iPad 2 released yesterday, how many of you got one?

United States
March 12, 2011 11:47am CST
Yesterday, March 11, the iPad 2 officially released on every major electronic stores. The economic one will be the 16GB with a price of $499.99, but I have this concern about I already have 3 computers at home, should I really need a fourth one? One question regarding to the iPad though. If I want to make copy of movie, or I want to watch DVD through iPad, should I purchase an accessory, like DVD writer/reader? What if I want to expand the hard drive, should be I buy one of those accessories too?
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4 responses
@Janexiao (173)
• China
25 Mar 11
it's much more expensive in china, i am eager to have one, but i don't have enough money, i swear to myself when i have a job, i will buy a IPD2,haha,i hope i can find a good job. If you really want that and you are rich enough, i think it's ok to have one.
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13 Mar 11
That is too expensive 4 me to buy one \ But I think it will be very playful, I hope I can get one .Hm```
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• Australia
30 Jul 11
Yes i think that it's important to buy the latest model out when you are buying anything like this because they offer so much more than the models before and usually has the bugs worked out and they become obselete so quickly for the price due to growing advances in technology that it is almost outdated from the start if you opt to buy the older/cheaper model.
• Philippines
1 Aug 11
I want to buy one too. I hope I can save enough from my online jobs so that I can buy one. I'm planning to get one by December. I hope I have saved enough by then. I also hope the price of the iPad will be cheaper by then. I think the iPad is a really amazing device. It is very portable and I can work on my online jobs like posting in forums, web content writing, etc. wherever I am without having to carry a heavy laptop. I also like that it has a big display so that I can watch videos and read ebooks wherever I am.