If Religion did not exist, could you find God????

@bird123 (10658)
United States
March 11, 2011 11:31pm CST
We are introduced to religion and God at a very young age. We are taught the religion of our parents. We are taught their beliefs as if they were facts. For a lot of people, they become their facts about God for life. If religion did not exist or never existed, could you discover God?? Deep down, we all know God. Would there come a day when you would figure out that there must be a God?? Would you then search??
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18 responses
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
12 Mar 11
God did not invent religion. Man did. Religion is mans way of trying to reach God. No man can reach God, unless God reaches down to him first. All the good things man can do are not enough to reach a HOLY God. That is why God reached down to man by becoming man and living amongst mankind. And we all know what mankind did to Him. They rejected Him because of their religiosity. God reaches to each of us personally, not through a priest or preacher. If there were no religion, and man sought God, surely God would find him, not the other way around. Man cannot find God, unless God reveals Himself to man. That my friend, is NOT religion.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
12 Mar 11
Indeed, God and religion are two different things. If a child reaches for their parents, the parents reach back. God is no different. God did not really become man. There are children of God who can do some pretty remarkable things. They are around us even today. Our connection with God is above all else regardless of our beliefs. God will teach His children.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Mar 11
So are you saying God won't reach??? God is interacting constantly with every life. It makes no difference what your beliefs might be. You say that God's children don't listen. Ah, but they do. Some are stubborn and have to repeat lessons. Do you know what you get when a person needs to change but refuses??? They will hurt until they discover it's easier to change than stay the same. Some make the same choices over and over. The consequences hurt over and over until that light bulb goes off over their head and they Understand. There is no time limit to learning. We can make it easier on ourselves. None of this has ever been a problem for God. It has all been thought out ahead of time. God loves us all Unconditionally, even all those rotten kids. They will come around in time.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
12 Mar 11
He's trying to, but some of you won't listen. You say if a child reaches for a parent the parent will reach back. True But my point was the parent reaches first. Like a mother of a newborn, it is not the child who reaches out for first, it is the parent who reaches out first to protect and nourish.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
12 Mar 11
I think we could, yes. I wasn't raised in a faith, but found God in the mountains.. Of course I had been studying world religions before then, but still, it was an experience I had, and still do have. Now I read the Bible (New Testament and Psalms) and have been for more than thirty years.. But originally I found Him outside in majestic nature..
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
12 Mar 11
VERY VERY GOOD!!! Which do you trust more?? Your experience or your holy books??? Since you have studied religions for so long, perhaps it's time to go back to where it started to venture into the undiscovered country that awaits. There is much more there to discover.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
12 Mar 11
I have had a similar experience.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
13 Mar 11
I trust the scriptures, because two people can see the exact same picture and describe it very differently. Experience is subjective. What I experienced was a reaffirmation of what I'd already read in the Word. Before you go off to tell me that the Bible is not been translated properly, or is a collection of myths...there are some very smart people out there in the field of ancient manuscripts and archeology that have spent lifetimes of study who say you would be wrong. At one time, the world scoffed at the existence of UR of the Chaldees, until they found it. The Hitites were thought to be a myth until archeologists found proof of their existence. Both UR and the Hitites are prominent in the Old Testament. There are pictures of the Ark on Mt. Ararat. I believe the Bible is the Word of God.
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@andy77e (5156)
• United States
28 Mar 11
Define "religion"?
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
30 Mar 11
Religion is an institutionalized system of beliefs and practices.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
31 Mar 11
First of all God is not going to give you instructions on how to live. You must discover your knowledge in order to gain true wisdom. Second, when you find God, then God is no longer a belief. I know andy77e exists. That is not a belief. If I hear people talk about you or read your name in books,you would still be a belief. Beliefs just point the direction where one might search to discover the real truth. Since I now have contact with andy77e, I can discover who you are without beliefs.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
30 Mar 11
Let us assume for a moment that you could find G-d without 'religion', and that G-d himself has some defined ways he instructs us to live. Would those instructions on how we should live, become an 'institutionalized system of beliefs and practices'? What do you think, yes or no?
