I Must Have STUPID Tattooed On My Forehead...

@minx267 (15527)
Hartford, Connecticut
March 10, 2011 9:14am CST
I recently let a longtime friend move back in with me... Until recently I have never had a "problem" with her.. well nothing major anyway. Now I am being taken advantage of and apparently she thinks I am STUPID,, because i have money turning up missing and she is trying to say it's not her... She's walking around always desperate for money even though she has a full-time job -as do I. But for some reason I can pay a mortgage, car payment, car Insurance, The bill for Cable, phone and Internet, The water bill - Gas for heat, electricity not to mention feed 4 dogs 14 cats and myself.. yet she can not come up with $50 a week. There doesn't have to be writing on the wall for me to see this. Yet when I confronted her and I gave her an opportunity to LIE her way out without losing face.... I asked her if she "Borrowed" money from my wallet? She said NO.. well, so now what should I do.. admitting to Borrowing could have gotten me my money back and she wouldn't have to think of some more astronomical story. She moved in almost 4 months ago with the promise of helping me by giving $50 a week to the heat bill which gets high in the winter, and as of yet I have seen a one time payment of $100. Apparently I am running a FREE rooming house.. as she gets Free internet, TV, phone, LAUNDRY (using my washer, dryer and detergent) not to mention for a while she was eating all my food for a month or two as well. There is a limit to helping a friend out.. I think I passed it a long time ago. So now How do I confront a friend of 24 years and force her to pay up or move out..?? I am not her mother, I do not owe her anything. Why is it that I must hide my food or money in my own house.. if I want to see it again? Has anyone else had this situation? What did or would you do. I am making myself sick over this. I am so stressed I don't like confrontation but I am TIRED of being walked all over.. and contrary to what she must think I am NOT Stupid. I KNOW she took the money. and this isn't the first time.. I let it slide a couple of months ago figuring I would get it back eventually.. but that hasn't worked out for me either.. I am more in the hole now. signed, Venting and looking for advice.
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27 responses
@jazzsue58 (2666)
10 Mar 11
She isn't a friend - she's a user. Couldn't you invent a new boy friend or family member who's moving in with you, or say you're having to take a PAYING lodger (hint hint) as it's the only way to manage your expenses? She's walking all over you. I'd suggest assertiveness management classes to deal with this - tell her that's what you're doing. And why. With friends like this, who needs enemas? In other words, she's just one big pain in the bum.
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@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
10 Mar 11
LOL. I agree with you.. I couldn't afford the classes.. And she know with 4 dogs and 15 cats in the house. there isn't another boarder willing to move in here.. so I don't think that would fly.. i guess i am going to have to be direct. grrr.. I hate stress. I'd rather have the enema.. lol
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@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
10 Mar 11
Lmao... I wonder if that will work.. hehe
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@jazzsue58 (2666)
10 Mar 11
sorry - I forgot the animals. Maybe you should paint big red splotches on your face and stagger to the phone muttering, "Gotta see a doctor ... I think what Tiddles has got is contagious ..." Or something.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
10 Mar 11
She may have been a friend once, but now she is just using you. I would be very direct with her. Tell her you made an agreement and that she has broken it, and she needs to go. Give her a date.
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@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
13 Mar 11
Thanks for the Advice... Not sure yet how it's gong to unfold.. But I did "blow up" on both my roommates this morning. "She" said she was going to give me 100 bucks this week. my other roommate who is unemployed.. but helps out around the house.. was complaining about me asking him to check on the toilet "running". After the last couple of days I just went off.. He pays NO rent.. he doesn't do much around the house.. yard work and shoveling. A few odd handyman thing here and there. He gets free internet, roof, heat etc.. and he is going to complain about something he tells me is so easy I should be able to do it.. ugh. A half hour of work and doesn't want to do it. LOL. after I "blew up" he didn't come downstairs for the rest of the day. when it was time to let the dogs out.. he just sent his dog down and didn't bother coming down himself... I doubt that means he's scared of me though.. lol. I think it means he's ticked off because I was screaming and the neighbors could hear. OH WELL, I told both of them I was NOT their Mother and I don't OWE them anything! Now I wait and see what happens... that isn't quite how I wanted it to go down. but I think they got the message that I was pissed. :-)
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@wolveren (1586)
• Cebu, Philippines
13 Mar 11
Gee, I didn't even know there were two of them. Well I guess that should do fine and they probably got the message. Knowing that your place isn't a refuge center or an orphanage. Lol. If they don't get the message well there is no hope for those two. Cheers!
