NOT A good driving day for me

United States
March 1, 2011 8:27pm CST
Okay first of all, I HATE bad drivers. Someone made me SO mad today. This huge white truck came flying up on my butt, and tailgated my SO bad that if I had TAPPED my breaks, they would have hit me. Well, I have a bumper sticker on my car that says "The Closer You Follow The Slower I Drive" so I took my foot off the gas. So the idiot tailgater swung into the next lane. So I brought my speed back up again, but the new car in front of the tailgater started to break because they had to turn, and the tailgater swung into my lane and cut me off, I had to break to avoid hitting them! I was SOOOOOOO mad! Wanted to take down their license plate, but what good would it do? So my second "not good driving story" was not really anyone's fault but it was super scary! I was driving next to a truck that had a trailer hooked to it (one like yard workers use). One of the iron panels/gates on their trailer opened, and fell towards my car. I was SUPER lucky to have seen it in time (I was distracted a second before by yet another tailgater behind me), and I had to jerk my car over to avoid getting hit by it and probably crashing. So let's just say I really hope tomorrow is a better driving day for me!!! You guys have any bad driving stories?
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17 responses
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
10 Mar 11
I so hate tail-gaters too. It's actually illegal in this country to drive too close to the guy in front of you. I hope things have improved for you...there will always be at least one at least once a week though. Just stay safe...oh, and I also do what you do, I slow down. If they are going to make my journey dangerous, I will do what I can to counteract it...I will also get the name of the company and the truck number and make a phone call. Take note of the time too. Report to the company and threaten to report to the police if they are not prepared to remonstrate with the driver. It just might be that driver's life you save.
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• United States
10 Mar 11
It wasn't like a truck used for any company. It was just some guys (or girls) personal truck. No number to call or complain to. Just an idiot to deal with. I would LOVE it one day if someone was tailgating me that bad, and a cop pulled them over for it. That would MAKE MY DAY! I would probably laugh about it for the rest of the day.
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@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
5 Mar 11
Just the other day, I also had a tailgater behind me. And everytime I looked at the rear view mirror he was raising his arms as if to say 'what the F'. The trouble is, I couldn't go any faster because it was a one lane highway and the car in front of me was also driving slow. So, I had to take the abuse of the tailgater for the slow driving of the cars in front. As soon as the lane turned two, he also passed me and cut me off! I wanted to give chase and give him a piece of my mind (or at least my one-finger salute), but I had to turn. Hope tomorrow's driving would be better for you!
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
12 Apr 11
I've been driving for a few years (okay, about 20 actually LOL) so I have a few of my own to share. One of my favorites though has got to be the time I was driving a little pickup that I had. I'd been driving on a two lane country road (during traffic) when the driver in front of me decided to pull off to the right...just out of the blue! No blinkers, no warning, no nothing! That driver didn't even bother to pull completely off the road either. I wound up having to drive in between their car and the oncoming cars! Talk about scary! It was a good thing the truck I drove was so narrow, otherwise I would have gotten in a wreck for sure. As for the driver that had been in front of me, well, I happened to see from my rear view mirror that they decided to turn around and head the other way. Yep, they did this on a two lane country road. Crazy! Anyway, try not let bad drivers get to you..especially tailgaters. Even though it may be tempting to put the brakes on, it's not a good idea. Because doing so could cause you to get into an accident. Drive safe! Happy mylotting!
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
13 Apr 11
That's not a bad idea. However, I think I can top that. LOL How about if we just get bad drivers off the road instead?
