Do I want to diet forever????

March 3, 2011 10:18am CST
I have been so frustrated lately. About 10 years ago I lost about 50 pounds using the Weigh Down Diet (has anyone tried this one) It was amazing!! Basically the diet says to eat when your hungry (physically hungry) and stop when you feel satisfied. This is the way God intended for us to eat; not out of boredom and feeling stressed etc. It was amazing because at that time I thought "i am never going to diet again, I feel completely free of obsessing about food" After my weight loss I became pregnant and gained 65 pounds and lost about 25 pounds after this. Then became pregnant again and gained 65 pounds and i can't seem to get past a certain number. I have tried Weight Watchers; but I get so sick of watching what i'm eating and it tends to make me think about food all day and hence - want to eat all day. I keep on trying the Weigh Down Diet because I believe that will be the only thing that will work because its all about listening to my body that God created to work perfectly anyways. I would appreciate any one out there to tell me about your experiences with this topic.
3 responses
• Philippines
6 Mar 11
I get what you're saying. I'm still single and haven't experienced the burden of losing weight after pregnancy and to tell you the truth, it still scares me. I want to lose some of my weight that I have gained when I started working at my current job and since it's an office work where I don't get to even stand up and walk around for a few good minutes, it is really difficult to lose weight. I think that if we see losing weight as a challenge rather than a struggle, then we might feel a lot better. It's an every day challenge to be able to watch what you eat, and stay healthy and fit and emerge with a body you could be proud of. I have never heard of the Weigh Down Diet before and I might try it also. Try to exercise during your free time. Just check on your progress and never get frustrated but rather, take it as a challenge you have to finish every single day.
@amirev777 (4117)
• India
3 Mar 11
Hi I dont think that dieting is the best way to lose weight. Though dieting is certainly very effective way to lose weight, it is also one of the most unhealthy ways to lose weight. Dieting decreases your BMR so when you stop dieting you tend to gain more weight than your earlier weight. Also dieting deprives your body of vital nutrients. One of the negative effects of dieting occurs when a dieter goes overboard and their attempt to lose weight becomes drastically unhealthy and dangerous. This may lead to life threatening conditions, such as bulimia nervosa, anorexia, as well as binge eating. Bulimia is a negative effect of dieting because a dieter turns to reoccurring cycles of binge eating and purging which is not good for the body. Bulimics will often vomit, abuse laxatives and diuretics to achieve a certain look. Many bulimics often suffer from depression.Anorexia is when a dieter struggles with the intense fear of becoming overweight.
• United States
3 Mar 11
I gained 80 lbs when pregnant. Lost 30 after. gained it back and more. Since 05 though i have lost 65 pounds. The only way i lost is by not eating much. Good luck in your weight loss.