4 people like this
• United States
13 Mar 11
Wow,.... I'd know there were two either, and though the jobless one does some work, it isn't enough for the free room and board. The jobless one needs more work to do around the house or get a job, (But still do some chores) and the other one, I really hope she gets you the money, because it just might be a ploy for extra time until she can try to come up with another sob story.. I'm sorry Minx, you have a big heart and if I was in your situation, I also would have trouble kicking someone out, but reading about it, I would to just kick both your roommates out and find a couple other people who will appreciate finding a place to stay..
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@ellie333 (21016)
10 Mar 11
Hi Minx, I agree with the other comments that she is using you or put more politely taking advantage of your good nature. You don't like confrontation but you do need to sit her down and state. 1. You have been living here for four months and were supposed to be paying me $50 per week, that is 16 weeks and I have only received 2 weeks money in total so far. 2. I have missing money which I can ill afford to lose 3. You are eating my food 4. You are taking the P*** 5. Beacause of all of the above I am now giving you a weeks notice to leave because you end up costing me even more. You are supposed to be a friend but you do not seem to be respecting my friendship at all, so better to go now than our relationship be totally destroyed. Don't take any more excuses or nonsense from her. Set a date and adhere to it. She will give you the sob story about having no where else to go etc, but if she has acted like this with you it won't take her long to find someone else to use. I doubt you'll see the other $700 back back but at least from now on you will be able to just provide for you and you pets, not a taker who doesn't appreciate your kindness. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@ellie333 (21016)
10 Mar 11
I think you WILL be able to because it has got you feeling the way you are feeling right now so better a firm talk that a shouting match when you finally lose it with her completely eh! Good luck.
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@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
10 Mar 11
Thank you I am going to need it. :)
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@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
10 Mar 11
And That is EXACTLY what I should do.. But Will I actually be able to do it?
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@Outcast (632)
• United States
10 Mar 11
I have got that problem myself. But with me it is my so called brother in law. If I was you I would ask her to move out like I wish I could do with my my problem. I have to do the same thing as you but I do get money out of mine on occassion.
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@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
10 Mar 11
I wish she would pay me.. (well and not steal from me) and Then I could put up with all the other things that are ticking me off.. My problem is I KNOW she has nowhere else to go.. so what would she do? Unless she can find another friend out there that wants to be used.. I don't know how to get her to leave.
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@BarBaraPrz (48846)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
10 Mar 11
Are there no rooms for rent in your town? How about the Y, or a motel?
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@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
14 Mar 11
LOL Barbara, if she can't "afford" to pay me $50 - I doubt she'd be able to swing 3-4 times that a week... LOL
• Pamplona, Spain
11 Mar 11
Hiya Minx, I just lost your discussion and now I have found you again he he. What a situation to be in. That Person and sorry to say it like that is NOT A FRIEND in Capital letters. She should be very grateful in these times that you have let her stay in your House and lying on top what a bare face to have. I can´t imagine how I would feel but I imagine it would be something like you thinking that she will pay you something in the end because you have been Friends up to now. Can see that it is not easy but I would have to tell her either start to pay me now or look for somewhere else to go. Hard cheese if she comes up with a load of excuses. She will have to contribute to your House or go that´s it nothing else to it. You should not have to hide your Food she should pay you or explain her situation at the very least and give you proof of the problems if they exist. I know I had to put up with one of my Husband¨s Friends in our House for a few Weeks until he was sick all over my Floor (got himself Drunk) and I said right he´s going out right now. I have a mortal enemy for life but I don´t care he never paid me a red cent either. Gave me bad looks and then stank the House out because he would not go and get a wash either. We did not have a Bathroom only a Toilet but he could have used the Public Baths there were plenty of them going. He said to my Husband after I can see she is the Boss so that´s why I can´t get back into your House otherwise I know you would let me stay. What a cheek don´t you think? Fingers crossed she pays you something and maybe you won´t have to lose a long term Friend. She could be having real problems and not want to tell you maybe? She might be too proud to tell you? If that is the case I would want to know the situation but I would still get her to pay me money. Good luck hope it works out.xxx
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
13 Mar 11
Thanks for the comment... I can see it is not uncommon for friends to think that they are owed something just for being a friend. I wish I could learn to take advantage of people this way.. I guess because I have a Conscience it is probably not going to happen. I had a blow up at her and my other roommate this morning. for more info red comment #6 on page 1. NOW I guess I have to wait and see if anything changes.. It better or they have not heard the end of my wrath. :-) thank you for the advice.