• United States
13 Apr 11
I wish it was easy to pick them out and get them off the road! But even if we did get all the bad drivers off the road, there would still be those REAL accidents not caused by stupidty :P lol. I guess horses come with their own accidents, but not as bad, I think! lol
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• United States
13 Apr 11
Ooo that would have been scary!!! I don't know...I may have risked hitting him rather than hitting oncoming traffic! lol. but I guess reflexes would have had me doing the same thing you did! I was turning right onto a busy street today, had plenty of room to because I was turning legally (into the correct lane). And just as I'm turning onto the street, a guy in the further lane decides he's going to move to the lane I'm turning on. I stopped like, halfway through my turn, half in the lane, thought he was going to hit me! Thankfully he saw me and went back to his own lane! *He didn't use a blinker either, I didn't know he was planning on changing lanes* People and cars are a dangerous mix!!!! ... Let's go back to horses! lol
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
2 Mar 11
Oh wow, I am glad you didn't get hurt or have an accident, both scenarios sound scary.. I guess because I don't drive much I don't have anything to tell except one year when the roads were icy and I was taking my daughter to preschool. As I drove, I came upon a slight curve, not a real bad one, but the ice on the roads were so bad, when I went to turn, the car didn't straighten out and the car started sliding, right towards this huge mailbox. (well it looked big at the Anyways, I immediately remembered when a car is slipping on ice to not brake or accelerate, just steer out of it and I did, but was shaken up from the experience..
• United States
2 Mar 11
Driving is ice is such a scary thought! I've never had to do it, but I may have to in the future! Not looking forward to it! lol Yeah I'm happy I didn't get into an accident yesterday either!!! People are such morons, so I was pretty lucky! Thank you!
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• United States
2 Mar 11
Yes, some are really bad drivers, I am glad I never gotten that close to an accident, I don't know what I'd do...Actually driving on ice isn't real bad, but I am out in the country where salt doesn't get put down as fast as in the city..
• United States
3 Mar 11
How much does salt actually help the icy roads? Does it actually make them more drivable. What exactly does the salt do? If I lived anywhere it snowed it'd probably be out in the country too! lol.
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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
2 Mar 11
Yeah, the other day, I went around the snow plow/sander and so did 3 other cars. This SUV decided to pass us all, the entire line of three. But it didn't even have the power to do it in time. so another vehicle turns onto the lane from a side road, he has to get back in, there is no room, so he puts on his signal light and I had to let him in. He had passed 2/3 of us. Meanwhile, I had someone behind me who had to also break and you never know, on a rainy day, who has what for breaks and tires. We all ended up fine, but did the SUV guy learn? No, after the opposite car in the other lane goes buy, he passes the car in front of him and there had been someone who had come from a driveway and he passes that one, too. This guy passes lines of cars. My cousin passed a line of cars once, the first car in the line was rurning left and some people's Grandfather. I saw was because my cousin killed him. Passing one car is dangerous enough, but a line of them? Maybe there is a reason for the line and you can't see that far ahead. Just maybe. One time I was behing a trailer for putting tractors on like backhoes. My Dad's ramp folded flat and secured on his, but this guy had his ramps straight up in the air and only make shift regular cheap wire holding it. So with every bump and turn, the ramp metal rubbed against these cheap wires. I thought, "those wires will break and the ramps will fall down." So I backed way up. Sure enough, he hit a series of bumps in the road and one of the ramps came down. Which side? The side I was on, that would have come down on my hood, straight through my windshield and decapitated me. So watch out for stuff that's attached to things. My Dad was dragging a boat behind our car once. I saw the nose of the boat go straight up and the entire boat vear off the roat and hit a fense. That was lucky. It didn't hit a car in the other lane and if the fense hadn't been there, it would have hit a house. Only minor damage to the fense and boat because we weren't going very fast, but that could have been bad. The pin for the boat metal and car tow hitch popped out and that was that. So people with stuff behind, watch out! Coming at you and in front of you. You never know where or when.
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
2 Mar 11
Sorry, rode,not roat.
• United States
2 Mar 11
What a moron! Some people just need to get into bad accidents to learn I guess. My sister has been in two bad accidents and neither was her fault. Days after one of her accidents she happened to be standing behind the guy that hit her (she didn't know it at first i think) and he was JOKING about the accident with someone else! What an idiot!!! I NEVER go into a lane for oncoming traffic to pass someone, no matter how slow they are going. I have no problem staying behind someone that's going the limit, and I don't tailgate them. If I am in a hurry I will go into another lane, but I don't tailgate the person before I get over (like so many people do) and I don't get in front of them after I pass them, I stay in the new lane (no use making someone feel bad about going the limit). I didn't even know the kind of trailer that got me had parts that could open on the side. I just thought they opened from the back. But your story was scarier than mine! Anything that could ever involve decapitation is nightmarish.
