Have you ever lived in the 'what if' world?

the world of 'what if' - living in reality
@bounce58 (17387)
March 4, 2011 1:07am CST
Sometimes I get frustrated when things don't go my way. That I could be better off, if some things that I've planned for just came to fruition. Or that if only I didn't have this one unnecessary thing happen, then I could be a lot happier. I would continue to do this with a few scenarios in my life, until I realize that I'm already not in this world. That I've moved on to the 'what if' world. Then I give my head a shake so I could get back to reality. How about you? Have you ever lived in the 'what if' world? If not, do you ever come to visit?
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15 responses
@staria (2780)
• Philippines
4 Mar 11
Most of the time I am in my "what-if" world, this is when I am thinking about the things that I regret in life. Even if we tend to look at the present and be contented as it is, I just cant live my "what-if" world. This is where I try to pick up the pieces in my life and create a story beyond what is happening in reality.
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@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
9 Mar 11
Although I think it is nice to dwell in the 'what if' world, I also think it is dangerous to stay there for too long. It may cause a false sense of security, that could turn into depression when you touch back up in the real world. Thanks for the response.
@staria (2780)
• Philippines
10 Mar 11
Hi bounce, Yeah, you should always have your limit. And get right back on the present. There's really no point in living in the "what-if" world, what I mean is that most of the time I still think about my what-ifs, but always got back on track. ;)
@staria (2780)
• Philippines
10 Mar 11
Hi bounce, Yeah, you should always have your limit. And get right back on the present. There's really no point in living in the "what-if" world, what I mean is that most of the time I still think about my what-ifs, but always got back on track. ;)
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
5 Mar 11
I can not live in the "what if" world. If I allowed myself to ponder over all the choices that I have had to make..I wouldn't have time to live in my world now. I think that everyone thinks from time to time about the what ifs but it is the choices we have now that makes the what ifs of the future.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
22 Aug 11
Heyya bounce! Thanks for the best response!
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
10 Mar 11
Oh! I never even thought of that! Yes, that the 'what if' world takes so much of our reality, that even time to dwell in it is also taken away. Thanks Jen.
@jhaidro (877)
• Philippines
4 Mar 11
I visit this world almost everyday. I think that too much of reality will really hurt you. It really is an escape when you do this. I think that it is healthy even. It is a great way to loosen up and shake all the stresses you have in your system. Having said this, I still want to face what is in front of me. I have to come back to the world of the real at some point.
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@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
10 Mar 11
I like your response jhaidro. I think that once in a while, even for just a visit, it is good to go to the 'what if' world. I would even go so far and agree with you that it is healthy. A means to escape for the mind when reality becomes too much. Thanks.
@jhaidro (877)
• Philippines
10 Mar 11
Thank you as well bounce. I often do this as I lay down on my bed and close my eyes for a well earned rest. The next day feels better when I do this.
@thatgirl13 (7294)
• South Korea
4 Mar 11
I've been living in this world for as long as i can remember. Every time i make a decision and whether the decision is right or wrong, i seem to enter the word of "what if". Sometimes it makes me mad for making a bad decision or letting go of an opportunity and then again comes the "what if" world. I personally hate it and seem to question myself of why i'm not content and confident with myself and the decisions i make.
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@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
9 Mar 11
Then I think there is a use for the 'what if' world! If you can manage to just enter it when you make decisions on things that affect your life, then that could be a good use for this make believe world. The trick is, not to stay there for too long. Thanks.
• South Korea
10 Mar 11
Hey yeah that does sound like a good idea. Thanks. I'll give it a try =)
@cyan9306 (65)
• China
4 Mar 11
Life is always face choices and a choice you made may change your all life.I always think about what life would be if I made the better choice.My life would not the same.I wouldn't get so much pressure from my parents?Life would be much easier?I lost in "what if " world once in a while and then the reality drag me back.Yesterday is history and i should make the right choice to get a better tomorrow.
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@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
10 Mar 11
Hello cyan9306. Yes, you are right. Yesterday is already history, and we can't ever change it if we want to. Much better to deal with what is reality for today. Thanks for the response.
• Singapore
4 Mar 11
Well, I sometimes do fantasize about something that will not happen in my life. You know, those things that will happen only in tv or movies, like "Alias", "X-Men". I feel happy thinking what if I could be one of those supernatural power people. Thinking what I would do with my "abilities" in my daily life. Like, if I can teleport to anywhere I want to, then the long distance relationship problem with my boyfriend will be solved right away, and travelling around the world wouldnt be a problem. Haha.. But I've never really got sucked into those imaginary world that I needed to shake my head to wake up to the reality. Hmm.. Maybe your mind runs wilder than most people haha
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@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
10 Mar 11
I'm not sure if my mind is indeed a bit on the wild side. But I have thought of superpowers too when I was younger. I even went to the gym to make myself physically stronger. But then I realized that I could only get so far. And the supernatural powers are deep into the 'what if' world. Thanks for the response.
• United States
8 Mar 11
Since the age of 8 , I was in the what if world. I thought like a chess player , about 5 steps ahead. If I do this, They will that. If I say this , I will be in trouble More And Besides I was convinced my happiness was Never an option but I was stubborn enough not to Ever do anything I wanted to do.With help of friends and my guy , time , and self worth , I have changed. I Still think what if but I will Say what I think is right for the moment. I don;t think 5 steps ahead. I wait and see What is to happen instead of thinking the worse is to come.
• United States
10 Mar 11
I taught myself chess and I couldf only be 3 moves ahead! My dear friend , I hope I am not boasting. All I want you to know is that there is a way out and I am hoping you will make it. I want you to be happy like me. I never want you to think I'm just saying Look how happy I am!! I want you to make it to that better place where the only what if is What if I have this for sdinner instead of that...