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@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
14 Mar 11
Yea, I am still annoyed. I doubt I can get the other one to do much more. I have tried the jiggling handle with the toilet. it doesn't work much. We have 4 people in the house too. but wow, $1000 that is a lot for heat. We are paying over $300 a month plus and increase in the Electric. and now with this water bill tripling last month. I am getting very frustrated.
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• Pamplona, Spain
13 Mar 11
Hiya minx, Only 100 Dollars wow that is a real well could I put that into words what I am thinking sort very annoyed I would be. Can´t you get the other one to do anything either? Actually for a Toilet that "runs" I usually lift up the "knob" itself and give it three gentle tugs and it usually goes away. Considering what we pay which is something like a thousand Dollars with the Heating for the four of us a Month I would think that I was in some sort of Holiday thing. I did read the response yes.
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@skylark35 (384)
• United States
10 Mar 11
You need to stand up to her and tell her no more being a good friend is one thing it mite be hard she need to no you are not going to take it any more you mite have to tell her to go this is your home and she need to respect you I hope you find a way to tell her good luck minx267.
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@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
10 Mar 11
Thank you.. I know What I SHOULD do.. it's making me sick trying to get up the courage for the actual DOING it part.
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@jazzsue58 (2666)
10 Mar 11
Hmm. A large bottle of house red, methinks ... Worked for me. Mind you, I ended up redundant. Guess telling the boss where to stuff his data return forms wasn't the best career move ...
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 Mar 11
Well Minx there is only one thing you can do sit her down and tell her straight as she is taking advantage here if she gets upset then tough, as a Friend she should realize that she can not expect you to pay for everything, she is working so no excuse for her not to give you money towards the Bills as she is using all things there as well That is all I can suggest and it is what I would do
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@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
13 Mar 11
Thanks Gabs.. I ended up blowing up at my other roommate adn while I was on a roll -so to speak I started yelling at her too. she then promised she would pay some money this week. I guess I will see what happens.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
11 Mar 11
Hi Minx, You have to just confront her head-on. If you don't find a way to sit down and talk to her straight then eventually this will all blow up and there will be no saving the "friendship". Truthfully, a real friend would not take advantage of your kindness in this way. A real friend would not put you in the spot of feeling uncomfortable having to ask for her share of helping. If she were anywhere else, her butt would have been booted out by now. 50.00 a week is way less than what I pay in low income housing and I have to pay my electric, cable, phone and internet as well as buy my own food, laundry soap etc. I would give this girl a deadline to come up with the money she owes your or keep current and have a payment plan to catch up. If she is unableto do that then give her a "move-out date".
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@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
13 Mar 11
Hi sid, thanks for the comment. there was a blow up of sorts this morning. started with my other "non-working" roommate. I guess I will have to see what happens next. for more on what happened -check out the response on comment #6 on the first page. thanks for the advice.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
10 Mar 11
I know this is stating the obvious but you already know the answer: You have to tell her to find a new place to live as soon as possible and give her a date to be out by. If she doesn't have a date, she may just keep putting off finding a new place to live with one excuse after another. You also need to reassess your meaning of the word "friend". This gal is no friend! Friends don't use us. They don't lie and steal from us. She is most definitely a user and you've been way too tolerant up to this point. She's making you sick. She could be making you sicker than you realize, like by increasing your blood pressure, not sleeping well from stress, all kinds of nasty things can happen due to stress. She needs to go. I understand about not liking confrontation but this is necessary for your own health and sanity. This gal will not shape up until she is forced to and maybe not even then. You need to do this. The sooner you get it over with, the sooner you will sleep better at night. Stop thinking of her as a friend because she is no friend! She's just someone you've known a long time. (I am not unsympathetic in this situation, either... I had a "friend" similar to yours a long time ago and had to do the same exact thing. I felt guilty but, more importantly, I felt so much BETTER after she left!) Good luck!
• Canada
13 Mar 11
I truly, think, Marti has said it all..and I fully concur, that was just "verbal appeasement"..and you will be back in the same rut, next week, unless you follow this good advice. I have been in your shoes (a friend since 1968)that kept popping back into my life whenever she needed a port in the storm. When she needed rehab., etc., last time I told her never again...she's moved on..NEVER speaks to me again..but that is life! So glad you vented steam!
