How Come We Have To Be So Proactive Anymore?
By KrauseHome
@KrauseHome (36445)
United States
March 7, 2011 3:28pm CST
Personally when it comes to Health Care sometimes I think that unless you are on top of how you are feeling, your chances of being treated correctly many times is nothing like it used to be. Many times you can have something seriously wrong that can be over looked or no one is aware of until sometimes it is almost too late as well. Overall with all the Medical cuts and issues here in the US especially, if you are not kept aware of what is going on inside you when you finally can get the help it could be almost too late as well.
What I am referring too, is some of the many things I have been seeing or experiencing myself within the last 6 months to yr. and it makes me wonder where our Health care really is and how come it is failing many of us so bad as well. Let's take me Chronic wound on my leg from being Diabetic for example. Many times a Doctor is unsure how to treat it, and what to do and even the ones that suggest a Wound Clinic you go there and they cannot even treat a Staff infection or do anything for the wound because your insurance does not want to pay for anything that will help it heal. It took me going to my regular Doctor to get the staff infection diagnosed like I knew was there, and to actually get something that would help it.
Then recently a coworker of mine, just had his foot amputated. It was from being Diabetic, and guess what no doctor had ever told him he was, or tested him for it, and he was in the hospital a yr. ago with Heart problems. How could this have really been missed? Did they ever not think to check? I know I work with someone who displays all the symptoms of being Diabetic who's doctor never has checked him either, and it makes me wonder why? If Diabetes is so easy to treat but no one ever checks for it no wonder people are really sick when they find out they have it.
Another thing was my Best friend from IL when her Mom almost had her chest problems explained as Gas to where they almost sent her home until another Doctor luckily looked at her and said she needed a stent put in and then the next day they found some Blood Clots in her lungs. I wonder if they ever considered checking to make sure these were not there before?
Personally getting sick anymore SCARES me, and I hope that when I do someone will take the time to listen and really want to find out what is wrong with me as well. I think if I continue to want to be proactive everything should always be OK. But sometimes something could be overlooked as well.
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13 responses
@lovinangelsinstead21 (36850)
• Pamplona, Spain
7 Mar 11
Hiya KH,
Same here we have those kind of problems cropping up more than ever. Our Health Service is suffering the decline that was foreseen coming a long time back.
Although there is a Health Crisis going on all over the place I prefer to be as positive as I can and believe things will right themselves.
Hope your wound heals too and I am so glad that bunnybon is okay as well. Take care now.

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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
15 Mar 11
Well, I was able to get an Antibiotic which is seeming to help with the wound and the skin infection around it. It just is frustrating that even with spending all of the $$ I spent last yr. on it, sometimes if I would have not been proactive like I am now with it, what could have happened. Personally sometimes I wish I would have kept a better log on what works and what does not and what med I use when for my own personal knowledge as well.
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@lovinangelsinstead21 (36850)
• Pamplona, Spain
15 Mar 11
Hiya KH,
Time of trial and error with that but at least something is working is´nt it after all. If what they have given you is doing much better than I would stay with that.
It must be frustrating for it not to heal. Once I had a really deep wound my knee when I was small and for me it seemed to take forever to heal.
The scab would fall off sometimes but the skin underneath was still very soft and no one ever told me don´t bang it up be careful with it.
Good Job I used my Head and realized it needed handling gently. I fell on an empty broken bottle of Coca Cola you see and the glass a big part of it jammed in to my knee cap so the wound was very deep with loads of stitches. So many I still have the scar to this very Day. Actually the glass bottle they made then cut much more than the ones they make now.
I have noticed that.
I thought I would wear a bandage on that knee for ever I can tell you.

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@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
7 Mar 11
Well, I do think that being proactive has always been important in one's health care.
I've known people who I had to NAG to go get the care they needed.
I've also known people who REFUSED to accept the doctor's orders.
Its hard to be the one who cares enough to be the "bad guy" because I'll rat those people in a HEART BEAT if I don't think they are doing enough.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
10 Mar 11
Personally sometimes there are those who you know should be doing more especially when they know something is wrong, know the cause of it, and refuse to go get it taken care of. But personally at the same time when you know something is wrong and you go to the Doctor only to have them not really listen, or care, and miss something of importance it is no wonder some people quit wanting to find a good Doctor out there for them as well.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
15 Mar 11
I think doctors are very overworked in many cases. I know doctors are scarce where I live...there are only 2 for a huge district and as well as a daily clinic, one runs the hospital as well and does home visits also when necessary.
I have recently been diagnosed with high blood pressure and I am pre-Diabetic. This is a new condition where I don't have full blown Diabetes and my doctor and I are working together to keep me that way.
I think we have to be a bit responsible and proactive as well by being aware of our bodies and with it being so easy to do research these days it's not hard to look up symptoms on-line. As well as that, common conditions are being given lots of attention in the media so we should all be checking if we have symptoms.
I have a friend who was being treated for Diabetes and the tablets made her sick so she threw them away. When she eventually went back to her doctor he refused to treat her for not doing as she was told. It took her 3 months to find a new doctor with an opening for a new patient and by then she ended up having to go onto insulin injections daily. Her sight is very bad, she has 2 black toes and struggles to be well.