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
10 Mar 11
I was never too good at chess. I may be able to think 2 steps ahead, but never 5 steps. If I could, then I would have been a great (crime) mastermind. But that's my 'what if'. Like in previous discussions, I know that you're already in a much better place than me Sarah, what if world, or not! Thanks.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
4 Mar 11
I think I've lived in the what if world my whole life, and only recently opened my eyes to reality. The what if world is a fun place to visit, but it doesn't help us get real things done!
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
10 Mar 11
I think that is the operative word...visit. Just fun to visit. It could even be healthy to play around in there. But you're right, nothing practical gets done in there that could translate back into the real world. Thanks.
@julise (494)
• Indonesia
4 Mar 11
i lived like that. i dont regret my decisions, or the way my life now. everything that already happen is just perfect. its not 100% happy. but its perfect. its just what i need. but still i always wonder... what if... what if i didnt go to china last year, will i still came to singapore will i ever met the guy that took my heart what if i didnt quit my job several years ago, will in the end go to singapore too? what if i choose to get my degree in US, will i be staying there right now? what if... what if...
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
10 Mar 11
Hello julise. So many questions! So many what-ifs! I think that is just the essence of life. To live it and make decisions along the way. We would always be left wondering, but as long as we are happy with what is it for now, then I think it'll just all work out. Thanks.
@much2say (55118)
• Los Angeles, California
4 Mar 11
Sometimes I wonder "what if" I had found out about myLot earlier . . . could I have accumulated more extra pocket money all this time since I've become a stay at home mom? "What if" I had been here instead of wasting my time and energy at Yahoo Answers for over a year? Ok, that's just one "what if" instance in my life. I think about "what ifs" constantly, but I don't dwell in a "what if" world - probably because reality always kicks me in the head before I can even start daydreaming - hee hee. I've had a discussion about the past with one of my friends - and he says to forget the what ifs - no sense trying to "perfect the past" as it ain't gonna happen - in his opinion. Yah, I know it's not going to happen . . . but it's nice to think "what if" every now and then.
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@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
9 Mar 11
I know about the reality-kick, as I often get several of those in the head too, in a day. But you must admit that it IS nice to think about it. And even for a few moments, it makes you feel good, and better about yourself. Until the next kick of course.. Thanks.
• United States
5 Mar 11
As soon as I read your title, I thought to myself oh my G! This is how I lived the vast majority of my life and to be honest it worked well for me. Then a couple of years ago I decided you know I brought me to this point, I need to slow down with my thoughts and live for today and hope for tomorrow. The what if's although made me challenge a great many aspects in my life actually made me a silently depressed person. I can tell you that since I let go of the what if's I feel like a great deal of weight has lifted off my back. In full honesty I am glad I did have the what if's because not sure I would have done well to date without it.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
10 Mar 11
There are some people that really thrive in the 'what if' world. Inventors, explorers, etc. come to mind. I think they also challenge many aspects of their lives and make the world even better. Maybe you are that kind of person too hardworkinggurl. Someone who needs the challenge to start off, and then just find himself or herself in the end. Thanks.
@rog0322 (2829)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
4 Mar 11
Hi bounce, The way to never-never land is just around the corner. Just close your eyes to grim realities and you are there. What is interesting here is that if you think hard enough, those things eventually becomes real as our daily experiences. Just read the books of Jules Verne or Carl Sagan, to name just a few: magic yesterday, reality today.
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@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
9 Mar 11
I think what you are referring to is the power of 'positive thinking'. If you think about your goals, even if it is in never never land, and you work at it. Then it could be a reality. And the achievement of one's dreams. Thanks for the response.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
5 Mar 11
I try to avoid going into that mode. I become frustrated when i realize reality is otherwise. I just try harder to realize my dreams. But if it seemed futile then i let go of it.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
10 Mar 11
Yes, it does get to a point where being in the 'what if' world becomes frustrating. I think when that happens, then it is your cue to step out and be in the real world again. And leave your dreams back in that world. Thanks for the response.
@iva75cpb (729)
• Bulgaria
4 Mar 11
I do "escape" to such world very often. I'm not sure it's exactly an "what if" world, but it's all mine. I just "go to" a different place in my mind and it is so real that I can even talk to people who are not there. I just pretend to be someone else and I step into the role. I've experienced various scenarios while I was there. I love it. Sounds a bit schizophrenic, but this is my way to escape from reality from time to time. I can come back any time I want and I completely realize it isn't the real world. But this is also a way for me to relax. Oh, and I run away only when I'm alone. I can't afford to do it at work or while my family and friends are around. Otherwise I'd be institutionalized at once! :)
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
10 Mar 11
As I was reading the first few lines of your response, I had the same thought! That you would be institutionalized! Good thing that you made a qualifier that you would only do it if you're alone. On the other hand, I do think that it is healthy that you have a world that you can escape to from the travails of everyday life, once in a while. Thanks.
@iva75cpb (729)
• Bulgaria
10 Mar 11
It was a real pleasure to respond this discussion. And actually this was the first time I ever share this at all, not to mention to such a huge community like MyLot. I'm glad I shared and that I didn't get the "you're crazy" response!
@jeyeem (55)
• Philippines
4 Mar 11
oh yes I am a regular in the world of "what if". There ate just a lot of things happening around me and when I respond to those events, after a few moments, off I go to what if world by regretting my decisions and saying things like, "what if I accepted his offer? then I would have been happier" or "what if I just bought this? I may have needed it in the future." or something like that.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
10 Mar 11
Hello jeyeem. I think you are just all too familiar with this what if world. I just hope that you don't spend too much time in it as it could also be unhealthy. Thanks for the response.