Is This Any Way for a Senator to Talk About His Constituents?
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
March 3, 2011 5:06pm CST
Republican State Sen. Glenn Grothman appeared on "The Last Word" last night and repeatedly referred to the protesters in Madison - his constituents - as "slobs" and even talked talked about how they smelled! You can see and hear it for yourself here:
When I saw this last night I was appalled at how disrespectful and unprofessional this ELECTED OFFICIAL was behaving. It's bad enough to have members of the right-wing media insulting these Americans who are exercising their Constitutional rights, but to have a state senator talking like that is reprehensible.
If he were my senator I'd vote against him in his next election even if I agreed with him! What do you think?
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12 responses
@gladys46 (1205)
• United States
3 Mar 11
I heard him Annie! Mr. Grothman obviously has no respect for the people of Madison ... how arrogant was it of him to call American citizens "slobs" ... that Capitol Bld. is THEIR HOUSE ... the people's house ... they pay the darn taxes to keep it there so his butt, butt may enter! And, those who clean it are also public servants doing their jobs ... cleaning it! That is of course, if the maintenance thereof has not been privatized!
I find that republicans (lately) are wearing their underware on the outside ... they are truly disrespectful folks! I guess he clearly forgot who the heck the electorate is!
There are petitions circulating via emails from Wisconsin grassroots people including all who are protesting ... collecting millions of signatures on recall petitions ... I received one today ... they are planning to file recall resolutions any day now .. on many of the republican reps. By law they must wait for at least a year to call for recall of the governor ... which they also plan to do timely.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
3 Mar 11
"Mr. Grothman obviously has no respect for the people of Madison"
...and the protesters he spoke of obviously have no respect for "the peoples house" you spoke of. Considering they caused 6 million dollars in damages and clean up to it, I'd say "slobs" was rather too kind a choice of words. Now, tell me, who was more disrespectful, the protesters who trashed "the people's house" or a senator who called them what they were?
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
4 Mar 11
"Madison - State officials said Thursday that damage to the marble inside and out the State Capitol would cost an estimated $7.5 million.
Cari Anne Renlund, chief legal counsel for the state Department of Administration, said in Dane County court that estimates of damage to marble includes $6 million to repair damaged marble inside the Capitol, $1 million for damage outside and $500,000 for costs to supervise the damage......"

@artistry (4151)
• United States
5 Mar 11
...Hi annie, He certainly has no class, Lawrence asked him if he would apologize to the four people who were there, he refused saying they were lovable slobs. He lied because he said the protestors were all college students. What a joke. I hate to call him this but Governor Walker created this budget shortfall by giving corporations 100 million dollars in tax cuts I'm sure to curry favor for donations just like the Koch brothers who are getting plants in Wisconsin with no-bid contracs. Governor Walker should be recalled. God forgive me he is the slob. There is a petition being circulated to recall five Republican Senators and there is a strong possibility they will lose their seats. Fifty-Seven percent of Wisconsin people think that the Governor is wrong. If he were up for re-election he would lose. Corruption personified. Grothman.... it takes a slob to know a slob. The out of town police wrestled a repesentative to the floor when he went to his office in the Capitol building to get his clothes. His own office they would not allow him in. Thugs they acted like. They locked the Capitol building keeping people waiting outside to get in. What a crowd.
The GOP is trying to break the unions because they know they support the Dems., get rid of the unions you break the Democrats. But they had better be careful because the people may just turn and decide the GOP is too harse and not vote for them or stay home which is the same thing and the Dems will take the vote.
This is all out war. With the Supreme Court handing over Freedom of Speech rights to corporations, they are trying to squeeze the country into a GOP rule. Also those who think he GOP has their interest at heart they don't, they want to control where the money goes and they will be the next ones they come after. Just like they kept health care from the 9/11 first responders, they are cold and calculating. Cheers
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
5 Mar 11
"Governor Walker created this budget shortfall by giving corporations 100 million dollars in tax cuts"
Sorry, but that's just a lie Rachel Maddow told her viewers. It's already been proven wrong as the tax cuts she was talking about aren't even in effect yet. In the future you may want to get info from more reputable sources than left wing fatmouths.
@artistry (4151)
• United States
6 Mar 11
...Hi annie, Hope you are doing well. Thanks for your response here because I do ignore what's his name. "o) I would just like to know then what happened to the 100 million dollar plus surplus that the state of Wisconsin had when Scott Walker came into office? Did it just evaporate? Strange these numbers? Sounds like a job for an audit committee. Take good care.
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
3 Mar 11
These types of people forget what they are there for, who they are working for and should be gotten rid of, how dare they comment on people speaking their mind...I think we all have to start really looking into who we are voting for, make them respect the people who gets them there.
@laglen (19759)
• United States
4 Mar 11
How is speaking your mind causing $7 million dollars in damage that the tax payers will have to pay. oh yeah there is that.... they are slobs
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
4 Mar 11
Gov. Walker asked to have the demonstrators leave overnight on Sunday so that cleaning crews could clean the building. They refused, with a spokes person saying that it would be too difficult (the momentum would be broken) to have the people return the next morning. I live in Wisconsin and have visited the capital with my family and have had to leave the building at a certain time because the building was closing for cleaning. The demonstrators refusing to leave tells me they have no respect for others or the state property.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
5 Mar 11
Everyone's just missing my whole point here. I don't think it's appropriate for an elected official to call a large group of people "slobs". I'm sure there were a few there that fit that description as there usually are in any large gathering of people but that sure doesn't mean all or even most of them do. His childish and immature taunts were worse than what you'd hear on an elementary school playground. He even had to throw in, "Some of them even snore."
Can't you guys at least agree that elected officials should show some respect and dignity, that they should rise above it all even when some of the voters piss them off?
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
4 Mar 11
Why didn't you just tell them that it was the people's building and that you and your family were moving in? I know why, it was probably because you were being law-abiding and respectful and realizing that adults follow the rules and don't throw temper tantrums.