@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
7 Mar 11
that is a whole topic with me. im telling you, you are certainly right. every time i get sick im scared they have over looked something if i dont get better when i finally make myself go to the doctor. because, my mom was told she'd pulled a muscle when she couldnt raise her arm without pain. and thats been happening with me. after 2 mths of suffering with it in a sling and everything else, they finally found out she had cancer on that side, then another month of figuring what treatment and all, then found out she had a tumor in her head, and cancer everywhere else.
then a doctor told my hubby he needed a bi-pass. he got it and while the doctor was in there, he saw cancer in his bowel area but instead of removing it, he didnt want to contaminate his procedure
so he sewed him back up and said wait till he recouped for the cancer surgery. by that time, it had spread even to the sutures
then looking back for 8yrs. the docs had told him he had an ulcer!! can you believe it? so, yes i get petrified every time i have a test. cause im thinking, will they find something? or worse still will they not find something they have over looked.!!gggrrr!!

@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
10 Mar 11
Sorry to hear about all of this Bad luck happening for you, but anymore that really does not surprise me, and it shows how bad of medical care most people are tending to really receive anymore. You would think they would want to do more Testing and stuff when people are complaining about something instead of just assuming it is something small and then leave you alone as well. I think it just goes to show lack of care and concern due to the Medical cuts for sure.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
8 Mar 11
Those are some things that bother me about doctors today. I found out a couple of years ago that a woman has to request a test for ovarian cancer...I thought that it would be a normal part of a yearly exam...nope. Thanks goodness I have not had to deal with it but with a cancer like that which has no symptoms..well..I wouldn't even know until it was too late.
It is disheartening when you have a concern and express it and the doctor makes you feel like you are just "whining" No big deal..without even checking it. Alot of people have illnesses that are very easy to test for and I can;t understand why they don't just do a couple of tests every now and again when people exhibit symptoms. It's going to cost the insurance companies less money to catch some of these earlier than later unless they are just waiting on people to die first...such a shame and your is very scary.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
23 Sep 11
I think one of the most overlooked things that a Doctor refuses to look for and check for now a days is DIABETES. Too many people who are Diabetic do not even know it yet, and by the time they do know many will need Insulin. It is a shame that this one is often overlooked, and most people never consider having their doctor even check for it. And when they are taking Metformin they never consider that this could lead to something more serious if they do not monitor it, but hey if the Doctors are lax in helping them how can they expect to be any better as well?
@maygodblessu44 (7336)
• India
10 Mar 11
Hello my friend KrauseHome Ji,
Dear Tina Ji, these thinga are very common everywhere these days. As the standard of human relations are reducing as the time passes. Only One should prey not to ghet sick or keep oneself physically fit at all times except at natural old age. To do this one must do all natural things including leaving the bed early morning and going to bed early Night. Try this. Thanks.
May God bless You and have a great time.

