Why do we hesitate when it comes to God?

@cmecu6 (420)
United States
March 7, 2011 7:01pm CST
When you love someone,you want what is best for them right? What do you do when that best thing for them is to come to know and accept God? I want for the ones I love to come to know God, but I hesitate because it has been made clear that they do not want someone they know to tell or preach to them about God. To me, it's like I know of a cure for their illness(disease), but they refuse treatment because of the unknown effect. Does that make any sense?? My husband tells me that when God want them, he will make them see. I worried because I love them and I want for all of us to be together..
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8 responses
@kashers (649)
• Jamaica
9 Mar 11
don't worry bout ur friends or family whom r not ready for god,when the time is right they will come to u wanting to know what u do know,when the time is right god whom sent them here will place in their way the path of choice,were it will b the only choice left for them to take, cause all now to them seems too confusing and they need answers from some1 whom may b able to help.so worry not about that u just keep giving god praise in the way u know.
@cmecu6 (420)
• United States
9 Mar 11
kashers, Thank you for putting it in such a way that makes it ok for me, I appreciate that. Thank you.
@cmecu6 (420)
• United States
11 Mar 11
Thank You
@kashers (649)
• Jamaica
11 Mar 11
we understand eachother,so its easy to give the answer i go through the same process @ times so i just leave and let it workout
@dreamy1 (3811)
• United States
8 Mar 11
People don't want to be told what to do they want to live their lives the way they want. If they are interested they will ask you about it. If a Muslim came up to you and said you need to follow Allah and Mohammed and they say to you I love you but what you believe is wrong you must follow Allah because I only want the best for you how would you feel? Not everyone believes in the same thing and you can't force people to believe the way you do. We must all walk different paths. Actions speak louder than words. You should lead by example and focus on living the best live you can and when someone else sees you are happy and doing good for others they might say hey she's living this great life maybe I can too what is she doing that I'm not? Unless I have build a house myself I can't tell anyone else how to do it.
@cmecu6 (420)
• United States
8 Mar 11
I get what you're saying...but I have to ask, how does one know how to build a house if one was not taught first? Thanks for the response.
@dreamy1 (3811)
• United States
8 Mar 11
There are many ways to learn and everyone learns at their own pace. If you are not ready to understand what is being taught it will be like talking to a brick wall. The message is always there but some people have to learn it on their own, some like to be taught but only when they are ready to learn.
@cmecu6 (420)
• United States
8 Mar 11
I see. One have to want to learn how to build a house first right? Thanks.
• United States
8 Mar 11
Hi cmecu6, What I do for anyone I love and is not well, is simply pray and wish them well. I do not impose my beliefs onto anyone same as I would expect the same respect for those who do not believe to argue with me and try to change my beliefs either. So although I do believe in God, I do not expect others to believe, makes for happy people all around.
@cmecu6 (420)
• United States
8 Mar 11
Hi hardworkinggurl, Thanks for the response. I think you know what I am trying to say when I asked the question. Thank you.
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@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
8 Mar 11
There is one best way for that and that is to pray for them. Pray that God himself will show the way and you will be surprised of the result. My student didn't believed in God and I never forced her to, but I just seek for Gods help, and was surprised that he suddenly seek for God's words.
@cmecu6 (420)
• United States
8 Mar 11
toniganzon, I think you are right. I will just pray for them. I will leave it in his hands. Thanks for the response.
• United States
8 Mar 11
I don't believe in God, but I used to and I think I understand a little of why people who believe the eternal fate of others is hanging in the balance still hesitate. I believe its related with a worry that they will have trouble providing 'proof' to a skeptical person. Often when a discussion about the existence of God arises, the burden of proof is put on the non-believer (wrongly) because God is such an accepting concept. But when you start up a one-on-one coversation with someone skeptical, the burden of proof shifts to the believer. This can prove a real challenge (I would say because there isn't a God but that is beside the point). Just my idea on the subject.
@cmecu6 (420)
• United States
8 Mar 11
Thank you for your response.
8 Mar 11
i dont know theres a same feeling in my mind also
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
8 Mar 11
For me it is because you don't believe the power to Jehovah God if they are totally gave you strength.
@m2heart (80)
• Philippines
8 Mar 11
God never give a thing that can never go us wrong. Only us human chooses our path.You made the right thing that God wants us to be. Only His GUIDANCE and WILL can help you continue the right things to your family. Just continue your trust and faith beacause God is the source of everything. Never lose your faith to our God Almighty.