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
13 Mar 11
Yeah, I think you're still going to need it. I have a feeling that they think you'll calm down eventually and that everything will go back to "normal". Her paying $100 isn't anywhere near what she owes you. It is something but I think she's just trying to calm you down with that offer. If she actually does give you $100, I'm betting you won't see another $50 next week and another $50 a week after that, and so on. I'm saying this because I went through something similar. Money wasn't involved in my situation but everyone doing their share of the work was. I blew up and things got better for a week or so, then went right back to the way they were. I ended up moving out and let them fend for themselves. Of course, it wasn't my house I moved out of. You are going to have to sit down with both of your housemates and lay down the law. Write something up that explains exactly what you expect from each person and have them sign it. It would be more legal if it was notarized but that's not always important as sometimes just a document is enough to make people start to do their part. You need to give your female roomie the ultimatum that she pays you $50/week as originally discussed and agreed upon or get out within a week of not paying. For your male roomie, something along the lines of him doing dishes, vaccuuming, dusting, taking out the garbage, any and ALL handiman chores, etc. He sounds like he's there for a free ride, too, I'm sorry to say. Yeah, it looks like they're both taking you for whatever they can get. Your male roomie sounds just like my youngest son. He lived with my oldest son for 2 years without getting a job or paying him anything. The "agreement" was that my youngest would do the housework in exchange for room and board. After awhile, he started complaining about all the work that he was expected to do and stopped doing almost all of it. My oldest son threw him out. It was the best move he could have made because it has made my youngest son realize that you just can't continue to get something for nothing. My youngest son has bounced around 3 times from friend's house to friend's house and he now realizes he actually has to pull his weight in this world. You may have to do that with your male roomie. If he's complaining now about something as "easy" (his word) as the toilet issue, it's obvious that he's expecting you to just take care of him and he has no intention of pulling his weight. Blowing up is good for the short term but you really need to "legalize" what you expect from each one or you'll always have these problems with them. REMEMBER: These people are NOT treating you like a friend would. They have proven that they are not your friends by taking advantage of you. DO NOT feel bad about giving them an ultimatum: shape up or get out. You have to tackle this problem now as any businessperson would, legally. A true friend would NEVER put you through this. I really wish I could be there to help you through this because I do have experience in it and have no problem laying down the law. I hope you can "stand tough" and do what you need to do for your own well-being and sanity.
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@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
13 Mar 11
Thanks for the comment.. sorry it took so long to respond. you have great advice. to find out what happened this morning. read my response on comment #6 on the previous page. Thanks for the luck. I think I am still going to need it.
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@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
11 Mar 11
I did have this happen to me once years ago. I had met a young girl who didn't even have shoes when I met her. I took pitty on her and let her live with me. I expected her to help out as she could. I gave her three months, she never paid me a dime and finally one evening after having some friends over, they had gone home and I talked to her. I told her exactly how I felt, how I felt I had been slighted and told her that either she started helping out financially or she was expected to get out within the week. She left. I would have anyone who moved in from that time forward sign an agreement and explain why. If they had any problems with that then I think that would be my first clue as to problems to come.
@celticeagle (172744)
• Boise, Idaho
13 Mar 11
Good for you!!
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
13 Mar 11
I just don't get how people you help out figure you OWE them. They should be so grateful for the help that they are volunteering their time to help you anyway they could. I know I would.. but apparently every one now a days thinks they are owed something if not from the government then from their friends.. I am not taking anymore of this. I blew up at her and my other NON working- non paying roommate.. I left a response on comment #6 on the previous page about what happened. :-)
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• Saint Lucia
11 Mar 11
Helping a friend out is all cool and they will show appreciation by doing things for you.Now you say friend for 24yrs but after so long she should be treating you so differently.Paying $5o a week is cheap considering she couldnt find somewhere else so cheap. I would ask her to leave even if i have to cook up a story.I would basically expect the same from a friend.Stealing from you after she hasnt contributed anything thats rude and selfish. Ask her to leave.If he friendship means so much to her she would be doing so much more for you.Thats taking advantage of a good friend and you arent stupid.
