Do you wish you have inherited gold or silver?

@scheng1 (24649)
March 6, 2011 2:07am CST
Looking at the gold price and silver price now, I think many of us have regrets not buying gold and silver when the price was low. Some of us even regret not inheriting the gold chain or silverware from our deceased grandparents. If only our grandparents had the wisdom to buy more gold and silver, we would be rich today. Everyone loves the glittering metal, even if they are not into investing in it. After all, it is rare to find a wedding without any form of gold jewelries. Do you regret not buying more when the price was low? Do you wish that you have inherited more gold coins, silver coins, gold bars or gold jewelries?
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10 responses
@send2noel (140)
• Saudi Arabia
6 Mar 11
gold is gold... currencies are usually measured by the country's gold reserve. anything gold... except if the silver is antique coins, jewelry or from centuries ago.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
6 Mar 11
Hi Send, most currencies in the world are not backed by gold nor the gold reserve of a country. Once the United States took itself off the gold, the currencies of many countries are not backed by gold too. I know the value of the currency in my country is backed by the foreign reserve, and a limited gold reserve. The sovereign funds take care of the investment. That is why the currency is very strong, and very stable. Silver is actually an industrial commodity, used to make solar panels, cell phones, computers and other electrical and electronics products.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
6 Mar 11
Hi Send, I am not from the United States. Right now the currency in US is devaluing, and that is why people buy gold and silver. The remarkable thing about gold and silver is that there is only one price in the world. Everyone follows the same price, no matter where they live. That is why keeping gold is better than keeping currency, since you can buy and sell everywhere you want. I think you can buy a few silver coins even if you are still a student. It does not cost much, just a few dollars, and you can get one or two silver coins. Just make sure that the coins have a purity of 99.99%.
• Saudi Arabia
6 Mar 11
i stand corrected. are you from the USA? perhaps, different countries adopt different policies? am not too sure though. however, it is interesting to note your comment for my own education. thanks.
@isadora (22)
• China
6 Mar 11
i am a young teenage girl,so i haven't so much monet to but something like gold.and my family only have a little,just like my mother's wedding ring.But sometimes i also hope my grandfather or my father left some jewelries to me. because i want to have much more money. On the other hand, if i haven't gold or silver ,it is not a big deal.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
6 Mar 11
Hi Isadora, I think if your grandparents had left some gold and silver to your family, all of you will feel a sense of financial security. Gold and silver are currencies of crisis. When a country experiences warfare, and people are dying to get out of the country, they would not bring along the paper money. They will bring along gold and silver. nearly every country has a gold reserve, and the banks in the country buy and keep gold too. They want to have something solid in case the currencies lose value. When you grow up, and earn money, you can buy gold bars and silver bars for your parents. Do not buy those gold jewelries. These are not pure gold.
• China
7 Mar 11
thank you for your responce and your advice,maybe when i earn money and i can afford to buy some expensive things,i will follow your advice.thank you .
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
7 Mar 11
Overall I am sure many of us once owned something that is now worth quite a bit or if we are older have $$ that is worth a little more as well. I know that the last yr. of Silver money was the yr. I was born so now if I find any if will encourage me more to hang on to it. Yes right now it would be nice to own something I know I could earn a little off of as I could use the extra $$ but at the same time, would I want to sell it if it had some sentimental value as well?
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
8 Mar 11
Hi KrauseHome, not everything will get more valuable as time past. It is only recently that gold and silver become so expensive. If only our parents had been wise enough to buy silver coins when the silver price was just four dollars, now they would have made near ten times the profit. Gold price used to go below a thousand dollars too. If they had bought gold bars when gold was very cheap, the value would double. We still have many years to witness the boom and bust of the economy, including the boom and bust of gold and silver.
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
7 Mar 11
I just want some good old cash, lol! Of course inheriting anything comes with a tax burden so if I should ever receive a large windfall I would hope it would be more than enough to compensate for what I would lose in taxes.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
8 Mar 11
Hi Canellita, I doubt the coins hidden under the bed incurred tax burden, since nobody knows about it. That is the beauty of having physical assets that are so small yet so valuable, especially when the currency is getting more and more worthless. Paper assets such as stocks and bonds are recorded, and you cannot deny the existence. However, a few old coins in the attic is definitely debatable. I doubt anyone will report the gold coins and incur tax.
