Entre Card - Understanding it fully

March 9, 2011 3:06am CST
Dear friends, I am using entre card from last 3 months and i also drop on other websites regularly 3-4 times a week. I have noticed a thing in entrecard is that people having profile on entrecard have different advertising values some have 8ec then some has 128ec to 514ecs. Now my question here is that can we set our ec values ourselves since it whenever any advertiser will want to buy a ad on my blog i will get more ec.s? i have already asked this question from many entrecard users already but not got any response from them so i thought may be you all will help in getting this rightly. Entre card a traffic generation website it has helped a lot for me but now a days i am not getting much traffic to my blog from this website also i don't advertise much since i am a blogger and i too want that my website do well from hundereds of traffic daily i am now in tens i really need help from as i will get more ec.s and i will use them for my advertisement on entre card network. Do you too use entre card? you might be knowing the answer of my question i have asked from many entre card users by messaging them on their profile on entre card but many of them not replied me and the some replies which i got are not enough for me to understand it fully? CAN I CHANGE MY ADVERTISING VALUE ON ENTRE CARD WHICH IS NOW 8 ec/day?
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