Are there exemptions from the Law of Karma?

@hexebella (1136)
March 11, 2011 10:52am CST
Sometimes I don't understand this life....and even spiritual teaching of any religion say reap what you sow....but why there are people who has evil heart and did wrong to other people are continually prospering in terms of family, career, finances and opportunities. There are people in the past who did wrong to me and hurt me badly....all that consoles me is my faith that if one sowed evil, he will reap evil....but these people are having a good life and all opportunities were opened for them......are they not covered with the law of karma?
7 responses
@kashers (649)
• Jamaica
11 Mar 11
it works for everyone but sometimes not right way in that very life u see person is living,if u c someone making it in a way u wud consider as negative that is how it is to b for that person in that life he/she is to live like that in that life given,so when the time comes to reap what u sow it will happen in another life and this is y u c lots of people born a certain way its the karma that has now taken effect,so worry not if some is enjoying now,u reap what u sow will take effect,that is the universal,none shall escape it,
@kashers (649)
• Jamaica
11 Mar 11
universal law
@hexebella (1136)
• Philippines
12 Mar 11
Hello kashers! Thanks for your reply. Yes, you're right, life is not only in this planet, there's another life to follow and in that life these people would reap what they sow in this life. No one can escape the universal law. Thanks and happy myLotting!
@rameshchow (4426)
• India
6 Jul 11
Fate= karma in Hindu religion. Mainly there are some rules and regulation in Hindu Puranas regarding this Karma. I do believe in Karma. According to our Karma our future will run. It was already written. When we have to born, we have to die and other things was mentioned in it.
@hexebella (1136)
• Philippines
9 Jul 11
The term Karma could have just been mentioned in the Hindu religion but the essence of the law could be found in other religion as well. In christianity, it was mentioned in the Bible "what you sow, you will reap"....what I am wondering about is that there are people who keep on doing bad things and yet I could see that they are having a good life and all good opportunities are being offered to them....something that I could not accept.
@agrim94 (3805)
• India
12 Mar 11
Hi hexabella, First of all not every religion uses word karma but only Hindu religion. Karma is defined by God Krishan in Holy Book Geeta. He says that you do your karma and giving fruits of those karma is in my hand. Karma is different for each person. If you are a student your karma is to study, if you a man and married than your karma is to earn good for family and give good upbringing to your children. If you are a servant your karma is to serve your master and things like that. Now if those people who dont do their karm they would be punished by god. To understand karma you should beleive in re birth and usually the people enjoying their fortunes is because of good Karma in last life. The result of the karma in this life may be either given in this life or next life.
@hexebella (1136)
• Philippines
12 Mar 11
Hi agrim! The word karma is not mentioned in the Christian Bible and couldn't be there also in the Islam's Qur'an but I believe that the concept of the teaching is our Bible it is taught that man will reap what he sow.....if one did evil, he will also reap evil and if he did good, he will also reap good things..... what I observed are people doing evil things and yet reaping good things, like material prosperity, very good professional career, etc. Thanks for your comment and happy myLotting!
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
11 Mar 11
I wonder about this too. It seems like the evil people get away with a lot of things. That is when I realized that it's only me hoping for 'revenge' or ill towards that person... where I don't really know what will make them really sorry. Who knows, they maybe.. is what I started thinking. And the best I can do for myself is to not forget but move forward and be happy and wiser.. I think that is the best revenge.
@hexebella (1136)
• Philippines
12 Mar 11
Hi Lore! You have a very good approach, I think I have to do the same....I remember in the past that I attempted to revenge to those people who hurt me badly, but later I just realized that I am ruining myself and I didn't have peace of mind...I had to forgive but not to forget, you are has to go on and we have to move on.....but i can't control myself not to feel bad when I hear that these people whose doing wrong are having a good life.....hopefully time will come they will reap what they sow..... Thanks for commenting and happy myLotting!
@bird123 (10643)
• United States
12 Mar 11
You put a time limit on education to one lifetime. The education of God's children is working on many levels. A change in the wrong place can hurt those around us you do not realize. Further, people must actually choose and act evil before it can return. All in all, what we do in life does return sometime throughout eternity at the right moment in order to teach us just what our choices really mean.
@hexebella (1136)
• Philippines
12 Mar 11
Hello bird123! Maybe it's not yet the right time for them to pay for the evil things they have done.If they won't pay in this lifetime, they will pay in the next lifetime.... Thanks for your comment and happy myLotting!
• India
12 Mar 11
Hi hexebella, nice thought provoking post. We do not reap immediately what we sow; but we must wait until harvest time. So is with evil. There is a parable in Bible. A person had sowed good seed in his field the servants found that weeds too had sprouted in the field alongside the good plants. They came and reported this to master. He replied that enemy has done it but do not pull out the weeds lest you damage the good plants as well. Let them both grow together. At the harvest time reapers will gather the grain into the barn and gather the weeds to burn. The weeds too were watered along with the plants. They too enjoyed the tending and nursing until the harvest time. The evil you see are enjoying everything until the harvest time. On the appointed time they are destined to burn in the fire of hell according to their karma. Therefore, not let this worry you.
@hexebella (1136)
• Philippines
12 Mar 11
Hi achilles! That was a very good illustration and enlightening one....these bad people will continue to enjoy a good life until that time of judgment.....Thanks for your response and happy myLotting!
@edb225112 (124)
• United States
11 Mar 11
Don't make the mistake of seeing just what is on the surface or taking the short view. Those people who appear to have these great lives still get up each morning being who they are. They may be reaping money and fame but live with the evil heart. They may not be that happy, rich but lonely for a true friend. Karma doesn't work the way we want. It works in a way that is known only to God. The best revenge is living a good life. Worry about what you sow. Not about what others are getting. You don't know all the facts.
@hexebella (1136)
• Philippines
11 Mar 11
Hi edb225112! Thank you for those motivating and encouraging words. It really made me feel bad that these people are enjoying life inspite of their evil deeds. I will keep your advice. Thanks and happy mylotting!