@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
4 Mar 11
OMG! We have all sorts of shady
and and unusual senators here, but I don't think there's one as rude as that! How disrespectful! And of people sho VOTED FOR HIM!
Sorry, senator, we "slobs" won't be voting you no more!

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@VisonTech (258)
• United States
4 Mar 11
I think they believe they can get away with anything, knowing they already have some people who follow them, and all the monetary support they have already gotten from the past. These individuals either truly don't realize or don't care anymore. Think about when they were first introduced to the scene they tried to do anything to gain the ecceptance of everyone and then eventually their true feelings come out.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
5 Mar 11
"they'll be able to outspend the Democrats by many times given the Citizens United decision."
You keep saying that Annie. Is that all it is to you? It's just about campaign money? You're upset because you're afraid this might cut into democrats war chest so I guess anything goes right? You're already misrepresenting this as if it's something that would destroy unions. All it does is limit the collective bargaining powers of PUBLIC unions. None of the other unions with MILLIONS of members would be affected by this in the slightest. Those in Wisconsin would still have more collective bargaining powers than federal employees.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
4 Mar 11
Annie, there is no evidence that he's talking about his own constituents, since the only ones that are his constituents are the people living in his district.
As for the SLOBS! Repairing the damage and cleaning the mess has been estimated at $7 million. They destroyed the finish on the marble walls with duct tape and glue, they leave their garbage where ever they drop it. There are people who haven't taken a shower in a week.
Yes, they are SLOBS!!
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
4 Mar 11
I'm not defending vandalism and I never would, Ted. That's one thing I have no use for. However, since I haven't seen any coverage of this allege damage other than here, I'm not sure this could be caused "vandalism". Could it be possible that those who put glue and/or tape on the walls weren't aware they'd be doing damage? Obviously, everyone protesting there didn't participate in putting signs and pictures on the walls either.
Whatever, I just don't think the way this senator talked, whether it was about his own personal constituents or not, is appropriate for an elected official. He should be above that kind of behavior.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
4 Mar 11
They stuck duct tape directly to the marble walls and several of the permanent displays there (including the veterans memorial). There is also chips in the marble.
If I left your living room the mess they left the capital building, I'm sure you would be calling me a slob.
Why is it that only Republicans are supposed to be "above" any kind of behavior? You defend lies and corruption of the Democrats, but feign outrage over one word.

@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
4 Mar 11
Strange Annie, you thought it was just fine for a democrat to call his constiutents racist rednecks, yet it somehow offends you when a "republican" calls people responsible for over $7 million in damages slobs? There are people taking a dump in the freaking stairwells in that building Annie.
As for him calling "his constituents" slobs, I'm not so sure that these are his constituents. A lot of these people were bussed in by the unions and don't even live in the state. I'm sure MSNBC hasn't bothered to show you how a mob of these people came after him either. Take a look for yourself.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
4 Mar 11
Come on Annie, did you have to use a blog? Couldn't you have just gone to the source?
I wrote
"There are people taking a dump in the freaking stairwells in that building Annie."
And if you'd read the facts, minus the opinion garbage on your blog, you'd see that what I stated was true.
""There was defecation in the stairwell to the parking garage," said CSRAB spokesman Gregg Dodd, but not inside the Statehouse. Furthermore, there is no proof it was left by protesters, and Dodd expressed his doubt."
So it is a FACT, that people were defecating in the stairwells. There just isn't any proof that it was protesters.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
4 Mar 11

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
4 Mar 11
For real, the pooped in the stairwells?
I'd rub their noses in it like I do my dogs when they can't hold it.

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
4 Mar 11
And you're complaining he called them slobs? He should have called them the animals they acted like, defecating on the stairs!!!