@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
23 Sep 11
Well going to bed early at night is what is recommended usually, especially if you work the day shift, but when you work Swing Shift like I do even on my days off I cannot ruin my schedule too much by going to bed too early or I end up wanting to fall asleep while I am at work. That is not a good thing either.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
8 Mar 11
It is only going to get worse. I am lucky that we have doctors that listen to us, but the stories that you are telling, you hear all the time. when the government starts telling them how to treat and if they can treat, it will really be worse.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
11 Apr 11
Personally it is Sad, and it makes me wonder where Doctors can go home feeling Happy with themselves especially when knowing they might have been the cause of something like this happening, and not being caught? When personally you think about it, and if this could have been caught sooner and been treated correctly with a better solution, etc. being found a lot more $$ for medical for someone else could have been there as well. Makes me wonder what a life really is worth to a Doctor these days.
@BarBaraPrz (48701)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
7 Mar 11
And too often, when you tell the doctor what's wrong, they don't believe you!
Hope the staph infection is cleared up by now.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
15 Mar 11
So True.. The Doctor's always want to think they know what is Best and what will work when in reality a lot of times things are overlooked to where something happens to people that could have been prevented if only diagnosed correctly.
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@flpoolbum (2978)
• United States
8 Mar 11
With wonderful and informative television shows like "The Doctors" on NBC and "Dr. Oz" on ABC, we can become better informed on health care and monitoring our own health. Web MD is a good website, also. With the internet, we have the potential to be much better informed and aware of just about everything including our own healthcare.
My wife records "The Doctors" and "Dr. Oz" on our DVR. If we don't have time to watch the entire show, we can fast forward throught the parts we don't want to see. Technogically, it is a great time to be alive.
I have discovered a lot about my ailments from these sources. However, while I trust the information for the two TV shows, I am a little more on the cautious side as far as the info from the internet is concerned. You have to consider the source! Even medical professionals can disagree. Copy the information about your ailments and bring them with you to your next doctors appointment. Hopefully, you have a doctor that you can trust.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
21 Sep 11
Since I started this discussion there have been a lot of things happen for me. A lot of them have been due to all the research I have been finding out and by asking questions and making sure I was feeling comfortable with everything going on around me. I have learned a lot, found out some of my suspicions were correct and trying to do everything I can to get things back in order as well.
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
7 Mar 11
Good luck with all that. I find most of the health professionals that are good and trustworthy are retiring in my area. That upsets me. Take care
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
15 Mar 11
I think personally the reason a lot of the Good ones tend to leave is that they are not able to get the $$ they want anymore, and if they try to help out the less fortunate sometimes they are given the run around to where it becomes more of a chore to want to be a Good doctor. In my situation I chose to go back to a Doctor I did find satisfaction in some ways with, and am going to go back there for now.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
8 Mar 11
Hello Tina,
Very timely and informative post indeed. I do not know how much you engage yourself in physical work at home or outside home, I am dune away with. Some five months back I seriously fell ill and was in hospital for twenty days and one months rest. After the illness I had slimmed down a lot but soon after I joined my college and life started picking up the usual pace I became loser.
Almost nil physical activities and regular intake of rich food now had become my head ache. On th either hand I can not get up early in the morning to go for some free hand exercise.
As there were blood clot on the chest of your friend the matter is serious. Was she suffering from tuberculosis?
Taking everything into consideration the conclusion is live longer without pain and suffering and fir that prepare from right away.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
23 Sep 11
Well the problem with Health Care these days is it often depends on what type of Insurance you have that dictates the kind of Health Care that you receive. Often they have to double check with your insurance to make sure things are covered and it can often deter your Health. Then they refer you to more doctors unless it is an emergency and you often hope by the time you find out everything will be OK. That is why I find being proactive to be your Best friend for sure.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
8 Mar 11
I work in healthcare. The things I see ARE scary.
My granddaughter was ill when she was 18 months old. Vomiting, diarrhea for over 24 hrs. with a fever. My daughter took her to ER. They sent her home and told her to push fluids, it was a virus. She tried, the child could not keep ANYTHING down, she took her back the next day (weekend). The doctors were angry she was there. Said to her, WE TOLD YOU IT WAS A VIRUS. Came back home, I came over to look at her and immediately saw she was dangerously dehydrated. I went with this time and demanded her pediatrician be notified she was there. We were told he was out of town and told to take the child home as they could do nothing for a virus. I asked them if they thought since she was a baby, and was dehydrated, perhaps an IV to replace fluids was in order? I had to get loud and demanding. Was threatened with police. I said bring them on, and when we take her up to Springfield to get the care she needs, I will also be talking to a lawyer and the press. FINALLY, she was admitted and an IV started.
Later, about two weeks later, at work I heard one of the nurses at the nursing home talking about her 9 yr. old son being airlifted to Springfield when he contracted the rotavirus, the same virus my granddaughter had. I asked her what insurance they had. She told me her husband had Blue Cross. My granddaughter has medicaid. NOW there is NO ONE going to convince me that that wasn't why she was almost allowed to die before someone did something.
I see people on medicare not get the medicine that would be most effective cause it is not covered. I see people who could recover from a things like strokes, with physical therapy, not treated cause they have dementia and are not deemed worthy of the time or effort or money it would cost. I am disgusted with the profession and am going back to school to be a teacher. But then, I'll probably find the same attitude there.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
21 Sep 11
Yes, it is Sad that people are treated by what Insurance they have, or do not have, and a lot of times the people with No medical who cannot afford treatments are turned away and left to die. I really wonder what it will take to make people realize they are costing us more money by not treating people the first time then letting them just continue to get sicker. Like with my leg for instance is a Big one for sure.