Are we prepared to rethink most of what we've been taught?

@Pose123 (21635)
March 13, 2011 12:08pm CST
Many people feel that the next two or three years are going to bring great changes in the lives of almost everyone on the planet. Natural disasters will occur at a rate never before known in recorded history. Such uprisings as we've seen in Egypt is but the tip of the iceberg compared to what lies ahead. It may not just be governments that will see the wroth of the masses, but those who are hoarding billions, while much of the world goes hungry. Big corporations that care nothing for the lives or rights of individuals in their greedy search for more and more to add to the billions, they already control. There may be things happening on the spiritual front as well, as churches and religions lose more and more followers, and hence, more and more of their power. Are we ready to accept that religion must be more about action than about preaching? Will we be ready to reach out to other cultures and religions and see that we are all brothers and sisters? If we are entering a new era, as many seem to think, we may have little chance but to do so. Do you feel that this is only fear mongering and that instead things will soon return to what most people think of as normal?
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13 responses
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
13 Mar 11
You know Pose, I don't know if I have yet to really figure you out, but if I know you, I believe you are looking towards the Middle East and know what is going on.. Then again I could be wrong, but as I see all that is going on I would have to say that it is horrible to see so many people devastated, yet I see G♥d's timetable falling into place like a puzzle..
• United States
13 Mar 11
Oh to answer your question, unless I am lead elsewhere, I feel what I have been taught and still learning is lining up with what I see going on..
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
21 Mar 11
Hi carmelanirel, Thank you for sharing your thoughts. At the moment I am looking at the middle east and I agree that it is very sad to see so many people devastated. I think though that we often forget that it can happen anywhere. I have a belief that all things are working out for the best, though it may not look that way now. From a purely materialistic point of view things look bad but we need to always expect the best and encourage everyone to take a more positive outlook. Blessings.
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@jbrooks0127 (2324)
• United States
13 Mar 11
There are two ways of looking at this. Most assuredly it seems that the world is entering some form of change that could easily escalate in the coming years in a very negative way. However there is another factor that may play a part in it. We have in just the last few decades experienced an unprecedented flow of information that we are constantly bombarded with. Things that just a few short years ago may have gone unnoticed by many, can no longer be ignored. If you listen to the news, in any form, or in any place, it seems the world has gone mad. There is never good news and often it seems if there is some good news about something the slant will be on the negative side. Regardless of what we may think this shapes our perspective. To view what is taking place in the world as unusual all depends upon your perspective. There were countless millions that thought the world was coming to an end during the second world war. And for many it did. History is full of times when things seemed to be getting way out of hand but then, with hard work and determination, it got better. From my perspective, the jury is still out. None of us have been blessed with the ability to see the future and so we are left to speculate. One thing that is a long as the world continues to divide and not work together there will be big problems to face. Even within our own country we are divided on so many levels. The statement..."United we stand and divided we fall" oh so true and it is up to us to recognize that we are no longer a united nation, for if we do not, we too will fail and that I am afraid is a given. United, this country can and has done, anything. To be so divided will only bring about our destruction. When we no longer love our neighbors, and God as we know him, we are doomed. This is a very thought provoking post. Excellent.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
21 Mar 11
Hi jbrooks, Thank you for sharing your thoughts and I'm very impressed by what you say here. I don't believe that we are looking at the end of the world in the sense that most people think of it, but that we are in for some big changes. People everywhere need freedom, they also deserve enough to eat and a decent place to live. I think that we can choose as to whether this change will be difficult or not, the question remains will people wake up in time to save the best that we have achieved, or will most people remain stubborn or ignorant of what is happening around them? Blessings.