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@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
13 Mar 11
Thanks for the comment. I did "blow up" this morning at my 2 roommates. and she promised to pay me money this week. we will see what happens. I left more details on first page comment #6 about what happened.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
10 Mar 11
Where do you live? I would also like to live where it is free everything! I think there is a line between friendship, and being taken advantage of. Even how thin that line is, it still exists. So, if your friend keeps doing this, then I guess it is time to end the friendship. I would give her notice. That up to a certain date she should pack up and start looking for some place else to live.
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@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
14 Mar 11
I actually have 3 but the 3rd one is co-owner of the house. so she at least pays her half of the mortgage. And she retired so gets only pension income so it's a struggle forth e both of us to manage the high cost of the heat and electricity in the winter. But she's no help around the house either... she is a hoarder and has basically pushed her self out of her bedroom but that is a whole other story. I can find room or kick out some bums whenever you want to move in.. lol
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
13 Mar 11
LOL. If you want to move to Connecticut.. I'm taking offers.. lol I had a blow up this morning.. to read more check out my response on comment #6 on previous page. :-) Thanks for your response.
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@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
13 Mar 11
I did read it! You already have two roommates? Is there any room for me?! If I decided to move? I hope everything gets better, specially now after the blow up. And that everybody knows that you mean business.
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
10 Mar 11
I can sympathise with you, it must be awful a so-called "friend" stealing form you like this, I'm not surprised it's making you ill. Here's a hug to make you feel a bit better. At Mum's we did have a guy living with us (supposedly my boyfriend) for about 6 months a few years ago. He didn't steal off anybody but he did take advantage of our generosity..like spending AGES in the shower (God knows what he was doing lol) and asking my Dad to buy him special bread that he never ate. He gave him money for food so Dad would buy what he asked for, but he never ate it!! As for the money side of things. I hardly ever have any cash in my purse as we tend to use Switch a lot here, as in a Debit Card. Do you have one of those? It certainly stops us from spending too much. That's all I can think of. Failing that..kick her out!
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@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
13 Mar 11
I too barely ever have cash on me I use debit cards for everything.. That's why it is very noticeable that When I have money in my purse -I KNOW exactly How much is there and I am going to notice it missing. I am still fuming. but she is going to start paying me or else. I blew up this morning more at my other roommate.. but then I went off on her too.. Read comment I left for Dawnald above. :-)
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@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
14 Mar 11
I'm starting to think not.. but a little hard to get rid of them once they established residency and neither have a place to go.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
13 Mar 11
Wow, I never knew you had two room-mates either! Is it worth all the hassle I ask myself?
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• Slovenia
11 Mar 11
wow I'm really sory to hear you've got stuck with such a delicate problem just for being nice and helpful towards your friend. see, times like this it's really true the better person you are, least you'll be respected since people just kind of tend to take this advantage of you for you being so good to them. that's why I really wouldn't ever try to let someone live in my apartment even though it's a friend, because something like that can happen to anyone. so about your solution, I think it's best to confront her and tell her what you think and that you want her to move out. also tell her it's really not nice how she could use you like that after so mayn years of friendship, it's just plain ridiculous, really. if she isn't willing to start helping you by paying you a little something to be able to live with you and stop with this behaviour then if you can't do it your way I'd call real estate and tell them your situation. In here where I live we have a policy tho if yqou check a person into your hourse or apartment it is your duty to find them a new place to stay before you can evict them, so I strongly hope this is not the case in your country as well and well most of all that you haven't checked her in yet, because this way all will be easier. I wish you good luck with that matter and once you're done with it rather don't offer anyone to stay at your place anymore since you never know when you kindness will work against you.
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@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
13 Mar 11
You are right, I should not have been so nice to begin with. I Think more along the lines of Karma, if you do something good it will come back to you. Only for me it seems to backfire. I get used instead. sorry it took so long to respond. I was waiting for something to happen at home. and it finally did this morning. to find out what.. read the response I left on comment #6 on page 1 of this discussion. thank you for your comments and advice.
@BarBaraPrz (48846)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
10 Mar 11
[channelling Ann Landers here...] "Throw the bum out!"
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@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
10 Mar 11
LMAO.. you all make it sound so easy... haha
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
10 Mar 11
Wow, I agree without what the others are saying, she is using you and you need to confront her. I know confronting someone who is suppose to be your friend is hard, I also hate confronting people, but it has to be done. Though I don't know your friend, before you do confront her, make sure you are strong emotionally, because usually people like that tend to feed on pity and if you allow her to give you excuses for more time, then it will only keep dragging on..The only way I'd let her stay was to receive the money upfront that she owes you and make a list of other things she has to contribute to. As for the missing money, that might be something long gone and in the future, keep all your money on or close to you at all times.