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
2 Mar 11
Sorry again, road, not rode or roat.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
2 Mar 11
I'm glad you're okay. Nothing like this has happened to me recently.. though it has happened in the past. I just can't think of anything specific at the moment.
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
2 Mar 11
Thankfully, no. In any case, I do my best to avoid traffic. If the highway is bad, I take back streets
• United States
2 Mar 11
Oh I wasn't even on the highway. There is only one for me to get to school, and I take the road everyday. I wasn't even going slow when I was getting tailgated, I go with traffic (unless traffic is going over 10 mph over limit). In story number one I was probably going 46, 47 in a 40 zone. So they have no right to tailgate me, especially so aggressively! I wish one day a cop would see someone tailgate me like that and "save" me, be my night in shining armor! lol
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@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
2 Mar 11
Did the driver give you an eyeball or anything when he/she cut you off?
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• United States
2 Mar 11
I wasn't able to see the other driver, they were speeding by too fast and I was too busy breaking to miss them.
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@bigplay (212)
• United States
2 Mar 11
Yeah i've had some bad driving stories, like for example, drivers stopping when there's a green light. People driving too fast and switching lanes, and when they do that. They end up at the same place that you're going 5 minutes later. Now i like motorcycles, but i had driving behind them because they're small.
• United States
2 Mar 11
Yeah I always laugh at people who try to rush ahead of everyone, but then two lights later you catch up to them and they are with all the same people they tried to leave behind! lol Motorcyclists make me nervous, mostly just when they aren't wearing helmets. But also when they do little motorcycle moves (like weaving their bike in the lane, or rearing up), I can't look! lol
@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
2 Mar 11
I hate cars riding up my butt as well but I just switch to the right lane and let them go, what makes me mad is if it was during the traffic hours, everybody in driving that slow on the highway, there is no reason to tailgate people There are lots of rotaries where we live, I don't like people just jump put without looking AT ALL... it's like they think they have the right of way, but itdoesn't matter, you shuold look and be careful first before coming into the rotary. The other one is some people don't yeild at the yeild sign and just go without looking...
• United States
2 Mar 11
I never get over for tailgaters. I know you're suppose to, but I feel like if they think they have to be a jerk, they can get over. I've seen a ton of 'almost accidents' because people don't look before they turn, or change lanes, or whatever else. It's scary to think you're about to see an accident! About yielding...I am soo bad at it! lol. I try to yield whenever I need to, but sometimes I'm just like "oh my gosh! Is that car close enough that I need to slow for them, or are they far enough that I'm okay to keep going???" Yielding is not my strongest suit, but I still try to do it!
@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
4 Mar 11
I am not the best driver in the world, as such I can tell you from personal experience that when you report a license plate to the RCMP, you get talked to by the RCMP, I don't know if it would work the same in your area. I can tell you, that after the first time I got talked to, about bad driving, I took steps to becoming a better driver. Might not work that way for everyone, but it is really a good idea to report such drivers. As for bad driving stories, one where I am a bad driver, or one where I had to avoid worse drivers, or one where I was purposely being a bad driver to annoy another bad driver? I have all three, so I let you choose. I heard it is a common thing in the US of A, for some people to purposely break in front of drivers like in the first example and then sue them for lots of money, but then I also heard there are people, that plan that based on doing a back ground check on you, through your license plate, I would imagine that kind of stuff happens in more then America, just more so there, because of slight differences in the civil code. -- I know your not that kind of person, but something to think about for next time, just brake slow, so the impact isn't too rough -- Sincerely and With Appreciation.
• United States
4 Mar 11
That's kind of what I do whenever I get tailgated. I slow down, and then when they go into another lane I speed up again so they can't get in front of me lol. I especially love it when they get stuck behind a slower car...sometimes I'll stay side by side with the other car so the jerk can't pass either of us. I know that's bad but I'm careful and make sure no one is going to get hurt for it. And I'm never going UNDER the speed limit, or too much over it's not SO bad
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• United States
4 Mar 11
I'm not a prefect driver either, as I stated above in someone else's response I am really bad at yielding (even though I do try). But I'm always a courteous driver, I don't tailgate and I don't cut people off..stuff like that. I will try to take notes of license plates next time I get in such a bad situation! Thanks! How about your story about being a bad driver to annoy another bad driver? I probably won't be breaking on purpose to cause and accident But I will still slow down to annoy them.