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
7 Mar 11
Yes, gold price has increased tremendously! Unbelieveable I remembered when my husband bought for me wedding jewellery set, it only cost RM48 per gram. Now it is at RM180 per gram. It has went up 4 times. I do regret for not choosing a heavy ones I came from working class family, they can't even have enough to support my siblings (8 of us) for the education, therefore my mum sold off all her gold for their education. No gold left for us to inherit. If my elder brothers or sisters had bought some gold for my mum, I think it will be a fortune by now .... by none of them did.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
8 Mar 11
Hi Iriene88, I think your husband would not be happy if you had asked for an extremely heavy gold jewelry as wedding gift. I like the design of the gold coin sold by Maybank. Just too bad that I stay in Singapore. If I buy the gold coin in Malaysia, and bring it over, I still have to pay the 7% goods and services tax. Not worth the effort. If you have the money, I think it is a good idea to buy gold coin, or open a gold saving account.
• China
7 Mar 11
I have never cherished such hopes.It is not different from dreaming of getting rich.Our grandparents were not tycoon but poor peasants .They lived a hard life to say nothing of having gold and silver.Besides even though someone had money he wasn't able to buy those with assurance.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
8 Mar 11
Hi Changjiangzhibin, I think if you have the money now, and you buy gold for your parents and grandparents, they will be very happy and proud. The gold price is really very high now. Even a one-gram gold bar costs a lot of money. Buying silver is better, even though the price increase is actually more than gold price. Too bad your grandparents never dig out any hidden chest of gold and silver from the ground.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
6 Mar 11
Yeah that is right i feel bad that i dot even own a single gold. Not because of the selling value but of the feeling that some family geirloom was passed on to me.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
8 Mar 11
Hi Chiyosan, many Chinese families have the culture of passing gold jewelries down to the descendants. I think that is a good practice. Most of us would not dream of selling the heirloom. However, owning it means that we have financial security, and the feelings that our ancestors, especially deceased grandparents still care for us.
• United States
6 Mar 11
Although i'm new to buying gold and silver, I only got one silver coin, but it was around $30 dollars. If it wasn't for the shoddy, messed-up economy that we're in today, the prices of such metals would've been lower and completely affordable. Too bad I only got one silver coin, in case of bartering or trade, but i'll soon be able to buy a few more, in case the dollar kicks the bucket. As I said, the economy's getting worse, so in case gold and silver are made into real currency again, I just want to be prepared.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
8 Mar 11
Hi DuoMaxwell, I have a few silver bars bought on the last week of last year. i regretted not buying more when the price of silver dropped at the end of January this year. if I had taken the step to buy more, I would have made 30% profit even it is unrealized profit. I think hedging against the decline of currency devaluing is very important.
@tessa9 (1085)
• Philippines
6 Mar 11
Everybody wishes to inherit gold or anything at all. My mother gave me a ring made with white gold on my birthday. Although I know that it probably cost a lot, I don't think I have the heart to sell it someday. I will probably pass it on to my future daughter which will be many years from now. I think that thing with inheritance is for you to treasure it. I know that I'm being to idealistic specially with the economy now but if they gave you 5 gold coins at least save 2.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
6 Mar 11
Hi Tessa9, I am not looking forward to selling the inherited gold jewelries too. It is too painful to part with it. My grandmother did give us gold bracelets or something. I will keep it for the rest of my life. If ever I sell it, it will be for a very strong reason, definitely not to liquidate it and then spend the money on a holiday. I only regret not buying gold bars and silver bars when the price was low, as in two or three years ago.
• Canada
6 Mar 11
I definitely wish I had inherited gold or silver when the price was much lower. Some of us are probably super rich right now. Just to think of all the profit...
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
8 Mar 11
Hi Joewilly, I also wish that I have used my savings to buy silver or gold when the price is much lower. The problem is that we do not know how useful gold and silver is, until the price is too high for us. I think we still have many chances in the future. The gold and silver price will definitely come down again. That is the time when we should buy, and hold it for another round of price increase.