Im confised. Which MMO game shall i choose?

@Alechin (217)
Slovak Republic
March 13, 2011 2:53pm CST
Now i wanted to get a MMO game. I used to play UO looooong time ago. Right now i dont know what to choose. One of my friends suggested EVE another urged me to wait for Guildwars 2.
3 responses
@modest90 (11)
28 May 11
most recommended is age of conan
@Alechin (217)
• Slovak Republic
21 Jul 11
I dont know this one is it good? What is special about it?
• Romania
29 Mar 11
If you want a good MMO, try Second Life. You can do everything you dreamed of and more than that can make real money. You can buy buildings and transform them to online shops and can make publicity for clothes and other real stuff. big companies like Adidas promote their wardrobe on this site.
@Alechin (217)
• Slovak Republic
10 Apr 11
Hey, thanks for the suggestion. Second Life is not unknown to me. But i had somme issues with it, since i was not able to take charge of the controls. I have no idea how i can earn in Second Life as well.
17 Sep 11
I really recommend waiting for Guild Wars 2 many people are saying its going to crush Wow and ive seen some awesome gameplay footage from Gamescon from TotalBiscuit and others.