Will It Blend? Awesome Video Series

@K46620 (1986)
United States
March 4, 2011 12:07pm CST
So has anyone seen these videos? This guy blends everything, from silly putty to iPads. Yes, I said blend, as in the blender you have in your kitchen! What do you think- are these videos plain dumb or are they just plain funny? I think they are both (most of the time). Here’s the You Tube channel for the “Will It Blend” series so far there have been a total of 152+ million video views: www.youtube.com/user/Blendtec Enjoy!
1 response
10 Mar 11
I've watched the will it blend series for a while now. I find them very funny, well worth watching for those looking for something new and entertaining :)
@K46620 (1986)
• United States
10 Mar 11
Completely agree, can't wait for the next one