@visavis (5934)
• Philippines
12 Mar 11
Yes even with religion we can know God because from the beginning no religion only FAITH that there is God. According to the bible the first human race known God through their ancestors and traditional beliefs.. but later on religion arised to help know God better and rightly in some cases.. see you around
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
12 Mar 11
Yes, if all religions vanished today, people would still search for God. Perhaps deep in our hearts we do know God better than religion does today. The initial motive is pure while mankind's corruption and need to control is in all religions. Still every religion carries some God within them.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
12 Mar 11
We are all children of God. Perhaps there is more goodness inside than you can give credit for. Sure people make bad choices when they place more importance on money and power but God will send lessons to teach us all. Do not count on Christ to come back, destroy evil and save a select few. God will lead each person with lessons from within. Many have been taught by religion to see only the evil in this world. If you look closely, you can see the goodness in most everyone. God can handle a few wayward children. No child will be left behind.
@visavis (5934)
• Philippines
12 Mar 11
actually if we are basing in the human heart and intention you cannot see any good instead all things are how to become rich, famous, strong and others never may few only wants God. But wait till God make his ultimate action the return of his only son Jesus Christ.. so even religion vanish few are looking and searching God for sure... see you around
• Philippines
12 Mar 11
Yes, I think we could still find God even if religion did not exist. It is inherent in every human being to search for answers on questions that goes beyond what we see such as our origin and the one who created us. In this manner, it would naturally lead us to search for God. This process in searching for God may be called in another word/term and not necessarily religion.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
12 Mar 11
I agree. The need to know is the driving force for so many wonderful things. Perhaps religion is the attempt to control other's view of God. They generate the assumption that all answers about God come through them. Of course, this is far from the real truth.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
12 Mar 11
Bird123, perhaps religion is an attempt to control. I agree with you. But someone somewhere has to have the truth. We can't all be right. If God is GOD and the CREATOR - would He lie to some and tell the truth to others? The paths that the world's religions all claim as true paths are much to different to all be the same path to God. If God is HOLY how can He allow some to sin and not allow others to sin. Take for instance the religion of Islam, they say its ok to kill the infidel who will not submit to Islam and then hear Jesus' word to turn the other cheek and love your enemy. Who is speaking the truth, bird123. Who should we believe in our search for God? Crisdel12, I agree with you. Every human being at one point or another searches for answers. I am saying, be careful where you search and who you believe. Not all are telling you the truth.
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• Philippines
13 Mar 11
Thanks debrakcarey. This is what I like about this forum, it helps us in searching the truth and affirmation of our belief. Yes, I agree with you on being careful in searching for God. For me, the Holy Bible is the absolute source of truth. I listen also to other world religions but I always refer to the Holy Bible. In this manner I learned to respect them and accept them as they are and at the same time I'm able to appreciate how blessed I am to have a faith guided by the Holy Bible. Keep up the faith.
@nj_1022 (251)
12 Mar 11
Definitely. Even without religion, God will surely exist for our own very existence is created by him. Yes, I would search my being and part of me is having God.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
12 Mar 11
Yes, deep down, we all know. That is probably why mankind invented religion to begin with. It is mankind's attempt to understand God.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
12 Mar 11
Yes, mankind did invent religion. After he rejected God's rule over him. After he decided that he wanted to be just like God. Pride and arrogance were the first religion in ancient Babylon. Not an honest attempt to know the One True God, rather an attempt to circumvent God's rule over them.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Mar 11
debrakcarey. Rejecting God's rule over them??? If God can create universes, surely He can handle a few wayward kids. As far as God is concerned, there has never really been a problem. Sometimes children must make bad choices in order to discover what bad choices are. Consequences will teach us all. Frying your children is only an option created by mankind to create fear to get followers. It is a SIN that religion commits even today. When will they learn better??
• United States
13 Mar 11
I've always wondered if I would find God as well. As I was raised by a non-practicing Lutheran but I feel more agnostic about things and just live day by day w/ or w/o any worries of a greater power beyond.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Mar 11
That's ok.If you ever have the need to know, start with spirituality to know who you really are. Next look around you. All the secrets of the universe stare us in the face. When you understand what this world is all about and what is really going on, you will start to understand God. New knowledge leads to new ideas which opens doors to new discoveries. You seem intelligent. One day you might discover God!! In the meantime, God will love you unconditionally regardless!!
• United States
22 Mar 11
We do not need religion to have a relationship with God. No where in Scriptures, anywhere, does God nor Jesus say we need religion. In fact, Jesus had many confrontations with religion. It was religion who persecuted Jesus. Jesus is our Saviour, not religion.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
30 Mar 11
Then why does religion exist? Why do so many follow religion?? Perhaps it's all those lessons that are learned around religion. I'm not talking about the ones about God.