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@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
4 Mar 11
It was a few years back, and I was taking the off ramp, from a north/south road, onto a an east/west road, and this dude, came up WAY to fast behind me, and since they didn't have their hazards, and weren't honking, I figured they were being idioms, (Sometimes people are rushing to the Hospital, or something). So, as I merged onto the highway, I figured this guy would try to go around me, So, I just merged straight to the far lane. And behind me I hear the screech of brakes, I think I might have ticked him off, but, that is just how it goes some days. Sincerely and With Appreciation.
• United States
2 Mar 11
I use to commute to work daily and each way was about 1 hour and forty minutes. It was always amazing how drivers would not allow themselves plenty of time to get to their destinations so they shove themselves tightly between the cars in full traffic. It was always adventurous to say the least as each day I had to drive and felt like I needed a Valium.
• United States
2 Mar 11
Yeah I try to leave myself ample time to get to my classes, but even if there is something unforeseen (like an accident or detours) I know my teachers will understand if I'm a little late, so i still don't rush anything. Not worth the risk!
@Suzieqmom (2755)
• United States
2 Mar 11
I have bad driving stories almost every day, whether I am on the highway or local roads. Today, for instance, someone was in the left-turn only lane at a red light, with a left-turn signal on. I was next to her in the straight/turn right lane. When the light turned green, she started heading towards the intersection, then decided she needed to go RIGHT and just turned her car around in front of me (I was going straight) and all of the other oncoming traffic, and just kept going!!! Thank goodness I was paying attention, because she surely wasn't.
• United States
2 Mar 11
WOW! That's bad. I really hate bad/rude/uncourteous/etc drivers. They just make me crazy!!! Did you honk at the lady? I have such a hard time honking..and not because I don't want to hurt the idiots 'feelings.' I don't like to honk because I don't want to spook any other drivers that are around. I know if someone honks around me I'm always looking around wondering if I did something. Thanks for sharing!!
• Indonesia
2 Mar 11
Hi, I always avoid the road loaded with trucks in busy hours. I know they're so annoying, they're sick tailing me. Yes they've made me sick because they're huge and mine is a small sedan. I get scary a lot of times and try to avoid them the best I can. Good luck and safe drive.
• United States
2 Mar 11
Not sure if you mean semi truck or not. The truck that tailgated my was not a semi. But I don't like driving by semi's either. And if I have to drive next to one I speed passed it as safely as I can. Too much can go wrong with those semi's!
@sarah245 (20)
• Jamaica
2 Mar 11
I too have days that I wish I could stay home or fly overhead to where I want to go.The drivers drive so badly that I have a hard time understanding, where they got the licenses from in the first place.But anyhow it is for everyone to take the best care of themselves on the road after all we only have one life.
• United States
2 Mar 11
I wish I could fly over everything too! lol I was just so sick of people tailgating me, so that's why I made and ordered the bumper sticker that said "The Closer You Follow The Slower I Drive." But it doesn't work!!! People still tailgate me, but you can bet I follow through on my threat. As soon as I start slowing down some people will back off, and I'll go back to the speed I had been at before. Some people go into the next lane, and when that happens I speed back up again.
• Canada
30 Mar 11
Re situation 1. I love your bumper sticker. I want one! If have taken down the plate number, just for the fun of reporting him. Re situation 2. Not your falt but definitely his. He should have had a safer trailir.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
2 Mar 11
I often have the urge to do that too, but better to just let the person get around you and go cause havoc someplace else than to put yourself in a situation where you might have an accident.
@cathy1990 (220)
• Philippines
2 Mar 11
oh.... I don't have a bad experience in driving, but just be careful in driving, even if you are good driver there are still a bad driver that may crush you. or you can crush someone and there are also someone may crush you. God Bless you always.
• United States
2 Mar 11
Yeah, I consider myself a good, courteous driver, but believe me I do worry about all the idiots on the road. I deal with them on a daily basis! Thank you