How do you feel about illegal immigration?

November 19, 2006 7:07am CST
Countries like Canada, the United States, and England (to name a few, have high immigration rates. How do you feel about illegal immigration. Should illegal immigrants be allowed to stay in the country they come into? Should they have they same rights as citizens?
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14 responses
@dorypanda (1601)
24 Nov 06
Well, yes, we do have this problem in England, the whole point is that they are 'illegal', that means not within the law so they should be punished for doing something illegal, depending on the circumstances of course, I know there are some people who have no choice but to flee their own country due to wars, torchure and other hostilities. I do think that immigrants, whether illegal or legal should have almost the same rights as the English (I can only talk about England, I don't really know about any other countries), such as a right to a hot meal and a bed to sleep in, basic human rights really, they should be allowed those, that's only fair, but they shouldn't be allowed to use all of the NHS services and things that they've not payed any money into, obviously if they have a serious illness I wouldn't want them denied treatment, but for prescriptions and things, I think they should pay, even English people have to pay for them. I don't think it's fair though that (and I happen to know this to be true) that immigrants are treated much better than English citizens, they are given houses, food, helped to find work, I recently found out they are also given FREE driving lessons to help them into work. So in conclusion, yes, they should have the same basic human rights as someone else who lives in England, but they shouldn't be treated better than Englands own citizens, we are the ones that pay tax and National Insurance, they pay nothing, so why should they be entitled to a free house, free food and free driving lessons when English people are living on the poverty line? I just don't get it.
@nannacroc (4049)
25 Nov 06
I can only say that is is the response I would have given.
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• China
26 Nov 06
Well said. Thank you for the reply!
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@vmoore709 (1101)
• United States
26 Nov 06
I don't think they should. Why not go through the proper channels? If they don't have enough respect for that country to follow the law, they shouldn't be allowed to stay.
3 people like this
• China
26 Nov 06
Thank you for the reply!
@4277886 (138)
25 Nov 06
There are many reasons illegal immigrants manage to get in and stay in and one of the main reasons is its good for business. They are cheap labor and the money they make even though it might be small money usually goes a long way back in their country. Of course there are other reasons people immigrate. But those that are exploited should certainly be granted citizenship.
2 people like this
• China
26 Nov 06
Thank you for the reply!
@browneyes (395)
• United States
26 Nov 06
I do not believe they should have the same rights. I live in a town with a very high illegal rate. I watch them use the system. They use false social security cards. they some how get there pay checks. unempoyment, welfare and wic. they live in better houses. Drive nicer cars. and they will steal you blind if its not locked up. They say they need them to work. Yet if a local goes for the job. they will not hire them. because they are white!I had a friend that married one. and come to find out he only married her to stay in the U.S. and that he had another wife in mexico. If they want to come into are country . They need to do it as are forfathers did. the leagal way.
2 people like this
• China
26 Nov 06
Thank you for your reply!
@DanHibiki (422)
• United States
25 Nov 06
Although I do believe that illegal immigration is a problem, I do not believe that it is right for anyone to make villains out of illegal immigrants. After all, they are just people who are trying to make a living. I believe that the best way to solve this problem would be to make it easier for people to become citizens legally, so that they do not have to do it illegally. That way, everyone would be happy.
3 people like this
• China
26 Nov 06
Thank you for the reply!
• United States
3 Dec 06
Illegal is illegal! Go back and start over. You are welcome to our country, just do it the right way. It hurts people in many diffent ways. Schools - Kids come in not speaking English, and have clue what grade they are in. The teachers have to figer it out. Summer Jobs - gone! Jails holding many illegals, taken up space and useing our goverment money. Medical - Hospitals have to see you, illegal or not. Lot more damage being done too. go to lots on illegals go to lots on illegals
• China
4 Dec 06
Thanks for the reply and the link!
@RieRie (820)
7 Jan 07
They should be sent home straight away, but if it's not possible for them to be sent home, they should be made to live with whoever is responsible for them being here, for example, in England they should all be sent to Tony Blairs house with no food or clothes or money or anything and he would have to either get the out the country or look after them. I think they should have the same rights, but maybe with a few exceptions and they shouldn't be given hand outs, apparently there's one family who have been told they can't stay here and are being given £500 a week until they leave, it would be very nice for English people to get £500 a week for doing bugger all, but apparently we only need about £50 a week to live on. What I'd like to know is what they're running away from.
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@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
4 Dec 06
The operative word here for me is "illegal". I don't have a problem with imigrants who come here legally and for good reason but I don't think illegal immigrants should have any automatic rights because, first of all, they have already broken the law to get into the country, secondly, there are people already here who were born here who have less than many of the illegal immigrants eg. there are people living on the streets who don't have the basic "human rights" of food and a bed to sleep in so why should someone who has broken the law before even setting foot in the country have any more rights? Illegal immigrants should be deported immediately. There may be the odd isolated case with extreme circumstances which should be looked at differently but it seems to me that a lot of illegal immigrants coming to England are coming for our NHS and our benefit system. There is a common myth that all of these things are free but we have to pay into them and I don't see why anyone who wasn't even born here should be entitled to any of that kind of thing. It really disgusts me when I hear about huge illegal immigrant families claiming thousands of pounds in benefits while there are people who were born here, have worked here for years and paid into the system, etc. who are really struggling to make ends meet. If the immigrants are here legally and have come to work, that's fine but anyone who breaks the law should automatically forfeit all rights they would have had - immigrant or otherwise.
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• China
22 Jan 07
Thank you for the reply
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• United States
27 Jan 07
No,they should not be able to stay,and you should not have the rights of the country you ILLIGALY entered.Period.Shot on sight or deported.Or at the very least (forced) to speak the lanuage everyware.
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@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
14 Feb 07
I live in the USA. One of the border states : Florida. I see first hand every day what illgal immigration is doing to my country. The area I live at, you must speak English and Spanish to get a good paying job. So that denies USA natural born citizens a chance to better themselves. I think any illegals in this country should be send back to their own country. If not sit in jail for a time before they are sent back. I don't think they should have the same rights as USA citizens at all. I don't think they should get any goverment help at all. As they have never paid in to the system. The USA own citizens are being denied help after they have paid in for years. Just so illegals get get help. I think that is wrong. I don't think anyone born outside this country should be able to run for any public office, or become a police officer. I don't think illegals should be able to come here to have kids born here. Just to be able to become an American citizen.
@tibido (4079)
• Italy
19 Nov 06
big problem
• China
19 Nov 06
Thanks for your reply!
@askkumar (628)
• Netherlands
26 Nov 06
not good.
1 person likes this
• China
26 Nov 06
Thanks for the reply!
• United States
27 Jan 07
Well, I personally believe that if they can fulfill the requirements we've set forth for the United States, they should have the same rights. If they come here to work, it actually benefits the economy, and they should be allowed here. But, as my opinion states elsewhere, I am not against immigration. We, with exception of Native Americans, are all descendants of immigrants. Who are we to judge. And also, the Mexican population was on this continent WAY before we were. AND we're the people who set up the political boundaries. Who are we to keep them out of a land that should be allowed to be shared by all? Aren't we the land of opportunity?
• United States
14 Feb 07
We're a land of opportunity, but not a land of lawlessness. There's the right way and the wrong way to enter a country. Illegal immigrants aren't entering the right way.
• United States
14 Feb 07
Heck no! There are legal ways to enter a country. Everyone should follow the legal procedure. If illegal immigrants are allowed to enter the country and live here for free, then what's the point to going through the legal process? It's like going to a store. You can either wait in line to buy your product, or you can steal it. If you're not going to get punished for stealing it, why pay for it?