@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
3 Mar 11
You must have heard only part of what he said. You must not have heard about the approximately 200 protesters who were shouting, pushing and threatening him as he tried to enter the Capitol building. Maybe it was while they were in this close proximity, during their rush on him, that he smelled them. I can't say if they smell or not, I haven't sniffed them. But as some of them have spent much of the last couple of weeks sleeping on the floor of the Capitol building, it's a possibility their showering schedules have been interrupted. As for how disrespectful Grothman was, I probably wouldn't speak respectfully of a crowd of yobbos who were threatening me... but there ya go, it's all a matter of perspective.
I guess you also didn't hear him say that it was only some of the protesters to whom he objected and that many of them were respectful, peaceful people. He said ""There were many friendly people in that crowd."
Some of the protesters there didn't think it was very friendly:
"Tony Castaneda, a musician and middle school coach, told the paper that several people got “squashed” and “pushed” against the Capitol doors. Another protester said it was the first time in two weeks he worried things could have turned ugly."
I think that rushing and threatening and blocking the path of a state senator is reprehensible and if the protesters don't want people to think they are street thugs, then they shouldn't behave as if they are. But, there ya go, it's all perspective.

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
4 Mar 11
Unless these alleged threats happened after Grothman's appearance on The Last Word he apparently told two different stories because what I heard him say was the protesters were chanting, "Shame on you". I haven't heard of anyone anywhere claiming he was physically attacked, which I wouldn't excuse either, by the way.
I don't recall Pelosi calling the tea partiers "astroturf" but I did hear that term used quite a bit and I'm not doubting your word. I'm not you know what it meant...that it wasn't really a "grassroots movement" but "astroturf" since it was funded by corporations and Republican PACs.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
4 Mar 11
I listened to him and the state rep who rescued him from the crowd on Greta van Susteren. I can't say whether O'Donnell covered the threatening part but I rather doubt that it occurred because he called them slobs. I know you will see it your own way, but there are the words of those who were there and the out-of-control nature of the crowd is evident in that even some of their fellow protesters were being injured, squashed up against doors and thought there was going to violence.
I don't know what Grothman's opinions of the crowds were before they threatened him. I doubt their opinion of him was different before the incident, and their opinion is based on the fact that they don't like the way he voted. If we excuse their threats for that reason, then you would have to excuse right-wingers who threaten Democratic representatives and senators, right? Pelosi called the Tea Partiers "astroturf" and accused them of wearing swastikas and other such things, but I doubt you would excuse a physical attack on her on that basis and neither would I excuse it. If these people are teachers, then their behaviour is not something I would want my kids to emulate. It is thuggish.
@gladys46 (1205)
• United States
3 Mar 11
The man appeared on MSNBC with Lawrence O'Donnell ... Tuesday night's show, to be exact ... that is when he called the protesters "slobs" ... when he returned, they had every right to yell loudly at him "who are you calling slobs" ...and, I guess they felt the need to get in his face, after all many of them may have voted him into office ... the one he wants them out of! Can you imagine him ever campaigning for elective office again?
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
4 Mar 11
They are slobs. Don't know about the smell and really don't want to but picture after picture shows what slobs they are. Usually a rank smell goes along with slobs. Not only that, but they are acting like slobs.
I've stood with people for the right reason and would do it again, but I will never stand with those who act as though their rights supersede mine or anyone else. If these people want my sympathy and support they have to convince me they deserve it and as yet, none of them have.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
4 Mar 11
Anyone leaving garbage all over, crappin' all over, destroying property, etc, will be called a slob or worse by me. Anyone - my wife, kids, parents, grandparents, preschoolers, anyone.
There's quite a difference in exercising one's Constitutional right and being outright disrespectful of where they're doing it.
This has been par for the leftist protest course - always piles of garbage and plenty of damage after they're done exercising their rights. (Perhaps they need to practice less exercise and actually be exorcised!
It's about time someone called them on it. Seriously.
I can only imagine what sort of things would have been said about the TPers had they caused damaged, used public property as a toilet, threw gargabe around like they simply didn't give a pluck, and worse.
One moron who allegedly screamed a racial insult and reportedly spat upon a politician caused a nationwide backlash, yet the evidence was 0 and the man supposedly reporting the incident went into hiding when the validity of the claims were questioned.
I'm honestly sad that vile, nasty, careless, disrespectful members of this protest are not being called out. I can see not calling out the entire protest. We can all see that there are many peaceful, respectful people in those crowds. But most media outlets are refusing to tell the story of any of the bad element.
Shameful. Shameful. Shameful.
So, some people were called "slobs." Well, if the shoe fits!
Exercise your rights all day long, but how far can people go until their "rights" cross the line? Setting fires and breaking windows and smashing cars last year didn't seem to cross that line, so it's no surprise that all this damage and pure nastiness wouldn't either.
A person's politics shouldn't come into play with unruly behavior. Sane people in this nation universally voice their outrage against vile protest groups like the Phelps'. Why isn't it the same for these bought-and-paid-for union thugs whose presence is really a disservice to honest men and women out there peacefully voicing their rights?