• United States
30 Mar 11
Not lessons, ideals. Religions are based on ideals. Religions exist because someone belonging to a religion, decides they believe differently than the one they belong to then branch off and start their own religion. Research it for yourself, it's pretty interesting. I have no idea why people follow religion, there are as many reasons as there are people. Not once, ever, did God, nor Jesus, nor the Disciples ever say one has to belong to a religion. Jesus said, "...I am the way"....and that's all I need to know.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
31 Mar 11
People's idea of ideals is only part of what religion is really about.People use religion and beliefs to make money, control others, feed their egos, and attempt to create their world. Even your beliefs depend of holy books written by mankind. Should one depend on beliefs at all?? I can believe beliefs about you from books and what people say, however I can never know the real you until I interact directly.
@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
13 Mar 11
I feel that if religion did not exist, and your heart was good and near pure, the God would find you. He found Abraham and gave us the three great religions.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Mar 11
Children are what make life grand. God will always interact with His children. Of course, the determination that those three religions are great depends on how much one really understands. They serve a purpose. I will always venture to discover the truth. Discover not Accept. Question not blind faith. Religion needs to question more to discover the truth themselves.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
14 Mar 11
What have you discovered on your own?? Why does all your knowledge of God come from others??? Never depend on other's view of God. Go see for yourself.
• United States
13 Mar 11
I don't think its understanding. It depends on your perspective and experience. Not only am I book smart in terms of the religions, but I've learned from not only followers of the those three great religions, but the other two great ones (Hinduism and Buddhism) as well. So my perspective would be different from others.
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
13 Mar 11
I don't know if religion is the path to God cause the church killed in name of God. Everyone should find God their own way and get out from religions that separate each other. Like not being able to marry someone because they are outsiders??? What hell is that? How can people think God wants separations????? Leave these religions, good religion unites. That's the only thing we need to know. And most religion separates, that's for sure. That's why I'm spiritual, I help people but no book can tell me what to do .
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Mar 11
Religion claims to know God yet they can not see that. Hmmm?? The interaction of us all will lead the entire group in the right direction over time. It does seem there is a long way to go for people to understand. Don't forget to interact with religious people in your life. They need to see your view. If you have not discovered God yet, continue your journey. You are headed in the right direction.
• Philippines
13 Mar 11
The sad fact is, not many of use know what really a religion is. I just want to inform that religion means "way back to God". (If you just study more,or maybe much, you will learn that).. Its not a thing human invented. Its not even an invention!!!.. Man have sinned, and thus sin drove us away from God. So it has to be the religion to lead us back to him. Now, if you belong to an invented religion then you invented your own way back to him.(common sense,, are you a God!?)The truth is always there, you must find it.. ^_^ Now if you say and believe there is no God, think again.. million times or maybe knack you head until it breaks and bleed!!... God is God!!.. he is above the rest!.. he created mankind and everything around!.. wake up!!. would you believe you came from algae or monkey?.. then maybe you're a monkey head?.. ^_^ Logical Analysis: If there is no God and all of us came from single celled thing, therefor we are all god, for no one is above no one!.. even a house can't build on the deepest nowhere can't build itself!.. The very proof the God exist, is you.. you are alive, and earning at mylot now.. thank you!.. ^_^
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Mar 11
Religion was invented by mankind just as the belief you are flawed and need saving is generated by religion invented by mankind. Perhaps creation is a different discussion. Evolution is part of the unfolding of the universe that is created by God. Don't discount it just yet. Creation is a complicated thing. Simple answers are no answers at all.
• India
12 Mar 11
u are telling right thing when religion did not exist we can see the god its a great line one thing what our parents says dont go outside there are lots of unknown people watching u and steal u lets be with in home dont go ouside whats this meaning because we are small but not big they are saying like that we understand beacuse we dont know anything what they are saying and they are saying when we cry dont cry otherwise i will give to the other person just like devil thats why we became feared amd eat what we are eating at that time. We never discover god beacuse they create our parents and our parents create us they are gods and one thing religion doesn't exist
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
12 Mar 11
People like to create fears in others for the unknown. We should never live in fear for the unknown. The unknown is where all the great discoveries live. Where would we be without great discoveries??