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• United States
21 Mar 11
Thank you very much for the best response. To be honest that is a surprise but very much appreciated. What you had to say here was very good. It put into words what so many people see but have not been willing to voice it. I think the world is clearly at a point it is ready for change. People are sick and tired of not being the masters of their own destiny and when one country has a bit of success it makes the others believe that just perhaps the impossible is now possible. I am cautiously optimistic because we do not know where these new countries will go. I hope that it will be democracy and they, for the first time ever, will finally be able to join the rest of the world. It will take lots of time. But it will be soooo worth it. Thank you again and my best wishes to you.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
13 Mar 11
In all honesty, I'm not at all sure what "normal" is anymore. I've heard people talk about the "new normal" usually in reference to the economy and the unemployment rate. I hope it's not going to be normal for there to be a 9-10% unemployment rate or for the middle class to continue to shrink until it disappears. As serious as they are, I think there are problems that are more important than the economy. The division and discourse in this country have grown to unprecedented levels and it really seems there are too many people with high profiles, whether they be TV or radio personalities or elected officials, who are determined to further divide us between various ethnic, economic and ideological groups. The idea that we're all brothers and sisters, which is how I've always felt and believed, seems to be falling by the wayside and may be a pipe dream. Annie
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
21 Mar 11
Hi anniepa, Thank you for your response and I know that the whole world seems to be in a crisis right now. Hopefully it will get us thinking in the most positive way possible. Now is the time for more and more people to realize that we are all one and must sink or swim together. Blessings.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
19 Mar 11
I agree for once, with you anniepa! Its the old divide and conquer technique. Now if we could just figure out who is dividing us.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
14 Mar 11
Wow, deep discussion. On one hand you have such positive responses. On the other hand, I read only that things are bad and possibly going to get worse. Am I scared. I am scared that the people I love will suffer during these changes. I look around at the world and I see hate, anger, destruction and despair on every hand. As an American I've been insulated from these horrible things and a few years back something told me to wake up and start paying attention. We have Muslims crying out for the destruction of the infidel. And we have economies all over the world going belly up. We have a whole continent of despair in Africa because corrupt men want power and control. There is famines unlimited and disease run rampant in Africa. We see evidence of a very elite group of obscenely rich men pulling strings to cause mayhem, they use fear and despair to bring others under their control. And America, the land of the free and home of the brave, is no longer those things. We've left our morals in the gutter. We've allowed greed and hatred to prevail. What do I think? I think we are about to see the consequences of our actions. NOT just America, but the entire world. So, I've already rethought what I've been taught. I've tried to shake off the blinders and really understand what is going on. I think it's fine to try and be optimistic. But here's how I look at life...if I expect the worst, I may be pleasantly surprised if it doesn't happen. If I expect it all to be rosey and fine, and it's not...what then? I am not a pessimist just because I look at this world that way. I do hold one very optimist thought, God is in Control and He is on the winning side. So, I'll stand with Him and His Word. Thanks for letting me speak my mind. Great discussion.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
21 Mar 11
Hi debrakcarey, Thank you for taking the time to share your views with us. May I say that I don't mean to sound so negative either. We are spiritual beings and nothing that happens here can change that fact. Blessings.
@bfox2099 (58)
• United States
14 Mar 11
I think that life as we know it, is always changing. Even more noticeable is how much the planet is changing. I think the condition our planet is in, is sad. Its scares me to think that there are going to be more natural disasters. I do however, have a lot of hope that people in general are going to be more open to new ways of thinking and living. I think that we are going to start being much more open minded in what is right and wrong. At least religiously speaking. I can only hope that we will be more inclined to reach out to others and help, because it may be the only we get through the changes in our environment.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
21 Mar 11
Hi bfox, Thanks for sharing and I like your positive outlook. Unfortunately many people are stuck in their old ways and are unlikely to change, thus making it more difficult to bring about a better and more compassionate world. Blessings.
@donski (132)
• Philippines
14 Mar 11
I guess not. we never know what's in store for us. we should learn to live day by day. irregardless of your faith, your beliefs, and no matter how advance our technology is, still we cannot predict what's gonna happen tomorrow, what lies ahead us. i think the best that we can do is to be at our best. To do what we can do and care for our planet earth. Let us not put the blame on others but instead do what we think is best and what we can contribute.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
21 Mar 11
Hi donski, Thank you for sharing your thoughts and you are no doubt right. We must each do what we feel is best, where we are at the moment. Blessings.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
13 Mar 11
Hi Pose I hope that you are feeling better I am glad to see you and see that you are doing ok People need to stop looking in the Future and just take Day by Day, I have learned to do this it was hard but I am not willing to stress myself out over what is going to happen to the Planet or world because instead of taking Life every Day as it comes they will spend worrying over it I don't know if it is true or not but if it happens there is nothing any one can do As for the Church going, everyone believes in their own way and reaches out to God, just because they do not go to Church does not mean they do not believe It is just that the World and believes or the way People believe is changing and there is nothing that can stop it What People need to remember is God made everyone the way they are everything that is happening and created is by God, not just the good things, also the bad and that is what People need to start realizing in this world that preach to some People all the time I am not religious but I believe in my own way, I speak to God in my own way but I also accept all Creatures great and small, all happening are the doing of God as Life is one big trial and we either pass or we don't
