to read the faq's and guidelines, you will understand what is expected from you in here. Just take the time to read, and understand. http://www.mylot.com/o/faq.aspx http://www.mylot.com/o/topguidelines.aspx I do wish you the best though, and happy mylotting.
@hcp_nj (108)
• India
1 Mar 11
It is better for all of us to just enjoy at mylot
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
1 Mar 11
... and we all enjoy it better if we know what we are supposed to do here too
• United States
1 Mar 11
As it has been stated above, there is no winning here. Well.. in a respect actually there is. If you come across an interesting discussion and learn something that you never knew before, you have won the gift of knowledge. It is fun here at MyLot. I have been out of commission here for a few months, but I'm glad to be back!! Welcome.
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