12 Mar 11
Nice post! I am not a fan of religion. I think religion brings its own set of problems, especially in a world where there are different cultures, different religion and different point of views, not to mention different people with different mental problems! I was brought up around Christianity like you said, it was my parents religion. I dont think that there is anything wrong with it. It has opened certain doors which has allowed me to search for my own meaning. I dont care much for religion...but faith and spirituality is another thing. Religion is just an empty, meaningless shell without faith. God is everything and I do believe you can find it (him or her) without religion. I think the important thing is to open minded, unforceful and nurturing to others.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
12 Mar 11
God gave everyone a different view to guaranty mankind a larger view than any one person can have. The interaction between people of different cultures and religions is very important. Sure it creates lots of drama but it also creates even more learning. Every religion claims to be right. I have found none of them really understand God, however God is in everyone of them. Religion would understand God much better if they did come together and compare notes. Since that is a direction toward the answers, the interaction between religions will continue. So you are starting with spirituality. That is a good place to start. One must understand who they really are first. Yes, you will probably discover God before most people in religion because you are doing more than simply memorizing holy books.
• Philippines
13 Mar 11
I totally disagree with you two... ^_^ first:(PhotoDrummer) can you find God without a religion?.. sorry to say but It is the most brainless statement I've ever heard!. So how will you talk to him?. Do God have his cellphone already?.. or maybe he has a facebook account!!..Without religion, you faith will surely be just your assumptions of what you want not what God wants. We're the one begging to be saved, so it is not our own rules to be followed on how to be saved but the savior itself. Now, can you save yourself ALONE?.. second:(bird123) you said there are no right religion?..because they are just memorizing holy books?.. Now, are your words more holy than what is written on those holy books?.. there are thousands of religion all over the world, and to tell you, only one of them is right. Now, why do they all claim that they are right?.. simply because, false prophet would say they are right to deceive mankind.. but the right one will never said that he is wrong because if he says so, then he already broke his own tongue..^_^ I'm sure you just have not found the right one yet,.I would recommend listen to God not to the preacher alone,. and the only way to do that is through bible( of course false prophet also use bible, to deceive many ).. but, it is the only way to find the words of God., and the rest is just words of man..
@Hunter24 (90)
• United States
12 Mar 11
I believe that if religion didn't exist, I would find God. I think I would eventually begin to wonder how I got here and why I'm here. This thought is what leads many people in the right direction today. I believe that it would be much harder to find God, but he would find a way to lead us all in the right direction if we got lost.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Mar 11
I know you are right. Our intelligence would lead us in that direction. God helps everyone toward the right direction as well.
• India
12 Mar 11
Religions have played a very big role in the development of human societies. As once we didn't have any value of human life and we used to kill our brother also for eat him if we are hungary and stronger than him... It was religion who made rules and many things get changed time to time to give a future to human beings... But about God we are just weak to have believe in something which we call God ...otherwise there can be many possibility... I think everybody has their own God, so it is a personal believe...and I don't believe... Thanks...
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
12 Mar 11
If God exists then God can be found. I would never ask anyone to believe. Maybe it's time to discover. Don't give up the search for God just yet. God has a very very high IQ. It will take work to understand. Look around you. All the secrets of the universe stare us in the face.
• India
2 Jun 12
without religion, the concept of god would not hav been there
• Indonesia
12 Mar 11
if there is no religion in this world and you believe that there is a god then you will find it. God is not much live your heart, and god is ust as far as prayer.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
12 Mar 11
Yes, I think you are right. Perhaps more would discover God if they did not depend on religion so much. Memorize holy books and be done with it isn't quite the same as rubbing elbows with God.
@morris0n (11)
• Malta
12 Mar 11
I think if the person will not search for a God will eventually create one! What I mean is that it is in human nature to believe in something, even if it is something material like money. There are various examples so it depends on the person. I don't know if I made my point or not about the subject.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
12 Mar 11
Perhaps people value beliefs too much. Deep down, we all know God. Like with all knowledge, we fill in the pieces we do not know with emotional beliefs to patch the gap between the real facts. THe problem comes when we quit searching for the truth and rely solely upon beliefs. That is where religion and so many people are at today. There is always more to discover. Beliefs merely point the direction we should research. If we care for the truth, we can never stop searching for it.