• Canada
13 Mar 11
I think "normal" changes with the times. What was normal to the last generation will not be normal to this generation, and what becomes normal to this generation, will be shocking to the last one. I was taught something growing up, but I was also taught that the world changes.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
21 Mar 11
Hi danishcanadian, Thank you for your comment and I agree that normal changes with each generation. It also depends on culture as normal among some peoples of the world would be shocking to others. Personally, I'd like to think that we are moving toward something better. Blessings.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
13 Mar 11
I am not going to change the way I think. I was taught if we want something we have to work for it. We cannot say gimme gimme even if we are poor and expect some corporation who of course employ people to give money to us. That being said, the reason that the church loses followers is because it is not a true church. The true Church preaches about Christ and one has to obey Him. It is not 'give your money to those people over there because they are more worthy.' We do have to help those who are unable to work because they are crippled, elderly, cannot find a job caring for children, etc. are mentally unable to do so. But not to those who are fit and just want a handout. By the way, those big corporations you detest, do you want the employees to lose their paychecks so that someone over there can get their money? I am not in favor of communism or a socialist world.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
21 Mar 11
Hi suspenseful, Thank you for commenting and I don't favour communism either but we must remember that it's opposite can be just as bad. Blessings.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
13 Mar 11
Thanks for a Great Discussion topic! What we see, is what we get, and this will continue. It appears that the norm is no longer typical, and that we must rise to a higher level, and a new consciousness. I believe that the consciousness of the earth has risen to a new plateau, (The earth's rotation has been increased) and this new level of awareness is causing the changes that are going on in our world today. This new level of awareness, or consciousness has empowered the man on the street with new spirit. He is no longer content to be a simple survivor, now he wants a voice in Government, and a fair slice of the pie! This is as it should be, and as you have stated - Greedy Corporations, and Religious Organizations, who are putting Money first and people second, must change their ways and quickly for this is the New Norm!
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
16 Mar 11
Hi barehugs, Thanks for commenting and I too believe that the change has already started and we will continue to see great changes over the next couple of years. Blessings.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
13 Mar 11
What I think is the thoughts are very powerful things and when you get the greater part of the world being fearful you set in motion reactions that are not favorfull. If man is to undergo great changes why can they not be for the betterment of man instead of the distruction. Look toward your spirituality and believe that the Divine Life is all and while it may change it will not disapear.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
16 Mar 11
Hi savypat, Thanks for these very wise words. I agree that the changes can and hopefully will be for the betterment of mankind - but the choice is ours and we need to understand that. I think more and more people are but will it enough? We can only hope so but as you say, life is spiritual and can change but never disappear. Blessings.
@bird123 (10651)
• United States
13 Mar 11
WHY Pose123??? What's happened to you???? Where is all your positive energy?? Have those who preach doom and gloom gotten to you????? Grab on and let's go back to THINKING!!! It doesn't matter what the entire world does. IT'S WHAT YOU DO THAT COUNTS!!! Is this direction really where you want to go??? We all know communications are getting better and better everyday. Could Egypt have a new leader today without the internet and social networks???? Sure there are lots of challenges for the world today but adversity breeds invention. People will come out smarter. They will be more prepared. Disasters bring countries together to help each other. Mankind will show wonderful qualities but they won't hit the news. Rebuilding generates economies. We all need that to improve. Through every disaster comes goodness. Let's look for that as well. Yes, people were killed. It's simply time for a change. You know we are all Eternal so everyone is really OK! Let's pick ourselves up. Dust ourselves off. Let's see where the changes will lead. What the world needs most is that hope, positive energy, and the vision to point to all the wonderful possibilities. Good things are on the way. Let's choose that they will always mean much more!! Blessings!
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
21 Mar 11
Hi bird, Thank you for commenting and sorry for coming across so negatively. I know that we are eternal beings and that nothing that happens here will ever change that. I was asking questions that I feel more and more people must be asking themselves from a purely material point of view. The change that's happening in the world is I believe for the best but we need more people who see things as you do. We do need hope and positive energy as well as the belief that all things work out for the best. Blessings.
• Philippines
13 Mar 11
As of now, no one can really tell. Almost the same thing happened here in the Philippines. It's called "The Edsa Revolution". After it happened though, everything went back to normal. Maybe things will go back to normal soon in Libya but that's just me talking. I mean, who knows, there are other corruptions going on in other countries as well so maybe it's their turn to start a riot and protests or something.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
21 Mar 11
Hi frontvisions, Thank you for your response. We have to remember that what we call normal varies according to our different cultures. Human rights is very important and all people everywhere should be free to choose for themselves. Blessings.