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
13 Mar 11
I thank you for your comments.. sorry it took so long to respond. It all came to a head this morning. so as not to be redundant I am going to refer you to comment #6 on the previous page to see what happened. She said she will pay this coming week. If not there will be another blow up. But hopefully it doesn't come to that.. I am a little annoyed about the missing money but you are probably right.. it will probably be a cold day in hell before I see it again.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
10 Mar 11
if she has no where else to go she will pay you! you tell her that. pay up or move right away. i gave my last room mate that altimatum. when i had my house, good friends of mine that had been friends for yrs. they were moving to Utah, their 20 yr daughter wanted to stay in az where her bf lived. i agreed to let her stay with me till she found a job, got on her feet, but not the boyfriend. i said she could pay me 50 bucks a week after she got a job and save the rest for moving. well, the first week, i had to let her know the bf could not stay over but 2 nights a week. as a couple times he stayed longer and ate my food, etc. i'd go to work and come home to find her watching tv, (cartoons,at 20yrs!) finally after a month of this, i got her a job, myself!!!taking care of an elderly couple for 12 bucks an hr, since she had no CNA liscense or anything, but they were ok with that. she took off to a gaming convention, stayed way past the weekend and lost the job. i told her after 3 mths. id had it. go with her parents or whatever. when her dad came to get her, my friend, was so mad, he actually said "we may not be the nicest people but we've never thrown a kid out of our house" so thats gratitude for you. if i was you id tell her, go no matter what or pay up what she owes and stay out of my stuff!!
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
13 Mar 11
Wow, you bent over backward to help her and I can't believe that comment from her father.. WELL, YOU ARE NOT HER PARENT and had no responsibility to her. Which is basically what I said to my roommates this morning when I blew up. For more read the response I left on comment #6 on the previous page. And she had better pay or I will tell her to get out. And I'd like to see her find someplace she can get everything for $50 a week...
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@wolveren (1586)
• Cebu, Philippines
10 Mar 11
Hi minx. It is after all your place and you have extended a helping hand to a friend. I know it's hard to tell a friend to her face about stuff. But hey it's the same case as the dog biting the hand of the one that feeds em. On the other hand give her some time to get herself straight. She may be really in the pits and obviously have issues but it is also not a reason or an excuse to take advantage of people. Sit down and talk to her, make it easy on her and give her an ultimatum in a polite way. I've seen this like a movie too many times and for sure she may not take it lightly and burst out something in her own way. But it is you that gave her that break and helping hand. She should be grateful. If she were a true friend she would understand and make it up to you otherwise drop the hammer. Don't let it go towards a restraining order though. lol. But do it if you have to. Don't let it dwindle too long it will still get ugly anyway. The end result may just be the same. 25 years of friendship still doesn't make one steal from a friend. Not in my book that is. If you have to get nasty, do it or you will be enslaved in your own house for a long time. Just remember real friends shouldn't lie and steal from friends. If she doesn't respect you then she can hit the streets. Cheers.
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@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
13 Mar 11
Thanks for the advice.. unfortunately it didn't go down that way this morning.. see #6 response on previous page. but Hopefully I get some money and I am not letting this go on.
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@nangisha (3495)
• Indonesia
11 Mar 11
Hi mink267!. I think you are not stupid just had good heart. Like you said she is your time friend its mean she already know you inside and out. I think she is just using your weakness to her advantage. I think its all up to you what ever you wanna do with her but do it when you are not made so you will not said something you regret in the future. Its you house I think its will be better if you had control over it and choose who do you want to stay with you.
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@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
13 Mar 11
I think you are right. I have 2 friends that I have know for the same amount of time and They are both living with me and paying nothing. I think it is about time I stop being nice. I blew up at them both this morning. for more info about what happened. read comment #6 on the previous page. Thank you for your comment.
• United States
11 Mar 11
Kick her out teach them a lesson I don't care who it is don't try to take advantage of me unless your family, and not just any family only the ones that have helped you before.
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@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
13 Mar 11
I don't think I would even like family to take advantage of me. Read the response I left on the previous page comment #6 for what happened this morning.. :-)
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