saying goodbye

March 4, 2011 10:51am CST
my boy is going to be 16 later this year and everyday i'm faced with the fact that these are his final days. He has had a heart condition for 5 years now and is in the final stages of heart failure and getting to the point were either his medication wont help him much longer or we will have to up the dosages to a close to dangerous level. I have had this little man since i was 7 years old and have gone through everything with him he was the one i talked to when i got in fights with my parents, he was the one i cried on after my first break up (and several since then) he was the one i moved out with and he was the one who helped me make the decision of which career i wanted for myself. I swear if he was a person he would be my soul mate. Me and him have grown alot together he went from being the snarly puppy that no one could handle (i have several family members with scars to prove it although he never once even growled at me) to a therapy dog and mascot at my work that he is now. He has come to every job I have ever had from delivering newspapers when i was 11 to managing a dog kennel and now working at the local humane society and in a pet food store. HE has been there every step of the way and now that he's getting older and in the final days not a day go's by that i don't shed a tear at the thought of life without him. He has an enlarged heart which causes him to cough frequently which up until the last few week as been kept under control by medication but now he coughs most of the day when awake and i get several comments a day from customers saying its cruel to keep him alive or that I shouldn't let him suffer but every day he still wakes up and run's to the door to go to work even if he stops at the door to cough first. he still gets excited about his meals and he still does his full trick routine when he thinks you might just have a cookie in your hand. he does sleep allot more then before and the cough does seem like it might be uncomfortable although that vet has insured me that he's not in any pain and that his treat of frozen yogurt twice a day is enough to sooth his throat. I know that when the day comes that he no longer gets excited about th simple things in life I will make that decision for him even if its the hearest decision of my life. My question is though why does everyone just assume he's old and I should put him down? even my parents have stated that I should get a new dog instead of keeping him. Is having a dog not a lifelong decision? why now that he's old and requiring some extra care does everyone give up on him?
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8 responses
@vannyt (343)
• Philippines
5 Mar 11
Oh that is sad. I feel for you my dear and I guess any pet lover in the world would. Stay strong and don't give up on him just because his old. A lot of people wouldn't understand, call you insane or weird but hey 16 long years is worth a lifetime. He was there for you every time so I guess it's time to be there for him until his last breath. I guess even if his just a dog, he can still be your soulmate. Get a new one when his already gone. Right he should only be the one. :))
• Canada
5 Mar 11
He is the only one and i know if i got another puppy he would understand adn know he was still the special one but yea he's going to stay my main man for now another puppy might be in the works ina few years though
@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
4 Mar 11
Some people don't understand that a pet is for life, at least the life of the pet. Tuti is one sick kitty, but so long as she's eating and excited for food and telling the other cats where they can get off, we'll support her. Same with Sassy. We got her nearly 10 years ago and was told she was 10 at the time. My vets said there was nothing to prove them wrong. So, so long as she's still "sassing" the younger brats, we'll keep her around. When a pet is too sick to care, to eat or drink or walk, then its time to think that it might be time.
• Canada
5 Mar 11
when you know an animal and have lived with them for years you know when they are suffering and when its time. your cat sassy sounds a bit liek my old girl if she's still got the attitude i know she's good
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@lizzyt2007 (1312)
• Craig, Alaska
4 Mar 11
This experience your family is going through I feel is almost the same as I and my family went through a month ago. I was at my dads house daily helping and seeing their dog while she was very sick. She was having problems with her liver and couldn't eat and sorta drank. even though she was having problems and had to stay at Vets for a week and then came home we kept her tell their was nothing else that she could do or we could do to get her better then the doctor put her alseep at my mom and dads home. My family never thought of getting rid of her when she was sick. She was a part of this family for years. My mom said we don't get rid of family members. so if your dog is close to family like a another member of the family I would take the dog to the vet instead of trying to get him better. It sounds like something is wrong. I wouldn't get rid of him and get a new one just yet.
• Canada
4 Mar 11
See I wish my family was suportive but they wanted me to put him down 3 years ago when he had a stroke and we found out he was going to have to go on heart meds for the rest of his life my mothers exact words were "your going to spend $40 a month on medication for an old dog!! just get a new one" I have no intentions on give up on him untill him and/or the vet tell me its time and thankfuly i have an awsome vet who will tell em when she thinks its going to get to hard on him. I'm sorry for your family's loss
@inu1711 (5285)
• Romania
7 Mar 11
Those who tell you that you should put him down now are not true dog lovers. When you brought him into your life it was for life. You cannot just put him to sleep because your parents don't like him any more. As long as he enjoys his life (as tough as it may be) you can't take him this joy. You will surely know when it's time to let him go. I can tell this from my experience. When I read other people saying that the owner always knows when it's time to let the beloved dog go, I thought it can't be true. But it is. Even if our furry friends don't speak to tell us when it's the time, we just know. And you, too, will know when he must go. Until then, please enjoy every moment with him around!
@Liliac26 (557)
• Romania
4 Mar 11
The fact that dogs have shorter life spans than humans is completely unfair. I agree with you, as long as he still enjoys his favourite things, he shouldn't be put down. We don't kill off elderly persons when their health starts to decline...
• Canada
5 Mar 11
completetly agree it is unfair that the have such short life spans but you know what they say "the good die young"
• Netherlands
5 Mar 11
Yes , I'm asking that too. If anyone can answer this question above I would be happy!
• Philippines
5 Mar 11
That is so sad. I just can't imagine what you're going through. It's like knowing that you're losing your best friend by the day and you can't help thinking that one day, he will be gone. Sometimes, grief already sets in early and we often forget that we still have time to spend more quality time to those who are close to us. So it's always best to make spend more time with him, play with him and just do things you always do every day. Make a simple memoir of his last days if it helps. If the time comes, that he'll be gone, and you're ready to take in a new one, you should be proud of yourself that you are able to love not just once but more than once. Don't be sad.
• Philippines
5 Mar 11
Don't you give up on him, even if others has decided to give up. Now is the time that you have to show him how much you care for him.